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I was all "clearly that's been directed by a mental patient who's never even seen a movie," but incredibly, it's from the director of Bill and Ted, Mr. Holland's Opus, The Three Musketeers, and Holy Man.


I don't know what you guys are complaining about, that looks great! A slapstick comedy in the vein of Home Alone, but with HHH in it.


I don't think any of them have made a theatrical profit, maybe on DVD? I'd be surprised though. I recall one of them doing better than the rest (either The Marine 1, the Austin Battle Royale one, or the Kane horror) but they've done shit business overall. I think their main function is providing conjugal visits to once-famous lads in director jail.


The WWE films do really on DVD and until recently they've pretty much made the production budget back at the cinema taking into account worldwide takings. Be interesting to see if Legendary and Knucklehead still perform well on DVD as they were the first ones to really tank at the box office.


That bird in Knucklehead had a great arse if I remember the trailer correctly


Anyway, Don't see why people are slagging off this film so much based on the trailer, its aimed at pre teens by the looks of it and it looks like the sort of daft throwaway film you'd watch when you're off work one afternoon at christmas


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