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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Too far soapy...


I have mates in the army and we will never move on as a club by sticking to this... Its a disgrace...


The fans that have there idiotic heads up there arses for a past that aint too glorious for anyone...


And fuck the ira that chased my grandfathers family off of there land... load a bollocks and you know it!!!

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Looking at it now, it appears it was coins mostly, although I'm sure I seen a bottle in amongst the debris.

aye just reading the thread on that forum just now, i love all that stuff. (just as long as nobody gets hurt) :sleeping:

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Good to see all that Celtic crying worked, no doubt every decision will go their way for the next few months


Oh and Gary Hooper is a wanker, "big clubs always get decisons against them" yeah nice one Gary, no wonder he wasn't good enough for the English Premier League if he's that much of a spastic


You say that as if he's a 32 year old who didn't succeed in the premiership. He's 22 and has years ahead to go downthere. Your comment about how he wasn't good enough for the premiership is fucking stupid.

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I choose to wear a poppy and respect those who choose not to although I believe the term "poppy fascist" is a deliberately provocative term aimed at winding up the loudest knuckledraggers so they can be labelled as representative of the British Legion, the poppy cause and those who wear one. Listening to people use this cause to score points is offensive,particularly when engaged in the Old Firm debate.


I have no axe to grind either way in the Old Firm bun fight but in the top right of the picture of the protest is an advert for Nike Foot. Considering the human rights and environmental concerns that follow this organisation can I assume that a similar protest shall be held highlighting the fans concerns over the club accepting money from such a company?


I am not trying to cause shit as I would ask the question if it were Rangers fans holding protest banners and this is why I am posting my point here.



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Celtic chose to enter an agreement with Nike. They had no option but to wear a poppy on their shirts on Saturday and that was the basis of the Green Brigade banner. It wasn't a protest against people wearing poppies, as someone erroneously posted earlier, but a protest against the poppy appearing on the Celtic shirt.


Also, if Hugh Dallas was working for any other organisation in the world, he wouldn't be in a job this morning.

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Just wondering what old Soapy thought about ex-Celtic manager, John Barnes, wearing a big f*ck-off poppy when he was a guest of Sky Sports last night?


Why would I have a problem with this? He is a half-English man, on English television, providing insight to English football. If he chooses to wear a poppy, that is his choice and I have no qualms with it. It is his decision to make, just as it is mine to elect not to wear a poppy.

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They had no option but to wear a poppy on their shirts on Saturday and that was the basis of the Green Brigade banner.

I didn't think they had the poppy on their shirts on Saturday?

You're right. I think it's this coming weekend's round of fixtures where the poppies are being worn on the shirts of the twelve SPL clubs. Though with Celtic playing away, Saturday was the only opportunity the Green Brigade had to protest.


For what it's worth, Celtic have released a statement today condemning the banner:


CELTIC Football Club has issued the following statement in response to media reports regarding a banner that was unfurled at Celtic Park on Saturday.


The statement reads: "The actions of this small minority have no place at Celtic Park. We are currently investigating the matter and, clearly, we apologise for any offence caused."


I find myself agreeing with the sentiments behind the banner, but I don't agree with public displays such as this. The Green Brigade's banner - not for the first time - was an embarrassment.

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It's not about forcing people to wear a poppy. That's your choice. It's about protesting against wearing one.

Are they breaking the law? Was the banner illegal or something?


Peaceful protest is still a right we have in this country, is it not?


What's the point in a protest though? You either wear one or you don't. Why unfurl a spiteful, provocative banner about choosing not to wear one?

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Celtic chose to enter an agreement with Nike. They had no option but to wear a poppy on their shirts on Saturday and that was the basis of the Green Brigade banner. It wasn't a protest against people wearing poppies, as someone erroneously posted earlier, but a protest against the poppy appearing on the Celtic shirt.


Also, if Hugh Dallas was working for any other organisation in the world, he wouldn't be in a job this morning.


They never had a poppy on their shirts on Saturday.

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What's the point in a protest though? You either wear one or you don't. Why unfurl a spiteful, provocative banner about choosing not to wear one?

There's always a point in protest mate.


As for the banner, wasn't it primarily aimed at Celtic Chairman John Reid?


Also, Hugh Dallas really is in the shit now. This situation has gone from bad to worse;


Refs' boss Hugh Dallas will be carpeted by football chiefs after passing on a tasteless joke about the Pope from his SFA email account.


The under-fire ex-whistler will have to explain himself this week after it emerged he had forwarded the tasteless viral from his office at Hampden.


An SFA insider told the Record: "This has been an extremely embarrassing episode for the SFA.


"It's not seen as being malicious on Hugh's part but it is certainly a huge lapse in judgment.


"Hugh is generally seen as being a very efficient and sensible guy and he will really have to explain himself over what has happened."


Football internet forums went into meltdown over the weekend when news emerged that Dallas had passed on the email to pals on the day of Pope Benedict's visit to Scotland in September.


The tacky message referred to the child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.


It included an image of a road traffic warning sign from a school crossing.


A silhouette of an adult holding a child's hand is above the word "CAUTION". The rest of the wording was doctored to read "The Pope is coming".


Dallas is thought to be out of the country and could not be reached for comment last night.


The SFA failed to return calls but the source insisted Dallas will not see red.


The insider said: "Hugh will have to come up with a good explanation and he will be hauled over the coals for his stupidity but he won't be sacked."

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For what it's worth, Celtic have released a statement today condemning the banner:


CELTIC Football Club has issued the following statement in response to media reports regarding a banner that was unfurled at Celtic Park on Saturday.


The statement reads: "The actions of this small minority have no place at Celtic Park. We are currently investigating the matter and, clearly, we apologise for any offence caused."


I find myself agreeing with the sentiments behind the banner, but I don't agree with public displays such as this. The Green Brigade's banner - not for the first time - was an embarrassment.

Celtic will have had to make a statement so that is nothing more than crisis management. If they said nothing they would be seen to support the banners message.

I have to say though - Aberdeen (and I'm sure other clubs) have a policy that all displays have to be pre-approved by the club. Wether it be card displays or the giant banners on European nights the club always had them checked first.

It's hugely irresponsible of Celtic to allow something like this to happen if they genuinly don't support it.

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