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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Yeah, I guess you have a point. I just can't help but feel that in the current climate, Lennon walking will send the wrong message. These pricks will see it as a victory, and they'll know exactly what they have to do next time. If he stays and the perpetrators are caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law, it'll be that much harder for anyone to try it again. We just have to hope and pray that it doesn't go any further than it already has, because you know he's not going anywhere until at least the end of the season. I fear for what will happen if we win on Sunday though.

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And the proof it is Rangers fans is where exactly? If you have kept your eye on Northern Irish news this last couple of weeks you would have relised that dissident Republicans are doing their upmost to ruin the peace process. The last fortnight they killed a young Policeman in Omagh (who was a Catholic), there was a massive bomb found in Newry destined for either Belfast or Omagh and Monday night a booby trapped device that luckily didn't go off was left in South Belfast. I'm saying until it's proven who the letters came from let's not second guess it.

I actually never said it was Rangers fans responsible. Just said that the police should be doing more and that Rangers fans who take umbrage with the Celtic contingent who support the IRA should consider the similarities here.

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I remember the good old days when some of us actually discussed football.

I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs. Those were the good old days..... :love:


Anyhoo...seeing as our season is basically over the excitement has been drained for me really.

I'll miss Mondays game too as i'm on a course. Might catch the 2nd half in the Pub.


I'll just have to console myself with daydreaming about which free transfer players we might bring in this summer.

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And the proof it is Rangers fans is where exactly? If you have kept your eye on Northern Irish news this last couple of weeks you would have relised that dissident Republicans are doing their upmost to ruin the peace process. The last fortnight they killed a young Policeman in Omagh (who was a Catholic), there was a massive bomb found in Newry destined for either Belfast or Omagh and Monday night a booby trapped device that luckily didn't go off was left in South Belfast. I'm saying until it's proven who the letters came from let's not second guess it.

I actually never said it was Rangers fans responsible. Just said that the police should be doing more and that Rangers fans who take umbrage with the Celtic contingent who support the IRA should consider the similarities here.


My point was that there is scum on both sides, there are (or were) Celtic fans on this forum who seem to spend their time trying to prove that there is a part of Rangers supporters who are Secterian bigots and scum. Hardly a needle in a hay stack that. There is and it's horrible to think when you wear a Rangers jersey down the street you get tarred with that side of it. That's why up until this year I hadn't bought a shirt in about a decade and sat in and watched the matches on my tv rather than get involved in any running battles that inevitably happen.


The point I was trying to say was that they have there quota of cunts too. Some of the Celtic fans on here take (or took) more pride in pointing out what our fans get upto more than the good things that goes on at their own. I don't generalise all Celtic supporters as smearing shite on their walls, guerning about the potato famine, singing songs about the great days of the heroes etc or being in the IRA or whatever offshoot there is of it. Personally I think each club's minority of scum is as bad as each others and the games of one upmanship need to stop if nowhere else at least on here.


I hope whoever is sending these things get caught and persecuted to the full extent of the law. Could it be a fuckwit Rangers supporter? - probably but until it's proven speaking in generalisations I think is a dangerous thing to do as it just heightens tentions. I think Sunday things will be ok, I think even the biggest sections of dullards on either side will know it's probably not wise to act the maggot.

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On the Neil Lennon thing. If anyone hasn't seen the screenshots of the posts made by all the teenage footballers that have posted naughty things on their Facebook/Twitter, then they have all been screencapped and linked by the page "CelticResearch" on Twitter.

Some pretty shocking stuff by both sides - and I count the CelticResearch page in that. With stuff like that being spread no wonder there is so much paranoia among the Celtic fans.


I'm sure these were the guys who laughed it up big time when Zander Diamond and Michael Paton LOL-ed it up about how "The Pope should run over the Proddies in his Popemobile".


P.S - R.I.P The Dude/Soap/BazTNM Fan. Leave the memories alone. :thumbsup:

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I remember the good old days when some of us actually discussed football.

I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs. Those were the good old days..... :love:



The Lennon brings bombs on himself brigade are fucking morons. If this isn't some form of sarcasm, you are a fucking moron.


Who the fuck brings attempted murder on themselves by being passionate about a football team? He's not fucking Hitler.

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Indeed. That's shameful patter from marty. Haud on... Scotland's Shame. :D


We've got Partick away tomorrow. Could be a cracker. Both teams like to open up and play these days so hopefully we both stick by that. We're not playing for anything really, so I'd rather lose a pure belter than win a shitfest. I'm going straight from there to Largs, so if I have to sit through a shitfest and not go home and bang my head for a couple of hours, I won't be happy!

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I remember the good old days when some of us actually discussed football.

I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs. Those were the good old days..... :love:

The Lennon brings bombs on himself brigade are fucking morons. If this isn't some form of sarcasm, you are a fucking moron.


Who the fuck brings attempted murder on themselves by being passionate about a football team? He's not fucking Hitler.

Read his post properly you numpty. He doesn't say anything to the effect of "Lennon brings bombs on himself".


I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs.

He clearly says that the people who sent the bombs are knuckledragging morons who have completely over-reacted by doing what they did. I wish the Celtic fans would cut the pish when it comes to Lennon.


Does he deserve what's happening? Of course not.


Was he an inflammatory character during his playing & now his managerial career? Yes. The guy is no fucking saint.


It doesn't take a genius to know that his actions in recent times would attract attention from the idiots.

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I remember the good old days when some of us actually discussed football.

I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs. Those were the good old days..... :love:

The Lennon brings bombs on himself brigade are fucking morons. If this isn't some form of sarcasm, you are a fucking moron.


Who the fuck brings attempted murder on themselves by being passionate about a football team? He's not fucking Hitler.

Read his post properly you numpty. He doesn't say anything to the effect of "Lennon brings bombs on himself".


I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs.

He clearly says that the people who sent the bombs are knuckledragging morons who have completely over-reacted by doing what they did. I wish the Celtic fans would cut the pish when it comes to Lennon.


Does he deserve what's happening? Of course not.


Was he an inflammatory character during his playing & now his managerial career? Yes. The guy is no fucking saint.


It doesn't take a genius to know that his actions in recent times would attract attention from the idiots.


The quote is quite clear. As Lennon acts like "a knuckle-dragging moron", is it any wonder other people over-react and do this? As in why is Lennon wondering why this is happening to him. Key words are "then wonder why". Maybe you should read the post properly.

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I remember the good old days when some of us actually discussed football.

I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs. Those were the good old days..... :love:

The Lennon brings bombs on himself brigade are fucking morons. If this isn't some form of sarcasm, you are a fucking moron.


Who the fuck brings attempted murder on themselves by being passionate about a football team? He's not fucking Hitler.

Read his post properly you numpty. He doesn't say anything to the effect of "Lennon brings bombs on himself".


I remember the good old days when managers didn't behave like knuckledragging morons then wonder why other knuckledragging morons with even less brain cells completely over-react and send them bullets and bombs.

He clearly says that the people who sent the bombs are knuckledragging morons who have completely over-reacted by doing what they did. I wish the Celtic fans would cut the pish when it comes to Lennon.


Does he deserve what's happening? Of course not.


Was he an inflammatory character during his playing & now his managerial career? Yes. The guy is no fucking saint.


It doesn't take a genius to know that his actions in recent times would attract attention from the idiots.


The quote is quite clear. As Lennon acts like "a knuckle-dragging moron", is it any wonder other people over-react and do this? As in why is Lennon wondering why this is happening to him. Key words are "then wonder why". Maybe you should read the post properly.

The key words are actually "completely over-react". You just read it whichever way fits your agenda though.

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