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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Now that normal service has resumed, what are you predicting for the weekend Martyn? You think you could beat Celtic and go through?


I notice that Lennon has commented on Pa Broon's behaviour towards John Boyle, trying to add a bit of needle to the game :smug:

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Now that normal service has resumed, what are you predicting for the weekend Martyn? You think you could beat Celtic and go through?


I notice that Lennon has commented on Pa Broon's behaviour towards John Boyle, trying to add a bit of needle to the game :smug:

I'm not risking any predictions until I see a confirmed starting line-up.

If we can get McNamee and McArdle back alongside Considine and Smith I think we stand a (very) slim chance. If Diamond starts then we are toast.


I'm concerned that a severely weakened, almost second string side could get turned over badly by Rangers tonight.


I saw Lennons comments and had a good laugh. I like that Pa Broon just smiled them off. The pressure seems to be getting to Lennon don't you think?

The thing is I don't think Broon touched Boyle. It looked like Archie Knox had hold of Boyle - which explains why he looked shit scared.

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So Celtic are the only ones who have been punished for Rangers bringing about the "Night of Shame" then?


Makes sense. Nothing changes.


Boohoo. Catholic conspiracy mate. Fuck off.




You can hear them filling their pants with shite all the way from Ibrox to Hampden that the league title is on its way to Paradise.


Nobody mentioned religion you fucking bigot. Nobody's seen you in this thread before, so fuck off and stop plaguing it with your narrow-minded, myopic little agenda.


You really are a mop topped utter cunt, aren't you? Nobody has seen me in this thread before? Do you realise how forums actually work? You are the fucking bigot mate. You fill this thread up with utter drivel regarding your hatred for Rangers fans ( which I am not ). By Rangers fans I mean "proddys". You are nothing but a middle class toff who thinks that supporting Celtic means hating the opposition. You are a deluded little twat. Paradise? Fucking paradise? That's the sort of backslapping that has made Celtic a fucking joke for years. Yeah, Celtic have lost the league for ages now beacause of a "hidden force". That's why they were pumped 4 - 0 by shitey St Mirren last year. You actually have the nerve to bring up Hampden? The place where you lost the cup THIS YEAR? Aw, my mistake, you should have won that, if it wasn't for those blasted mystical forces. Walk down Ibrox on a Friday night and see if you're still chatting utter shite then mate. You would need more than your skateboard to get away.


It is perhaps unfair to even construct a rebuttal to this slavering, rage-filled rant taking into consideration that you are clearly a damaged individual, but I'll give it a go.


I'd like to see pictorial evidence when I've called Rangers fans "proddies". I don't mince words when it comes to Rangers Football Club: as an institution, it is rotten to the core and I would be the first to laugh if the taxman came calling, liquidised the assets and knocked Ibrox down tomorrow. But I've never made any inference whatsoever to the Protestant faith or its followers. It's apparent that you feel a desperate need to attach Celtic and me as a supporter of them to the same level of hatred that spills out from Rangers fans with songs like the Billy Boys or the Famine Song. I'm telling you now: you'll never hear an anti-Protestant sentiment emerge from my lips.


Paradise is the nickname for Celtic Park amongst our support; always has been, always will be. If you take particular umbrage with that, then I suggest you seek psychiatric help. I'm proud to go to my team's home ground and support them. The fact that rage courses through your body when I call it by this name gives me no joy whatsoever.


The Ibrox thing you speak of is just mind-blowing and shows you up for the cretinous bigot you really are. I don't think I'd be welcome down there as you well know: too many inhabitants are up to their knees in....oh wait, UEFA sanctions on that one. Up to their ankles in the unmentionable fluids. It is quite cute that you call me a mop head and a middle-class toff when you seem to venerate Biffy Clyro more than I once did though: it makes your internet warrior challenges of sending one Celtic fan to Ibrox to get his head kicked in even more amusing.


Why do you insist on writing like a Sunday Post journalist with autism? I'm surprised you don't start every post with " writes Mopatop " . I also didn't realise Biffy Clyro were middle class toffs. Thanks for telling me that ya big tit. You're hatred for "proddies" emanates from every post you make. You may not say it outright, but you really do hate them. Dont you? Could you also teach me how to use colons: I am starting uni in August and would really love a good bone up on them before I start. Thx man xxx

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I saw Lennons comments and had a good laugh. I like that Pa Broon just smiled them off. The pressure seems to be getting to Lennon don't you think?

The thing is I don't think Broon touched Boyle. It looked like Archie Knox had hold of Boyle - which explains why he looked shit scared.

Brown did touch Boyle. He grabbed Boyle by the arm and tried to stop him walking away.


There's a hearing due that will more than likely see Brown get reprimanded, along with Boyle.

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It's ironic that you go constantly go on about Rangers fans singing bile filled songs yet conveiniently forget that Boys Of the Old Brigade is as "illegal" as The FamineSong, yet not a week goes by without the Parkhead fairthful singing their hearts out to it.

Just because a song mentions the IRA doesn't make it illegal. Indeed, that very ruling was made in a Scottish court only two weeks ago.


I personally don't and wouldn't sing Boys of the Old Brigade at a football ground, but it is by no way comparable to The Famine Song or The Billy Boys, both of which have been condemned as illegal.

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Soapy makes a tongue in cheek post with that picture, Ally takes the piss out of Bloody Sunday. Why was Soapy suspended? He did nothing whatsoever except defend himself.

Because both of them were acting like two cheeks of the same arse? There's no need for any of that shit in the football thread in my opinion.

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