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I've heard you mention the "black band t-shirt" look on more than a few occasions now. What's the deal with that?


I've seen you rush to reply to my posts on more than a few occasions today alone. What's the deal with that? Are you the new Gladstone Small, ready to use my white hot heel heat for a cheap pop and hopefully a push to the ranks of 'Poster of the Year' in this years all important UKFF awards?


The black band t-shirt I only mention when confronted with jibes about my clothes in that picture; the reason many people hate the low neck t-shirt/skinny jeans look is that it's been adapted by the type of people they resent (metrosexuals, arrogant men, boybands, pop stars, celebrities), and seeing it on me they consider me in a similar vein to those people, and an unoriginal copyist at that. In response, I call as evidence the black band t-shirt look, much worn seemingly by people who listen to metal, watch wrestling and live half their lives on internet forums if 'picture' threads are anything to go by. It is as predictable and cliched a look as the one I wear in the offending picture, and I feel an equal disdain towards the people who wear it, and use it as justification to suggest that although I my clothes paint me as a conceited, pretentious cunt, at least they don't paint me as a dull, metal listening, wrestling watching stereotype.

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I've heard you mention the "black band t-shirt" look on more than a few occasions now. What's the deal with that?


I've seen you rush to reply to my posts on more than a few occasions today alone. What's the deal with that? Are you the new Gladstone Small, ready to use my white hot heel heat for a cheap pop and hopefully a push to the ranks of 'Poster of the Year' in this years all important UKFF awards?


TripleGay is the new Gladstone Small. I'm going to start sending him learning materials tomorrow.

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I've heard you mention the "black band t-shirt" look on more than a few occasions now. What's the deal with that?


I've seen you rush to reply to my posts on more than a few occasions today alone. What's the deal with that? Are you the new Gladstone Small, ready to use my white hot heel heat for a cheap pop and hopefully a push to the ranks of 'Poster of the Year' in this years all important UKFF awards?


TripleGay is the new Gladstone Small. I'm going to start sending him learning materials tomorrow.


Then who is the new TripleGay?

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I've seen you rush to reply to my posts on more than a few occasions today alone. What's the deal with that?

It's a slow day, dude. I'm in the house unwell so I'm in front of my computer, reading MMA sites, reading the threads and I just happen to have replied to a few of your posts. There's been no "rushing" involved.


Are you the new Gladstone Small, ready to use my white hot heel heat for a cheap pop and hopefully a push to the ranks of 'Poster of the Year' in this years all important UKFF awards?

Nah, I mostly post in the MMA threads, and that won't be enough to get me a look-in for any awards unfortunately.


The black band t-shirt I only mention when confronted with jibes about my clothes in that picture; the reason many people hate the low neck t-shirt/skinny jeans look is that it's been adapted by the type of people they resent (metrosexuals, arrogant men, boybands, pop stars, celebrities), and seeing it on me they consider me in a similar vein to those people, and an unoriginal copyist at that. In response, I call as evidence the black band t-shirt look, much worn seemingly by people who listen to metal, watch wrestling and live half their lives on internet forums if 'picture' threads are anything to go by. It is as predictable and cliched a look as the one I wear in the offending picture, and I feel an equal disdain towards the people who wear it, and use it as justification to suggest that although I my clothes paint me as a conceited, pretentious cunt, at least they don't paint me as a dull, metal listening, wrestling watching stereotype.

Man, you put a lot of stock into image, don't you?

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Nah, I mostly post in the MMA threads, and that won't be enough to get me a look-in for any awards unfortunately.

Even with your fabulous posts in the 'Politics' thread? Surely in a thread deemed so intellectually superior by yourself, contributions should, like away goals, count double?

Man, you put a lot of stock into image, don't you?

Absolutely. Don't you remember the famous mantra; "If your hair is wrong, than your whole life is wrong". I'm inclined to agree. Much os life is simple perception and many people instinctively judge a book by its cover, whether in a positive or negative way.Why do we buy clothes, if not to look good? You get the occasional person who chooses a coat 'because it keeps them warm' or 'because it'll last me', but I'd say a very high level of the population now take great stock in their appearance. We all love to attract attention, to be singled out as the most beautiful, the most talented, the most intelligent.The low neck t-shirt attracts a lot of attention, it's a particularly adept item of clothing for this task. It attracts vitriolic hatred, from those who dress conservatively, or hate hipsters, or think men who wear clothes like that must be 'fags' or 'take it up the ass'. It attracts love (in the form of drunken advances or Facebook likes) from girls who place great importance on image, want a man who seems to take care of himself and has an interest in his appearance (even if you hate the get-up, the person wearing it hasn't just 'thrown it on'), and it takes confidence to wear it, and girls love confidence. Personally, I love the 70s throwbacks of tight, low necked t-shirts and men wearing clothes with necklines that would make girls blush. Robert Plant, the hero of so many, used to wear tight blouses on stage with his skinny jeans. Edited by RIP Diva Sunny
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Even with your fabulous posts in the 'Politics' thread? Surely in a thread deemed so intellectually superior by yourself, contributions should, like away goals, count double?

I never said my posts were fabulous, did I? I said there were more than a few intelligent posters who frequent that thread, that's all.As for your convoluted post on your clothes, whatever blows your hair back I guess. However, I will say this. You speak of confidence and so forth. Most of the dudes I know who wear whatever the latest fasions are, and who put as much emphasis on their clothing as you do aren't usually the types who are confident. They use their clothing to cover up the fact that they aren't really very interesting and don't consider themselves to be all too attractive to the opposite (or even the same) sex.Of course, I'm not saying that this applies to your good self. Just an observation.
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Then who is the new TripleGay?

TripleGay is TripleA. He was Chris Harris. Now he's Robert Roode. If that group of forum outlaws who we cant say the three letters of were still around, he might have had a shirt by now.
Indeed. He's done alright for himself and might even bring some respect to the Mafia threads - in conjunction with gmoney, of course.
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Then who is the new TripleGay?

TripleGay is TripleA. He was Chris Harris. Now he's Robert Roode. If that group of forum outlaws who we cant say the three letters of were still around, he might have had a shirt by now.
Indeed. He's done alright for himself and might even bring some respect to the Mafia threads - in conjunction with gmoney, of course.
I see, how did he go from Single or Double, to 'Triple' Gay?
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