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Egg Shen

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In answer to your questions, the reason we contest 3 over 5 rds is because a) TV time we have, b) it's a UFC thing not in the rules of MMA that fights have to be over 5 rds.


Schiavello was unavailable for the last two, we are working on getting him in on a permanent basis but it will happen.


Finally I drove RdS to the airport this morning, he was fine, broken nose and a sore head (He had a hangover) he said that the strangest thing was when he came to and saw the doctors event pass that said Daly Vs da Silva Birmingham UK and he didn't know how he got to the UK. But half an hour later he felt fine. But the SAFE MMA doctors kept a close eye on him all evening.


I have to say from where I was sitting cage side doing the social media I thought we had just killed someone on live TV twice (Betorangal & da Silva) it was scary, but fortunately no-one suffered a serious injury.


On a side note, Freakshows original entrance he was going to ride into the arena on a horse!!! But Health & safety kiaboshed that. We will (Hopefully) have the other fights uploaded on YouTube this week. Highlights of which included Ion Pascu delivering the most brutal liver kick to Max Nunes the like of which not seen since Bas Ruttens hey day. Nunes nearly puked in the ring. Andy Craven delivering a heel hook sub in less than a minute. Tom "Fire Kid" Duquesnoys debut and Leon "Rocky" Edwards demolition job. An absolutely amazing event which I am very proud to have been a part of.

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I'll have a look at them prelims when they're up.


I have to say from where I was sitting cage side doing the social media I thought we had just killed someone on live TV twice (Betorangal & da Silva) it was scary, but fortunately no-one suffered a serious injury.


Yeah that's the feeling I had. Especially the Daley KO. Glad to hear Da Silva wasn't badly hurt.

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Snake, how does BAMMA go about it's matchmaking sometimes?


BAMMA have done a decent job of presenting it's core UK fighters on a regular basis, but opponent wise they always seem to bring in random foreign fighters. For example Daley's last 3 BAMMA fights have been against 3 guys who came over for 1 shot deals with the promotion. Joey Villasenor had 1 fight, Trigg has 1 there's many other examples.


Is it a case of if these guys win they bring them back?

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Pretty much. However going into 2014 you will see us expanding across a European base (With fighters such as Barnaoui, Rany Saadeh, DuQuesnoy, Jason jones etc.) so it will be not just the UK guys although we are British MMA. Hence why we have the British title (Although this is going to change to European title)


We are heading for 6 shows next year so we will be expanding the fighter base in general. Also, the overseas fighters tend to cost a lot more and one thing BAMMA does well is watch money. Hence why sometimes there has been gaps in the past. As I have previously mentioned, other shows are based on tickets sales. We have the show bought and paid for (Mainly by TV money) before we even get to the arena so while we would like to bring some of these guys back, the cost factor is the main reason we don't.

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cool man, cheers for the reply.


I always feel that with MMA there's some untapped markets with great fighters busting to get out. The inlfux of Russian's onto the US MMA scene proves that Barnaoui proving it in BAMMA too), so expanding throughout Europe sounds like a good idea.

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Here's a Access All Areas/Behind the scenes from BAMMA 14 by WHOATV


Oh and on a side note, I met Nick The Face on Saturday night. Looks nothing like I imagined him to. I passed on how much we all enjoy his work.

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Inoki's traditional end of the year show goes down tomorrow. Features a typical mix of MMA, Kickboxing and Wrestling (Jerome Le Banner & Ray Sefo teaming up!).




That is the MMA portion of the card. It's not like the cards of old but there's a few things worth seeing. The nostalgia head in me will have me check Iron Head Fujita.


Minowman is fighting some Pro Wrestler who's having his first ever fight, proper New Year's Eve matchmaking....then there's the completely random heavyweight fight between Brett Rogers & Phil de Fries.


Oh Cage Warriors goes down tomorrow as well in Ireland, it's live on Premier Sports.




that's New Years Day sorted.

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I'll watch bits of the Inoki show but gone are the days where I'd get up and stream the whole thing live, like all 7 hours of it, from 8am or something. I used to do that and still go out for New Years later on. Don't know how I did it, it'd probably kill me now.


I miss the days when they Japanese scene was thriving. Even after Pride, there was still enough top talent over there to make some quality New Years cards with the DREAM lot and Sengoku and stuff. Now the cards are pretty thin in comparison. I'll give it a gander anyway.

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I watched one of those shows a few years ago, it was kind of bizarre with it's mixture of MMA, Kickboxing and pro wrestling. A mate leant me his copy of it and it was 4 discs with 2 hours of stuff on each disc, but it was a lot of fast forwarding on my part, since I didn't have clue what was going on most of the time.

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I hold my hands up.


Rey - yeah I'm not much of a fan of the mixed shows to be honest. Going from a pro wrestling match, to a kickboxing bout to an MMA fight - it's a bit much. I love all three on their own but chucked together it's a bit of a clusterfuck.

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I remember the 2008 edition sneakily following the play by play on Sherdog at work. I almost spat my water on the keyboard when Hunt got TKO'ed by Melvin.


Sadly, that is the last one I followed, as it has become a less relevant event by each passing year. Its a shame, as during its heyday, NYE MMA in Japan was a truck load of fun mixed with some world class action, the ratings were insane on Japanese TV

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Yeah I was nerdily streaming the 2008 one and was mega excited for Hunt vs Manhoef. Two of my all-time favourites. Never expected it to end how it did, or as quickly as it did.


2009 was the last New Years show I really enjoyed. The Hideo Tokoro vs Jong Man Kim fight was outstanding. Tokoro had some really exciting fights around that time. KID vs Kanehara was good as well and you had Manhoef and Mousasi picking up quick KOs, Gono vs Sakurai and a great kickboxing match between Masato and Andy Souwer in the main event.


Oh and this;



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