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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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But it's not like they can carry on under that name is it? Even though the rest of the band are innocent, Lost Prophets are always going to the band that was fronted by a massive nonce.


The Beatles are the most influential band of all time, but if it transpires that Paul McCartney has been touching boys since the 60s, the quality of the music is irrelevant

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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It's a touchy subject, i imagine the documentary will mention the bands name and then say they outgrew the scene and just focus on the bands that were left in their wake despite them being a huge influence on the majority of the bands. Lost Prophets really did blow up before most of the other bands in the documentary were about really so the documentary isn't likely to focus on them. Here's the poster for the film, my mate's brother is one of the producers:




I saw Lost Prophets a few times before the debut album was even released, they were like a full on nu-metal act then. I never actually owned a record and i kind of lost interest after the 2nd album, i always followed their progress though (pardon the pun).

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Pete Doherty from the Libretines has gone awol sadly. Missed a gig last night in London and was cancelled minutes after they where due to go on stage.


Seriously hope he's not back on the drugs again, but really wouldn't surprise me unfortunately.

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I just had a brief blast through the new Bring Me the Horizon album on spotify, i know they were in-cooperating some melodic singing into the mix but it pretty much sounds like BMTH fronted by Justin Bieber.


I don't mind bands progressing and changing their sound (see Brand New from Your Favourite Weapon to Deja Entendu), and quite like the new BMTH album, but can see why long time fans would have a bit of a beef with it.

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I heard a few clips on a TV ad and they sounded like a full on pop band, which isn't a knock on them in the slightest but it was a bit of a shock as I remember them being relatively heavy. It's still not the biggest change in sound I've heard, I think Ulver win that with the change from Nattens Madrigal to Themes from William Blake.

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A band changing their sound is always interesting, sometimes it can really enhance them others it can be a major hindrance.

Like I say, I'm not overly familiar with BMTH's change or how gradual it has been as I've not listened to them in years, but good examples of a direction shift for me were Katatonia, Ulver (as Merzbow mentioned) and I'm a massive fan of Opeth and really enjoy the direction they have gone recently.

Bad examples I can think of are In Flames from Soundtrack To Your Escape onwards, the last Morbid Angel album was a bit hard to stomach and I've spoken before about how I've still never forgiven Fear Factory for Digimortal

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Pete Doherty from the Libretines has gone awol sadly. Missed a gig last night in London and was cancelled minutes after they where due to go on stage.


Seriously hope he's not back on the drugs again, but really wouldn't surprise me unfortunately.


If you saw him on Soccer AM at the weekend (yep apparently its still going) you would have seen he is most definitely back on the drugs

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"Medical Emergancy" is the official reason being given.

I remember seeing The Libertines at Leeds 2003 when they were performing without Peter, who I think was in prison at the time. I can't remember if it was Carl doing vocals or one of the other lads, but they were quite good that day


Saw them at Glastonbury this year. Was a unique show in the sense that they were not announced, and until the day, no one had a clue what was happening with the slot Florence and the Machine should have played (as they were bumped up to headline after Air Grohl). The screens either side of the Pyramid Stage show the lineup over the day between bands and the slot was included and labelled as TBC. It remained this way until showtime when as the slot was to begin their banner was raised at the back of the stage to a huge reaction. As my Mrs and a number of peopel we know have worked at the festival and were wortking this year, we got the heads up about who it was 10 mins before they came on stage. But it was still a great moment. As it goes, they were pretty great that day and played a decent 70 min set.


In other news.. Muse have announced tour dates!! Will be jumping all over that.

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bit of coincidence seeings as we were just talking about the "scene" on the last couple of pages, but Funeral For A Friend have just announced their final tour:




I wouldn't necessarily call myself a fan, i don't think i ever listened to an album in full after the first one, but it was an exciting time when they were blowing up around the time of their debut ep's and first album. I think that mix of melodic hardcore with the clean vocals was new to a lot of people at that time and it hit just as music online was starting to get popular with myspace and the like, it was a proper right place, right time kind of deal. I think FFAF may have influenced more bands that most people realise.

Edited by Ebb
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