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Post of the Year 2010 Now Online


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I can't beleive you thought it was a serious nomination. I posted it because of how terrible it was. My "lol" was more showing of that.


I did wonder if you were nominating it sarcastically, but decided you weren't.


A "Worst Post Of The Month" contest ought to be set up for such rammel. Could go some way in helping determine the year-end White Noise and Dolt nominees.

That sounds like a good idea, but I might win (or would it be loose?) that contest every month. It wouldn't be fair on all the other shit posters.

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I'd like to nominate this from one of the seanz requestz threadz . It's not a chucklefest, nor is it going to be something everyone agrees on (TapOut Tapes has already raised an issue from it) but it's down to earth and level-headed, with sound advice for seanz from someone who's made the same mistakes.


Seanz, although I'm throughly entertained by this thread I'm actually going to be serious for a minute because I was like you, as many people on this forum know me for my "First Wrestling News" days. If your age is actually 13 that is.


Like I've said, I was like you, I wanted to become involved in the business that I'm a huge fan of and by way of doing my FWN publication I felt I was. I came onto this website looking to promote my newsletter to the wider wrestling fans, however during that time I pissed alot of people off, Khemical probably being the main one, constantly emailing him about services and etc that I never had any intention to pay for, and I hope one day I will be able to send my apologies to him and end any grievances he might hold because he is a nice guy and doesn't deserve to be screwed, but I'm not about to get into that in a public forum, but it wasn't just him i pissed off, there were others too, including wrestlers. Your only 13, you have lots of things ahead of you, exams, higher education and etc and in a way my time editing FWN took my focus off my education and others such things. I know I was young when I started, I was big minded like you.


My god, I even created a thread about how I was going to organise a bus trip to a few wrestling shows, or something along them lines and nobody took me serious, and I'm glad, looking back now, that they didn't, I didn't know who the fuck I was screwing with, I had a big ego and I just wanted to get involved in the business and the newsletter was the way I could and after i gained a few contacts I even went a step further to try and put on a wrestling show! I was only 15, I emailed wrestlers, refs, announcers the entire lot and said I had a show planned. Eventually it never happened of course but I pissed lots of people off again. If it wasn't for the good man known as Steve Ashfield who slapped me around the face and eventually made me see right I would still be acting like a idiot today, he helped me, he brought me down a peg and made me realise what I was doing and I will always be grateful to him for that.


I created a lot of fuss back then and people probably still hold greivances against me now, I'm not sure but I hope to one day apologise for my actions, but again this is a public forum and not a place for such conversation. All I'm trying to say is, I've been here before and I've experienced it before so please before you even start.......STOP! If you do wish to get into the wrestling business then please do what so many people told me to do and that was to get involved with a local promotion, help out, attend wrestling training, actually get to know about the business and etc, or if you wish to take up wrestling journalism then please take care in your studies and do your best to getting a qualification in journalism with your school.


I just sincerly hope that you take my advice because I don't want to see another person go through the stages that I did because its going to get you no where.

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Guest Minodo
I should mention that I was thinking of becoming a paid member. What's the suggested donation and do I get anything shiny?


That said,




"Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"



(frankly, I'm shocked nobody had already been reminded of this sketch)




What we need is a new justice system. Yes, the mods should ban, and issue their orders from their ivory keyboards, but give the power to decide who should receive said punishment to us, the posting classes! Let an offender be trialled by a jury of their peers, and let those fellow UKFFers make the choice - a rule of, let us say, Mong by Majority - and should that Mong by Majority vote be successful, the jury shall then pass the mong over to a mod for sentencing. Democracy, I tell you! Democracy! Revolution! FREEEEDOM!


That, or we become an anarcho-syndicalist commune, taking it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week, but with all the decisions of that officer having to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting, by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more...



I nominate the above from the Battle of the BANS thread. "SHUT UP!!! BLOODY PEASANT!"

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Also, from Battle of the Bans, this made me laugh out loud:-


What was the Nation of Islam thing?


Faarooq and a few lads.




JLM's on top form in that thread too and is rocking a fine avatar as well as a quote from an awesome song in his sig. I think I'm falling in love... :love:

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