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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Oddly (in a good way), the director of my #1 pick actually replied to that. Although Noel Clarke hasn't called me a hater yet, so :(


Seriously, look at this cunt.




A genuine contender for the worst writer, director and actor in the entire country. Has anyone gotten anything out of one of his films or performances?

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Has anyone gotten anything out of one of his films or performances?


I got a few laughs out of how awful was.


Unless I missed it I notice there was no mention of Kill list in your top 20, did you not see it or just not like it enough/at all?

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+1 for the "wot no Tinker Tailer" crew. Though, to be fair, I've actually not seen a large proportion of your top 20. It makes me realise that I only go to the cinema about 4 times a year, and only really watch films when they come on tv, and am therefore operating about 18 months behind everyone else, like a hangover child of the 80s waiting for the US releases to arrive over here.


I got to meet the sound supervisor for Tinker, Tailer the other day and was able to gush about the sound in the climactic scene, one of the best bits of sound design since the gas station scene in No Country for Old Men. I do like getting to tell people whose work usually goes unnoticed, how great it is.

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Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark - Guy Pearce & Katy Holmes play a couple who along with Pearce's young daughter move into an old mansion they're developing that's got a nasty history & nastier inhabitants. This is a remake of an American TV movie from the 70's (or 80's? I've not seen it) that producer Guillermo Del Toro saw as a child & scared him shitless. I enjoyed this far more than I expected to, Holmes is better than usual & although it conforms to horror movie logic in several parts (don't go down there, turn the light on, ring the police etc etc) there's some nice set pieces & there's one scare that really made me jump. Definitely worth checking out. 7/10
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Has anyone gotten anything out of one of his films or performances?


I got a few laughs out of how awful was.


Unless I missed it I notice there was no mention of Kill list in your top 20, did you not see it or just not like it enough/at all?


Didn't see it. I forgot to mention stuff that I'm assuming from my taste and the reviews probably would have made it, but that I just didn't see. Kill List and Take Shelter were good shouts.

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You have FAILED Woyzeck. Always know that.


I watched Hostel 3 yesterday. There will probably be *SPOILERS* below:


The gist of it is that the Elite Hunting Club also have an operation out in the Nevada Desert, and they grab victims from a seedy off the strip motel. The victims are bought by EHC members as in the previous films and are killed by said buyers. The added element is that the kills are performed in front of a paying audeince, who can place bets on various aspects of each kill. The film follows the story of four guys who go to Vegas for a bachelor party weekend and, well, things go less than swimmingly for them.


It was of course straight to DVD trashy nonsense, but I thought it was actually better than both of the previous films if only because I didn't absolutely hate it and wish for great misfortune to befall all those involved in its creation. Also Eli Roth wasn't involved, which (Inglorious Basterds aside) I find is a positive for any film.


I think the change in setting to Las Vegas was a good call. Having the guards fully understand the language of the victims and yet remain so callous and take such delight in their suffering made the whole situation a little more chilling to me. Adding in the audience and betting side also made the scenario more harrowing. People placing bets on exactly what the victims will say whilst begging for their lives or which implements the killer will use to torture them was particularly nasty touch. I find that more psycholgically cruel elements like presenting the kills before an audience that the victim can see add a lot more to the horror than simply trying to up the gore levels and think of creative new ways to maim people.


I also thought it was better than the first two films in that it had a sense of tone and pacing and at least some semblance of a plot. It moves alongat a decent rate and has a more logical, gradual shift towards darkness and a sense of escalating tension, and the action gradually gathers pace alll the way to the end. None of this should really be worthy of praise, but the disjointed and horribly plodding nature of the previous two films make this look like a masterpiece. One of the primary issues I had with the first two films wasn't that the torture was gratuitous or even that the characters were all terrible; it was just that they were so fucking boring. Hostel 3 at least seems to understand how to start, gradually build up towards a climax and then end. It's like watching a film.


It also took a bit of time at the beginning to establish that its main characters weren't awful human beings and might be worthy of a bit of sympathy. They aren't likeable as such, but the main cast of the first film are just utterly hateful from the start and I didn't think that was rhe case here.


It got especially stupid towards the end (I thought the rubbish twist was where it completely derailed) , but I thought the betting thing was a decent idea, and the fresh setting with the kill rooms changing to sterile and well lit environments for the benefit of the audience gave it its own style rather than being a lower budget rehash of the other two films. I also liked that it played with the expectations your knowledge of the previous films gave you, like the hookers taking them to a secret off the strip nightclub not being the trap and the menacing foreign cab driver not being a threat.


It seemes to accept its lot as a bit of trashy straight to DVD fun with a bit of gore and some boobs thrown in. Hostel 2's attempts to make you FINK were so very cringeworthy that I'm glad this one doesn't bother. Could you believe that the macho guy didn't want to go through with the killing and the timid, introverted guy was CRAZY? Could you fucking believe that shit? Mind. Blown. I hate Hostel 2 so much.


Anyway, I would give Hostel III 2.5 stars out of 5, compared to a 0 for Hostel and a minus 10 for Hostel 2 The third film that went straight to DVD and has no involvement from anyone involved with the previous two films is the best one in the trilogy. That doesn't happen very often.

Edited by JLM
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Just got back from seeing Arthur Christmas which was a lot of fun. A lot more than I was expecting, anyway. Probably the best Christmas film since Elf. That being said, I wish Bill Nighy would fuck off; he's actually pretty good in this but then at the end he does another song and it just reminded me of how unfunny he was in Love Actually and everything else I've had the misfortune of seeing him in.

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