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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Exorcist's reputation has done as much harm as it has good when it comes to people viewing it...people view The Exorcist thinking that they are gonna literally be scared shitless, they watch it, don't get scared (it is pretty tame compared to today's films) and it kinda takes away from the fact that it's a great fucking film.

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I've got Man On Wire to watch via Lovefilm in the post, so will probably tuck into that tomorrow after work. Heard nothing but good things about it and to be fair I should've seen this when it actually came out. Remarkable story.


Other documentaries I've got on the rental list right now include Touching The Void, Hoop Dreams, March of the Penguins, King of Kong and a Louis Theroux boxset. Dig in!

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Im planning to go to the cinema tomorrow, and Im thinking of watching True Grit or The Fighter. Any thoughts on which one I should plunge for? (I'll probably end up watching the other one next week)

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I've got Man On Wire to watch via Lovefilm in the post, so will probably tuck into that tomorrow after work. Heard nothing but good things about it and to be fair I should've seen this when it actually came out. Remarkable story.


Other documentaries I've got on the rental list right now include Touching The Void, Hoop Dreams, March of the Penguins, King of Kong and a Louis Theroux boxset. Dig in!


nice selection... i recommend King of Kong to everyone.

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Went to see gnomeo and juliette yesterday. Made a nice break from the oscar nominees I've been seeing lately. Was a good fun film. Interestingly enough the only american voice in the film was hulk hogan. Never thought I'd see the hulkster and richard wilson in the same film!

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I've got Man On Wire to watch via Lovefilm in the post, so will probably tuck into that tomorrow after work. Heard nothing but good things about it and to be fair I should've seen this when it actually came out. Remarkable story.


Other documentaries I've got on the rental list right now include Touching The Void, Hoop Dreams, March of the Penguins, King of Kong and a Louis Theroux boxset. Dig in!


Excellent Documentary work! Reccomend all, thought March of the Penguins was a bit duff tho. I say go for The Tillman Story and Restrepo are two other recent (and great) Documentaries you should watch!

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Ebb, that was actually the first disc I was hoping to get from LoveFilm in the post, but for some reason they sent me Man On Wire first instead. Not that I'm complaining (about to stick it on as it happens).


If you're on a documentary kick also check out The Thin Blue Line and Crumb if you haven't already.


Also, if you can handle it, I'd recommend Dear Zachary. But be waned! It is very very upsetting.


I forgot to say I'd got Thin Blue Line on the list as well, good shout. I saw it back in my College days but I barely remember anything about it. I've not seen Dear Zachary or Crumb either, will have to stick those on THE LIST~! that I keep talking about.


Excellent Documentary work! Reccomend all, thought March of the Penguins was a bit duff tho. I say go for The Tillman Story and Restrepo are two other recent (and great) Documentaries you should watch!


Surprised on your view about MOTP. It's got Morgan Freeman's voice and a bunch of penguins, I'd say that makes it at least 4/5 stars alone ;) The Tillman story is pretty good actually, I don't think I've heard of the second one you mentioned.


See, in a way I feel bad having not seen many of these before, but only recently has my documentary curiosity turned into more than that. The last year or so at uni have seen me gradually go down that path with regards to what I want to start spending more time making. So I'm striking while the iron is hot so to speak and cramming as much documentary knowledge into my brain as possible.


Can't reember posting about them on here, but I started off my little Doc marathon by watching stuff like Michael Moore's work and Supersize me. Moore's work isn't the best example of fair and balanced reporting as it were, but they are entertaining in their own right and I especially enjoy the debate that comes from his work, i.e you either love it or you think it's a shitty personal essay.


I'm also at the point now where if anything crops up on the tele, I'll watch it. I gave Micheal Portillo's Great British Railway Journey's a quick gander (He did a trip to Cromer via Norwich. Local interest baby!). Nicely put together. That Hugh Dennis and Oz Clarke thing over Christmas where they traveled to different pubs and brewers was good fun as well.


...I feel like I am slowly turning into an old man.

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Valentine's Day, with Ashton Kutcher, Anne Hathaway and various others.


I want to say it's a predictable rom-com, but I can't, as I found myself not having a clue what was happening or who various people were in at a couple of points. I'm wondering if I fell asleep and missed buts. Either way, it wasn't great. Kutcher still has absolutely no screen presence, which led to a great joke.


"You could say I'm mister engaged" he says to some woman.

"Judging by your expression, I'd say you're mister vacant" said I. Okay, so it wasn't in the film, but it was the funniest moment for me.



To balance this, I watched Knockabout. Early kung fu movie, notable for being Yuen Biu's first leading role. Plotwise, it's typical late 70s fare, Somewhere between Drunken Master and Mad Monkey Kung Fu, with Samo Hung in a role that is practially Beggar So/Sam Seed.

Where this excels - as might be expected - is Yuen Biu showing off. He's generally great in everything, but by fuck does Samo put him through his paces in this one. Great leg work, a variety of kung fu styles, and some exceptional acrobatics - even by Yuen Biu's standard.


Fuck knows if you can still find this at a reasonable cost as mine's on the Hong Kong Legends label, but well worth having a butchers on eBay for, particularly if you like watching guys like Samo and Yuen Biu in their prime, during a period when wirework was unfashionable.

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To balance this, I watched Knockabout. Early kung fu movie, notable for being Yuen Biu's first leading role. Plotwise, it's typical late 70s fare, Somewhere between Drunken Master and Mad Monkey Kung Fu, with Samo Hung in a role that is practially Beggar So/Sam Seed.

Where this excels - as might be expected - is Yuen Biu showing off. He's generally great in everything, but by fuck does Samo put him through his paces in this one. Great leg work, a variety of kung fu styles, and some exceptional acrobatics - even by Yuen Biu's standard.


Fuck knows if you can still find this at a reasonable cost as mine's on the Hong Kong Legends label, but well worth having a butchers on eBay for, particularly if you like watching guys like Samo and Yuen Biu in their prime, during a period when wirework was unfashionable.



Yeah, Hong Kong Legend DVDs are very valuable and rare, I've got around 80% of the whole library.

I suggest topping up on the Cine Asia DVDs that are available because they'll be pretty scarce soon as well and very expensive.


Also I picked up Sword of the Stranger anime DVD for around

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Fuck knows if you can still find this at a reasonable cost as mine's on the Hong Kong Legends label, but well worth having a butchers on eBay for, particularly if you like watching guys like Samo and Yuen Biu in their prime, during a period when wirework was unfashionable.

Yeah, Hong Kong Legend DVDs are very valuable and rare, I've got around 80% of the whole library.

There's a couple of DVD stalls on our market that tend to have HKL DVDs on there, and still at

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So, at last I get a chance to watch Man On Wire. My thoughts? Absolutely brilliant. A fantastic story about a frankly fantastic individual and his desire to do something really spectacular. Straight away the actual DVD menu itself kind of puts things into perspective somewhat; for those who haven't seen it, it contains a graphic of the two towers which is made entirely out of words, stats about the towers including height, width, etc. As if there's any doubt already, it really puts things into perspective at just how massive a feat something like this is.


Aside from having incredible guts and a real talent, Phillipe Petit has such an infectious personality. He comes across as a very intelligent yet incredibly enthusiastic person, even humorous at times. The way he described some of his feelings, i.e when the guards are looking for them, combined with the reconstructions helped paint a vivid picture of the goings on surrounding the stunt.


A couple more things that struck me; there's some brilliant juxtapositioning as we see the towers being built over the years whilst Phillipe is growing up in a split screen sequence. Equally chilling is seeing the towers being built. Also, when Phillipe is doing the walk over the Sydney bridge you clearly see the rope shaking wildly. Even though you know he's fine and he makes it, it still makes you feel a bit uncomfortable!


Overall, seriously enjoyed it. Not everyone will be interested in Phillipe's relationship with his friends and colleagues and girlfriend of the time, but I think it added to the story personally speaking.

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Fuck knows if you can still find this at a reasonable cost as mine's on the Hong Kong Legends label, but well worth having a butchers on eBay for, particularly if you like watching guys like Samo and Yuen Biu in their prime, during a period when wirework was unfashionable.

Yeah, Hong Kong Legend DVDs are very valuable and rare, I've got around 80% of the whole library.

There's a couple of DVD stalls on our market that tend to have HKL DVDs on there, and still at

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If you're on a documentary kick also check out The Thin Blue Line and Crumb if you haven't already.


Also, if you can handle it, I'd recommend Dear Zachary. But be waned! It is very very upsetting.


Just finished with Dear Zachary. Powerful, powerful stuff. As a warning to anyone else, I'd say it's not best viewed hungover and emotional.

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