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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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It's a movie for men. It's fine that she was bored.


Where in particular did it drag for you? Or were you just feeling a bit conscious that she wasn't enjoying herself so you couldn't relax?


I used to be like that with Mrs Small, so I could understand that. But I realised I was over it when she fell asleep during Monsters a couple of weeks ago and I was enjoying it too much to give a shit.

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It's a movie for men. It's fine that she was bored.


Where in particular did it drag for you? Or were you just feeling a bit conscious that she wasn't enjoying herself so you couldn't relax?


I used to be like that with Mrs Small, so I could understand that. But I realised I was over it when she fell asleep during Monsters a couple of weeks ago and I was enjoying it too much to give a shit.

Yeah that's probably it to be honest. The other thing was that I taped it off ITV so it was adverts galore even though I could fast-forward through them which can't have helped. She nodded offmidway through and woke up as he was crawling through the shit pipe. She does that a lot. She did it during Attack The Block but same as Gladstone I was grinning like a twat at how awesome that film was that I couldn't have cared less.

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If you're anything like me, and Gladders and Houchen as I know, you'll tend to force your wife to watch films she's not that interested in, and then ruin them by going "oh, THIS IS A GOOD BIT, WATCH THIS" just before anything happens.


Falling asleep is her way of telling you to get knotted.

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Oh yes because people of course do not swear in real life so profanity in films is pointless, shit when I'm talking with my mates I swear twice as much as they did in this film and I'm a dumbass welsh guy who couldn't scare a fish with a frying pan, where as these fella's are I believe being made out to be quite nasty gangster type geezers who you wouldn't want to mess with, it would be a bit far fetched for them to be going around saying "oh I say mate how naughty it is of you to go having an affair with another man's wife,you rotten person you". I hate it when people go on about swearing in films, for fuck sake stop being a twat and grow a pair and if you dont like it then stick to Harry shitting Potter and leave us grown up's to it.


Also why the fuck would a kid be watching this film?. I can imagine alot of kids being fans of Ray Winstone and John Hurt, "oh mummy I dont want to watch Harry Potter lets go and watch that film where Carlin from Scum tortures the shit out of a frenchman.


Right rant over, good film though fairplay


A disgusting, profanity-laden post which I won't be replying to due to the sheer amount of foul language. Let's hope no children are reading that post of yours.

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If you're anything like me, and Gladders and Houchen as I know, you'll tend to force your wife to watch films she's not that interested in, and then ruin them by going "oh, THIS IS A GOOD BIT, WATCH THIS" just before anything happens.


Falling asleep is her way of telling you to get knotted.


Yeah you've hit the nail on the head. I tried to get her to watch The Godfather and was saying "Get, ready, it's going to get good in a second, trust me" and she basically sat there and went "BOOOOOOOOOOOORING" and nodded off. I did somehow manage to get her to watch Commando though which was some kind of minor miracle but probably helped by the fact that I coupled it with the Commando drinking game so I think it was the prospect of getting hammered more than Arnie crack one liners whilst chasing a villain wearing a chain mail vest and a moustache you could crack rocks on.

Edited by cobra_gordo
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If you wish to neatly encapsulate the difference between men and women, it is that women see nothing entertaining in watching an unintelligible Austrian muscleman chase a vaguely camp Australian wearing a chain mail vest and a moustache you could crack rocks on. Whereas men think that's the best thing ever.

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I'm quite well off in that regard, she quite likes Arnie's films, especially True Lies and Terminator 2. I don't think she's quite so keen on Clint, though, so if I want some peace and quiet I might stick High Plains Drifter on tomorrow night.

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If you wish to neatly encapsulate the difference between men and women, it is that women see nothing entertaining in watching an unintelligible Austrian muscleman chase a vaguely camp Australian wearing a chain mail vest and a moustache you could crack rocks on. Whereas men think that's the best thing ever.


It's just a shame that "Women see nothing entertaining in watching an unintelligible Austrian muscleman chase a vaguely camp Australian wearing a chain mail vest and a moustache you could crack rocks on. Whereas men think that's the best thing ever" doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well as "Men are from Mars Women Are From Venus"

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Ha Ha, im pretty lucky, my missus enjoys watching pretty much the same films that i watch with a few slight exceptions she isnt a fan of 80's slashers as she thinks they are poorly made and doesnt like the age the print is she expects something like Chopping Mall to be a crisp clear print like a 2012 made movie


Other than that i can happily watch anything with her without any issues she always zoned out whilst watching a movie and silent like in a trance its quite fun to see, she really really likes Period Foreign movies.


Tonight on the Movies to watch between episodes of Fist of Fury are :


Enter the Void




Anyone recommend ?

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Yeah picked up the Blue Underground version for free from a friend :)


Wanted to see what it was about looked pretty good

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