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Just do medicals at school, kids found to be overweight get a letter sent home, seriously overweight get a different letter, no change 6 months later and bring charges of neglect against the parents.

Before we venture down such dimly lit paths, why not suggest that the Government focus first of all on the actual fast food companies themselves? Most of their marketing is aimed at children, isn't it?


The truth is, if people started eating healthier these big companies wouldn't be too happy about it.


Another factor would have to be price. I tend to eat quite healthy, and I know that it isn't cheap. Fresh fruit & vegetables don't come cheap, and they don't have a long shelf life either. I usually find myself in the supermarket at least twice a week. Does a parent who works all day and looks after a child at night have time to do that?


Throw in chicken breast, fruit juices (real fruit juices, not the sugar-laden shit), fresh fish and the like and it can easily mount up. I can spend anything up to

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Or do you think this forum is representitive of public opinion? Actually, that would be the political threads, since the resident leftist fuckwits manage to run off and intimidate anyone that goes against their views from posting, as confirmed by the several PMs that I have recieved in the past few months.


My God, man. Several PMs over months? I had no idea it was so serious.


There's bound to be some counselling near you. Get in touch, please. This is some bad stuff going on.

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Sure, Jamie Oliver's annoying and infuriating, but at the very least he tried to accomplish something that would help deal with the child health problems, and what happens? You get a whole bunch of people slagging him off for being irritating, and completely ignoring his contribution, because, y'know, being annoying means that nothing you do can ever have value, of course.


If he toned it down and stopped being such a smug little prick he probably would have accomplished something but the sad fact is when you carry yourself like a cunt people will tend to ignore what you have to say even if it is positive so Oliver has only himself to blame for how the public thinks of him.


I think Charlie Brooker summed it well.



The genuine contempt Oliver had for that kid was plain to see and I refuse to take anyone who uses the mix loads of food up so it looks like shit method of making a point seriously.




Serious question what legal means can a parent use to FORCE his, her or their child to actually eat what healthy food? Im betting that if Jane Bloggs tied little Jimmy to a chair and force fed him his greens things wouldn't end well.


I know you were mainly getting at idiot parents who clearly don't care what their children eat btw.

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I do enjoy the way you feel any abuse is caused by people being leftist bullying fuckwits, and it hasn't occurred to you that it may be more a reflection of the way you behave on here.

But c'est la vie.

The only way I am behaving on here is putting my points across in a reasonable way. If people can't handle that, it's their problem.


The problem is that too many people can't handle their narrow-minded viewpoints being challenged in any way, and throw their toys out of the pram when anyone dares to post something that goes against the liberal line. It seems to be fairly consistent across just about any kind of political forum on the internet, other than those that are strictly moderated.

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I do enjoy the way you feel any abuse is caused by people being leftist bullying fuckwits, and it hasn't occurred to you that it may be more a reflection of the way you behave on here.

But c'est la vie.

The only way I am behaving on here is putting my points across in a reasonable way. If people can't handle that, it's their problem.


The problem is that too many people can't handle their narrow-minded viewpoints being challenged in any way, and throw their toys out of the pram when anyone dares to post something that goes against the liberal line. It seems to be fairly consistent across just about any kind of political forum on the internet, other than those that are strictly moderated.


You just couldn't have illustrated my point any better.

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I do enjoy the way you feel any abuse is caused by people being leftist bullying fuckwits, and it hasn't occurred to you that it may be more a reflection of the way you behave on here.

But c'est la vie.

The only way I am behaving on here is putting my points across in a reasonable way. If people can't handle that, it's their problem.


The problem is that too many people can't handle their narrow-minded viewpoints being challenged in any way, and throw their toys out of the pram when anyone dares to post something that goes against the liberal line. It seems to be fairly consistent across just about any kind of political forum on the internet, other than those that are strictly moderated.


You just couldn't have illustrated my point any better.

That's your opinion and you are entitled to it. As I am to mine. It is not for the likes of you to state that the way I put my points across is "wrong", becuase they do not fit your tightly bound rules of discussion.


Why not try arguing against the points, rather than arguing against how they are worded?

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People argue your points all the time. You don't answer them.


Also, I am BEGGING the many people who've PMed you to stand up and be counted. In the spirit off fair play and honest debate, I think all us liberal bastards should volunteer forr suspension in the event that we are rude. It is incredibly sad that debate should be stifled by our horrific levels of hostility.

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Stop calling people who have views you disagree with "trolls". It's a ridiculous attempt to stifle discussion that is all to common, and is the main cause IMO, of so many people feeling disengaged from politics. People that think the left is generally full of shit aren't stupid, and shouldn't be afraid to make their opinions known.


How about you stop claiming that people are berating you for a difference of opinion, rather than the real reason, which is they're fed up with your non-method of argument, which consists of asking questions, then whining about the swearing as a smokescreen for the fact you've provided no counters, and moving the goalposts or hiding behind "the leftist agenda" as a standard fall-back when they address them, completely ignoring any points they make, then coming back and claiming none have been made, despite several people providing you with several, blatant, cited examples from previous pages?




Serious question what legal means can a parent use to FORCE his, her or their child to actually eat what healthy food? Im betting that if Jane Bloggs tied little Jimmy to a chair and force fed him his greens things wouldn't end well.


I know you were mainly getting at idiot parents who clearly don't care what their children eat btw.


I'm not talking about using legal means, though. People have been raising kids for millennia simply by providing them with the proper guidance in the right direction, which is my point. I'm not arguing that kids have a legal right to choose whatever they want to eat, but parents who cite that as a reason for actively supplying them with shit they know is bad for them are a bunch of wretched fucking cunts who don't deserve to even BE fertile, let alone have kids. I'm not a parent, but even I know that parents are supposed to have a sense of responsibility for their child, and that includes doing your best to get them to eat properly. Until a certain age, most parents get to decide anyway by being the sole providers, but later on, when the kids have access to other foods, said parents should be making every effort to educate and encourage these children to eat healthily, and any parent who does what that fuck-headed mother did by providing hot-dog/burger vans and so on is betraying that responsibility.


I wouldn't put it on a par with child abuse, and you can't really legislate for such things outside making sure schools provide nutritious meals, but it's bad parenting nonetheless. I suppose I'm simply advocating screaming abuse in said parents face, Aphex Twin-style, until they fucking listen.

Edited by Carbomb
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How about you stop claiming that people are berating you for a difference of opinion, rather than the real reason, which is they're fed up with your non-method of argument, which consists of asking questions, then whining about the swearing as a smokescreen for the fact you've provided no counters, and moving the goalposts or hiding behind "the leftist agenda" as a standard fall-back when they address them, completely ignoring any points they make, then coming back and claiming none have been made, despite several people providing you with several, blatant, cited examples from previous pages?

Fuck off. You do not decide what is and what isn't a valid method of argument. Post your opinions. Other people do the same. Don't start telling peopel how and when and what they are allowed to post for it to be considered "valid" in your own cosy liberal world.


I'm not talking about using legal means, though. People have been raising kids for millennia simply by providing them with the proper guidance in the right direction, which is my point. I'm not arguing that kids have a legal right to choose whatever they want to eat, but parents who cite that as a reason for actively supplying them with shit they know is bad for them are a bunch of wretched fucking cunts who don't deserve to even BE fertile, let alone have kids. I'm not a parent, but even I know that parents are supposed to have a sense of responsibility for their child, and that includes doing your best to get them to eat properly. Until a certain age, most parents get to decide anyway by being the sole providers, but later on, when the kids have access to other foods, said parents should be making every effort to educate and encourage these children to eat healthily, and any parent who does what that fuck-headed mother did by providing hot-dog/burger vans and so on is betraying that responsibility.


I wouldn't put it on a par with child abuse, and you can't really legislate for such things outside making sure schools provide nutritious meals, but it's bad parenting nonetheless. I suppose I'm simply advocating screaming abuse in said parents face, Aphex Twin-style, until they fucking listen.

I agree with that. But why have we got to the stage where so many parents genuinely think there is nothing wrong with feeding their kids junk(or letting them feed themselves junk) despite the fact that it is obvious to everyone that they are becoming dangerously unhealthy as a result. IMO it is because of the increasing scope of the state, and the idea that people should leave things to "society" to take care of, whether that be education, basic socialisation (such as teaching kids to eat with a knife and fork, wipe their own arse, and even be able to sit up unaided), money (EMA as a benefits starter kit), and plenty of other things I could think of given time. The more the state does for people, the less they are prepared to do themselves, and society suffers as a result, particularly when cuts have to be made, as is the case at present.

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