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I'm not opposed to prisoners being allowed perks. But they should have to earn them, by working. They shouldn't be given as a matter of course.

Can you show me instances of criminals being sent to prison and being given playstations, big televisions & nice comfy cells straight off the bat?


I know for a fact that anyone who get's sent down to Barlinnie prison in Glasgow gets put in a small cell with another person, and they stay in that cell for between 20-22 hours per day most of the time, with an hour excercise allowed.


They get three one hour visits per month.


There's no Playstations, no Sky television in their cell etc.


Once they put in a period of time with good behaviour they get moved to a slightly bigger cell, get the opportunity to work a job (for around

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I'm not opposed to prisoners being allowed perks. But they should have to earn them, by working. They shouldn't be given as a matter of course.

Can you show me instances of criminals being sent to prison and being given playstations, big televisions & nice comfy cells straight off the bat?


I know for a fact that anyone who get's sent down to Barlinnie prison in Glasgow gets put in a small cell with another person, and they stay in that cell for between 20-22 hours per day most of the time, with an hour excercise allowed.


They get three one hour visits per month.


There's no Playstations, no Sky television in their cell etc.


Once they put in a period of time with good behaviour they get moved to a slightly bigger cell, get the opportunity to work a job (for around

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I'm not opposed to prisoners being allowed perks. But they should have to earn them, by working. They shouldn't be given as a matter of course.

Can you show me instances of criminals being sent to prison and being given playstations, big televisions & nice comfy cells straight off the bat?


I know for a fact that anyone who get's sent down to Barlinnie prison in Glasgow gets put in a small cell with another person, and they stay in that cell for between 20-22 hours per day most of the time, with an hour excercise allowed.


They get three one hour visits per month.


There's no Playstations, no Sky television in their cell etc.


Once they put in a period of time with good behaviour they get moved to a slightly bigger cell, get the opportunity to work a job (for around

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A few posts later, when someone pulled you up on it you stated they should first be warned. Your original post was a little more reactionary.

Care to answer my question about where your experience/knowledge of prison comes from?

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An interesting article here, which I'm sure would be found controversial by most in the West. Whilst I don't necessarily share his positive evaluation of Qaddafi 100%, I do agree it's true that the Western media has done an amazing hatchet-job on the guy. It's by an African writer:


The lies behind the West's war on Libya

Jean-Paul Pougala

2011-04-14, Issue 525




It was Gaddafi

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I've always felt that the importance of healthy eating would be a lot easier to get across if certain newspapers didn't feel the need to write articles such as "such and such a vegetable linked to cancer!" or "drinking water leads to cancer" or the other numerous scaremongering bollocks that has been written up in articles. I can understand why it happens, humans need to find links between things so that they feel there's an essence of cause and effect in the universe, but it doesn't do the whole idea of healthy eating any favours. Such articles used to come up every now and again in my parent's 'papers of choice, normally The Sun or the News of the World. Of course, freedom of the press is important but you can't expect healthy eating to be held in high regard with such contradictory messages.


That and I think the glame isn't been pinned on the right section of society. Its clear that there's a suggestion here that tis unemployed people looking for benefits who arn't looking after their kids properly and worrying about their dietry habbits, but I'm willing to bet that its also an issue in professional households where now days both mummy and daddy will have really important careers and have less time for their children than would traditionally be afforded to them. But then of course you have to balance up fairness. Men and women should equally be allowed to have such careers. Children should equally be given appropiate levels of attention. But in the real world, that doesn't always happen, and really there's no solution to it. Not that I'm suggesting all professional couples are like but it shouldn't be suggested that only *cough* "parasitic wasters" are like it, nor that all of them are like it.

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A few posts later, when someone pulled you up on it you stated they should first be warned. Your original post was a little more reactionary.

Care to answer my question about where your experience/knowledge of prison comes from?

Dealing with people recently released from prison while working for Jobcentre plus. The most striking comment I heard is that someone would rather beat someone up than grass them up to the police because they didn't want them to go to prison because it was so good. It's abundantly clear that for a lot of people, it's being released that is the punishment, and being in prison the easy life.

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I'd say that says more about their standard of living outside of prison rather than an indication that prisons aren't tough enough.

Another thing to bear in mind is that when people come out of prison they're rarely honest & open about their experiences. How many people say 'I cried myself to sleep most nights, walked round avoiding eye contact at all costs as I was terrified'. You're much more likely to hear some bravado bullshit.

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I've always felt that the importance of healthy eating would be a lot easier to get across if certain newspapers didn't feel the need to write articles such as "such and such a vegetable linked to cancer!" or "drinking water leads to cancer" or the other numerous scaremongering bollocks that has been written up in articles. I can understand why it happens, humans need to find links between things so that they feel there's an essence of cause and effect in the universe, but it doesn't do the whole idea of healthy eating any favours. Such articles used to come up every now and again in my parent's 'papers of choice, normally The Sun or the News of the World. Of course, freedom of the press is important but you can't expect healthy eating to be held in high regard with such contradictory messages.


That and I think the glame isn't been pinned on the right section of society. Its clear that there's a suggestion here that tis unemployed people looking for benefits who arn't looking after their kids properly and worrying about their dietry habbits, but I'm willing to bet that its also an issue in professional households where now days both mummy and daddy will have really important careers and have less time for their children than would traditionally be afforded to them. But then of course you have to balance up fairness. Men and women should equally be allowed to have such careers. Children should equally be given appropiate levels of attention. But in the real world, that doesn't always happen, and really there's no solution to it. Not that I'm suggesting all professional couples are like but it shouldn't be suggested that only *cough* "parasitic wasters" are like it, nor that all of them are like it.


I personally also think that the current mindset of society is that of a twat, as well. Sure, Jamie Oliver's annoying and infuriating, but at the very least he tried to accomplish something that would help deal with the child health problems, and what happens? You get a whole bunch of people slagging him off for being irritating, and completely ignoring his contribution, because, y'know, being annoying means that nothing you do can ever have value, of course.


Also, there are those fuck-witted parents who started arranging for junk-food vans and what-have-you to park outside schools because, according to them, "kids should have a choice". NO THEY SHOULDN'T, YOU FUCKING WASTE OF DNA - YOUR JOB AS A PARENT IS TO MAKE SURE THEY FUCKING EAT PROPERLY WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT.

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I'm not opposed to prisoners being allowed perks. But they should have to earn them, by working. They shouldn't be given as a matter of course.

Can you show me instances of criminals being sent to prison and being given playstations, big televisions & nice comfy cells straight off the bat?


I know for a fact that anyone who get's sent down to Barlinnie prison in Glasgow gets put in a small cell with another person, and they stay in that cell for between 20-22 hours per day most of the time, with an hour excercise allowed.


They get three one hour visits per month.


There's no Playstations, no Sky television in their cell etc.


Once they put in a period of time with good behaviour they get moved to a slightly bigger cell, get the opportunity to work a job (for around

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I'm not opposed to prisoners being allowed perks. But they should have to earn them, by working. They shouldn't be given as a matter of course.

Can you show me instances of criminals being sent to prison and being given playstations, big televisions & nice comfy cells straight off the bat?


I know for a fact that anyone who get's sent down to Barlinnie prison in Glasgow gets put in a small cell with another person, and they stay in that cell for between 20-22 hours per day most of the time, with an hour excercise allowed.


They get three one hour visits per month.


There's no Playstations, no Sky television in their cell etc.


Once they put in a period of time with good behaviour they get moved to a slightly bigger cell, get the opportunity to work a job (for around

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Just do medicals at school, kids found to be overweight get a letter sent home, seriously overweight get a different letter, no change 6 months later and bring charges of neglect against the parents.

Before we venture down such dimly lit paths, why not suggest that the Government focus first of all on the actual fast food companies themselves? Most of their marketing is aimed at children, isn't it?


The truth is, if people started eating healthier these big companies wouldn't be too happy about it.


Another factor would have to be price. I tend to eat quite healthy, and I know that it isn't cheap. Fresh fruit & vegetables don't come cheap, and they don't have a long shelf life either. I usually find myself in the supermarket at least twice a week. Does a parent who works all day and looks after a child at night have time to do that?


Throw in chicken breast, fruit juices (real fruit juices, not the sugar-laden shit), fresh fish and the like and it can easily mount up. I can spend anything up to

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Excuse me? Asking a question consitutes "moving the goal posts" now, does it?


Yes bacause your entire routine is that you post something and when shot down you resort to either changing the subject, playing the victim of an imaginary leftist conspiracy or ask a question slightly related to the subject while avoiding actually countering something put to you.


What does "good behaviour" in prison actually mean? Lack of bad behaviour? Or does the prisoner actually have to do something good in order to warrant the rewards? I tend to doubt it.


Which is why its pointless to actually engage in any kind of debate with you, you have no interest in any point of view unless it matchs your own so stop pretending you give a shit what anyone here actually thinks.


Also see above point about using a question to avoid actually countering other opinions/points.


]Stop calling people who have views you disagree with "trolls". It's a ridiculous attempt to stifle discussion that is all to common, and is the main cause IMO, of so many people feeling disengaged from politics. People that think the left is generally full of shit aren't stupid, and shouldn't be afraid to make their opinions known.


See above point about imaginary leftist conspiracy only thing missing from this is a reference to The Gurdian which I don't read by the way, fact is Neil explained in very simple words why people think you are a Troll and as expected you ignored everything he had to say.


So stop acting like a Troll and people will stop treating you like one and for the record I personally don't give a shit if you are right wing almost everyone I know is and I believe that both the left and right are needed and that both sides have their fair share of idiots.

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