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I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama. If only the BBC journalists could use their investigative skills on political charity Common Purpose, exposing that taxpayer money is paying for all these courses on leadership.


Of course, you haven't got a vested interest in Common Purpose at all, have you Duane?

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I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama.

It was an interesting watch. What would make for even better viewing though, is an expose of the main parties. I bet those fuckers have some dirty laundry that would be worth seeing.

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They are really after Liam Fox arent they, breaking news is that a Labour MP has asked that claims Adam Werrity lived rent free somewhere be looked into. Im not exactly sure what they are investigating as Huw was faffing with the computer on BBC News and 'had to bring it back up again'


Nothing like a sleaze scandal after a summer lull


That Panorama was quite good I thought, The BNP got utterly buried there. Seeing as I thought they were close to being wound up anyway it seems like kicking them whilst they are on the way out for good measure,


I wonder if it will lead to the rise of other parties of a similar view or indeed other groups becoming politicised when they havent had any inclination previously or if there will be a rebranding and relaunch of the same party


Edit. Whilst Im on a role. The Great British Firewall, by the backdoor?




I assume this is the follow up to the poorly thought out Comms act revisions passed during the very late stages of the Labour Government that are now coming into force?

Edited by patdfb
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I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama.

It was an interesting watch. What would make for even better viewing though, is an expose of the main parties. I bet those fuckers have some dirty laundry that would be worth seeing.


I've heard a few people say this, as if sleaze by the major parties doesn't get looked into. And I have to say, it seems a bit ridiculous. Cameron's links with news international, what liam fox is currently going through, the various dodgy stuff about the iraq war, cash for questions, mandelson's three resignation after shit storms in the press, the expenses, the lib dem fellow getting his missus to take his 3 points.

The three main parties are constantly under investigation, all the time, and ripped apart if there's even a sniff of any evidence of misdoing. On top of which people like private eye are constantly on hand to point out the stuff that's not quite so headline worthy.

Whereas the BNP get three different investigations by panorama and it's "Whaaa, bias, it's not fair, why did they look into us, it's all so unfair."

Quite frankly, as shady as they are they're fucking lucky to get away with as few exposes as they do, and I think deep down they know it.

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I've heard a few people say this, as if sleaze by the major parties doesn't get looked into. And I have to say, it seems a bit ridiculous. Cameron's links with news international, what liam fox is currently going through, the various dodgy stuff about the iraq war, cash for questions, mandelson's three resignation after shit storms in the press, the expenses, the lib dem fellow getting his missus to take his 3 points.

You'll find that most reporting on this is done fairly legitimately and above-board, so to speak. The day that someone joins the Labour party and reports back from a branch meeting with secret video evidence of a member being a cunt I'll be happy (and there are some right cunts saying some questionable things at these meetings).


The "secret" footage of Gordon Brown in the run-up to the election was a perfect example. More of that please.


I don't see any problem in reporting the shit that any political party is involved in, I just wish that the same tactics would apply to all. It would certainly make my television licence worth the ridiculous fee a little more.

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David the documentary last night wasn't spies, wasn't secret filming, it was simply reporting on accusations from people inside the party with evidence to back it up, that stuff happens to the main parties weekly. You're talking bilge. Yes a few years back they went under cover (quite rightly so in my opinion, the abuse suffered by that undercoover asian reporter because she moved into a bnp area was sickening, and needed to be exposed, to compare it to some people saying stupid things in labour meeetings is a bit silly). But last night was reporting in exactly the same way the big 3 get reported on.


Re the license fee, nah it's decided by the government so I'd call it politics. And I'd tend to agree, I really respect the BBC's news coverage (it's hated by the left for being too right wing, and by the right for being too left wing, and that to me suggests they really are calling it right down the middle, with all due respect to alfonso) like alot of the sports, am impressed by the breadth of their radio choices. Well worth it to my mind.

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I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama. If only the BBC journalists could use their investigative skills on political charity Common Purpose, exposing that taxpayer money is paying for all these courses on leadership.


If only they would.

Thanks for sharing, I wasn't aware of this radio show being the BBC. I do recall hearing a radio interview (on youtube) with Brian Gerrish who exposes Common Purpose, where CP representatives refused to take part in a live debate. Still not quite the same impact as prime-time Panorama.


Should publically-funded institutions like the police, local authorities and the BBC pay money to a charity to host training courses which are essentially networking opportunities for staff?

Some of the courses cost as much as

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I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama.

It was an interesting watch. What would make for even better viewing though, is an expose of the main parties. I bet those fuckers have some dirty laundry that would be worth seeing.

Too true David!


Something worthy of note regards all 3 parties is that think tank Demos helps create their policies and branding, hence so little difference between all 3 in the debates leading towards 2010 election, and the reason why we had a hung parliament. Something to look into.


Anyone else seen this clip from the Beeb floating around?

BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Rules The World"


Tip of the day: If you've got liquidity buy yourself some gold, because soon paper money will be worthless.

-that's from Ian R Crane and Max Keiser ;)

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama.

It was an interesting watch. What would make for even better viewing though, is an expose of the main parties. I bet those fuckers have some dirty laundry that would be worth seeing.

Too true David!


Something worthy of note regards all 3 parties is that think tank Demos helps create their policies and branding, hence so little difference between all 3 in the debates leading towards 2010 election, and the reason why we had a hung parliament. Something to look into.


Heaven forbid that political minds from across the parties get together to try and debate and argue political dogma away from the trenches of Commons. Clearly, this is where they unzip their lizard skins and lounge in baths of human blood whilst sucking the brains of babies through a straw.

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