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Having been watching the news updates on the situation in Libya this morning I managed to see the stark difference in the coverage we get from the likes of Sky & Al Jazeera.


After seeing footage on Al Jazeera of hospitals and civilian areas that had been hit by Western bombing, along with a few Government compounds causing considerable death and injury, I switched over to Sky News to see if there was any footage of the Liverpool game being shown.


Their coverage of the Libyan situation featured roughly the same story about the bombing, except there was no footage or mention of the hospitals or civilian areas, only the Government compounds.

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I haven't considered Sky News a reputable news source since at least the time of their general election coverage, when their open bias toward Cameron was Fox-esque. Will be interesting to see if there's any notable change in the years after Murdoch giving up control of it.

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An interesting development in the Chilcot inquiry with regards to the dossier that was drawn up to help the Blair regime go to war with Iraq;


A top military intelligence official has said the discredited dossier on Iraq's weapons programme was drawn up "to make the case for war", flatly contradicting persistent claims to the contrary by the Blair government, and in particular by Alastair Campbell, the former prime minister's chief spin doctor.


In hitherto secret evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Major General Michael Laurie said: "We knew at the time that the purpose of the dossier was precisely to make a case for war, rather than setting out the available intelligence, and that to make the best out of sparse and inconclusive intelligence the wording was developed with care."


His evidence is devastating, as it is the first time such a senior intelligence officer has directly contradicted the then government's claims about the dossier

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Alistair Campbell in lying shock.


Of course, he'll never admit it, and the Chilcott enquiry is utterly toothless so he'll never be punished for it. And the beat goes on...

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If you have not had chance to catch up on the news today, Ken Clarke is getting a right kick in from the media and the opposition. He was on Victoria Derbyshire's show on 5Live and dug himself in a rather deep hole talking about rape and that there is different categories of rape.


I hate the Tories, but I do have some time for Ken Clarke as usually he speaks a lot of sense. Personally I thought the point he was trying to get across was correct but his choice of language was not the best and he is now getting shat on from all directions. I don't think he will be in post by the end of today; if you get verbally twatted off the awful Victoria Derbyshire then you might as well wave the white flag.


I bet Armando Ianucci is rubbing his hands at the moment as this could be a perfect episode of The Thick of it.



Edit Psygnosis beat me to the punch.

Edited by El Espanacas
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At first glance he appeared to have mixed up a valid point (consensual sex with somebody under the age of consent is not the same as literally non-consensual sex) with an invalid one (date rape and alley stranger rape are legally different.)


However, it turns out that legally consensual sex with somebody aged 13-16 isn't classed as rape, so he's kinda shit outta luck in looking for a defense to his comments.

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Whats he actually said thats that bad? Ive not heard or read the full transcript but the snippets ive been told dont sound too ridiculous for a justice secretary to be discussing and considering?


It is, ya know, his job.

Edited by Van Dammer
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