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What? Why do you continually dodge the facts? It's not a conspiracy, there just aren't many jobs around. Do a job search and you'll find out. There are several reasons why IB is high in the area and they've already been highlighted in the thread by the report you quoted. People in the area are no lazier than anywhere else in the UK.


You're just a fucking mental. These people are no different to you (except they're probably a bit less retarded). I love the idea of you trawling around websites in the middle of the night. Get some sleep you spastic. Those Cardiff employment figures you posted are wrong.


What facts have I dodged? I've just analysed the article you've posted and it's various sources. Ive questioned where the facts and figures come from as there is no base, show me the stats or figures and Iam happy to look into them rather than from a precis'ed press release


I've not stated that people are lazy, at any point iirc and the Guardian and PCS report is all about job seekers but their figures does say feck all about what benefits people are on or not on or if they include ESA/IB claimants and so forth and so on.


Ive then said that IDS's statement could be a a reiteration of existing policy as confirmed by both articles ( ignored again as predicted)


Do a job search. Im not currently anywhere near Cardiff or Merthyr so I could do a web search, i spose, but thats going to be unreliable. do you want me cross checking sites and removing multiples of jobs or seeing which are specific to agencies etc or seeing what jobs arent advertised online or are advertised at a local level, not on the net, nor job centre. How many work start placements and so forth and so on are available. What's the base for the 15,000 job seekers as it isnt still contextualised anywhere.


Iam 'fucking mental and retarded and a spastic'. Thanks I think? :thumbsup: Care to say why you have felt the need to go down that route. There;s nothing like a defender of the 'free world' or trying to stand up for those in poverty or whatever denegrating those he is trying to be right on about isnt there :laugh: Not at all ironic.


As for the sleep thing ( that pain induced insomnia means Iam on 2-3 hours tops and if iam lucky I might get exhausted enough to do more) sleep doesnt come into the equation that often. Ive gone passed the stage of getting worried about it. If I get some I get some. Tough tee tees


If there are plenty of jobs available in patdfb's area, he should get off his lazy arse and get one of them. He's fit to sit and post on here all day, so it's perfectly possible that he can get a job sitting at a computer somewhere adding something to our economy. Honestly, he makes me sick. My taxes are paying for his ILLLEGAL drugs and his workshy lifestyle.


S'funny that Kenny, what illegal drugs and workshy lifestyle is this that you are paying for? Please explain, Im especially intrigued about the illegal drugs part.


Fit to sit and post.. Im sure Ive said before, but combine, physio with being able to post and do it n dribs and drabs of about 5-10 minute blocks, then move about a bit and so forth and so on. Y'know trying to build up stamina to get back to work. Iam sure Ive mentioned this before. but just to reiterate had things gone smoothly I would have been looking to get back into work by now ( the plan was to do so if my stamina was sorted and pain was managed), things havent and Iam miles off the pace in that regards at least 6 months to 1 year behind, even doing a couple of hours a week part time job. Last milestone was a trip to the cinema 1h 30 mins with breaks to stand up and walk about left me wasted and physically incapable for 3 days, and that was just from sitting still. you can imagine therefore how a low level physio session for an 1 hour plus travel left me wasted.. lets just say it wasnt a pleasant few weeks when it stopped.


Iam also looking for a job that allows you to be completely unreliable, go off sick for days at a time at random because you are bedridden or cant walk and have to crawl places as well has having flexy hours, isnt physical and isnt tied to a desk and is part time and I can get to without driving to (as iam not allowed) and is less than 20 mins (or allows me to hop on and off every twenty minutes for the same length of time as rest and more)by public transport (as thats all Iam allowed to do presently as well if I want to walk at the end of it) and turn up to work whilst incapable and not get sent home the minute I get there. Thus far not much is doing. Iam trying though. I was effectively medically retired from me last job, so if you have any suggestions let us know Iam all ears



Why do your real experiences of real people conflict diametrically with your assumptions about everybody else? You seem quite misanthropic. Are you really convinced that you're channelling your energies in positive ways as you say? You seem intent on demonising other people, I don't think that's very positive at all. Maybe a more open-minded view on society would help you to become a more productive member of it.


Why do what and what now?


Im convinced on a personal level i'ts positive for me, because Iam not going to let myself be institutionalised, part of a statistic, be dependent wholly on others Iam too proud, headstrong and stubborn as to ever let go and become the fucking 'victim'. Ive been stuck in a rut for nearly 4 years. My life has changed beyond all conception of how I thought it would be and there are things that now I will never be able to do. Before hand I would have dwelt on it and felt sorry for myself and expected everyone else to do things for me, and so forth and so on. That however wasnt, isnt and will never be me, I can see that it was because things had changed and my refusal to accept them that I got frustrated and began to destroy myself. Acceptence of where I was and what I can do and not being 'lead' by anyone and a determination not to let things get in my way has seen me be much more positive.


You say it comes off as a misanthrope, if that's the case then so be it. Ive done the whole alturistic thing, Ive done the whole caring for others thing and so forth and so on. For once its about getting me sorted. Selfish, undoubtedly, but if i dont it will never happen and I refuse point blank to be drawn into something that is going to sap my mental temerity and what little physical strength I have.


The reasons that there are juxtapositions and dichotomies and various things that are diametrically opposed is because of this. Iam looking out for number 1 and since the change of tack about 4 weeks ago ive seen a noticable improvement in my mental well being, i do a lot less moaning and a lot less griping iam not all woe is me and im trying to do something about it, Iam slowly rebuilding social interactions and putting things right that Ive let slide for a number of years as well


I have empathy with people in other situations, I cant be arsed with it though at present. I cannot take on the weight of the worlds problems, especially when there is fuck all I can do about it realistically anyway. The reason that they have become' demonised' in your view is because breaking away from all that is how Iam able not to be sucked in. If I dont associate with that I am still 'normal' and am able to function. If I start associating with that, its 'game over' as seen before when Iam dependent on everything and everyone.


My productivity is fine, considering and where I can Iam able to help people., not on a massive scale, but smaller things like sourcing stuff for them, sorting out life problems etc, or help with promotion or similar then as long as it doesnt fuck up my health then yes I will try and do it.


Right now its all about sorting myself out as best I can for May next year, if I dont make it, then I dont make, but at least I can say Ive tried and if many other things are back on track then anything gained will be a success.

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I have empathy with people in other situations, I cant be arsed with it though at present. I cannot take on the weight of the worlds problems, especially when there is fuck all I can do about it realistically anyway. The reason that they have become' demonised' in your view is because breaking away from all that is how Iam able not to be sucked in. If I dont associate with that I am still 'normal' and am able to function. If I start associating with that, its 'game over' as seen before when Iam dependent on everything and everyone.

That's what I'm talking about. You're so desperate to separate yourself from "the victims", that you are a party to that victimisation of people in tough situations. You don't need to push others down in order to build yourself up. No-one's asking you to take on the world's problems, just to develop a bit of understanding.

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Did MinceMcMahon complain earlier in this thread that he couldn't get a job in Cardiff because it took an hour to get there?


When I lost my job last year, I got another one that required an hour and a half commute each way. I know people who drive over 2 hours to get to their job.


My grandfather used to walk 25 miles to work every day; that's 6 hours of walking a day.


If you're not taking jobs because of an hour's bus ride, then you deserve to get your benefits taken away.

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Did MinceMcMahon complain earlier in this thread that he couldn't get a job in Cardiff because it took an hour to get there?


When I lost my job last year, I got another one that required an hour and a half commute each way. I know people who drive over 2 hours to get to their job.


My grandfather used to walk 25 miles to work every day; that's 6 hours of walking a day.


If you're not taking jobs because of an hour's bus ride, then you deserve to get your benefits taken away.


Exactly, my commute is about an hour and I nearly accepted a few jobs that were around an hour and a falf commute.

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I have empathy with people in other situations, I cant be arsed with it though at present. I cannot take on the weight of the worlds problems, especially when there is fuck all I can do about it realistically anyway. The reason that they have become' demonised' in your view is because breaking away from all that is how Iam able not to be sucked in. If I dont associate with that I am still 'normal' and am able to function. If I start associating with that, its 'game over' as seen before when Iam dependent on everything and everyone.

That's what I'm talking about. You're so desperate to separate yourself from "the victims", that you are a party to that victimisation of people in tough situations. You don't need to push others down in order to build yourself up. No-one's asking you to take on the world's problems, just to develop a bit of understanding.


Im not pushing anyone down, it's more saying 'shut fuck up and get on with it you moaning bastards' If you have tried and failed then fair do's. As confirmed in the report linked and news reports and others, there are elements that havent tried.


Even some of the arguments here have been yuk 'I wouldnt do that job its beneath me'


If its a job doing anything and pays cash and stuff and am fit and able then fuck it ill do it, I don't have to stay there for ever and will have a working CV making it a damn sight easier to get another job. Then you have socialisation benefits, sense of purpose and so forth and so on.


Some times this forum is like watching 'Young, Dumb and Living off Mum' but with added faux class snobbery. Every one's a precious superstar or some such bollocks, but with added politics :alien:


'Oh woe is me look at my poverty and general crapiness, Iam so helpless' or whatever' Going back to that report I linked people were saying it was ingrained, but if they worked and got their asses in gear then they could do what they wanted, yet there are those that chopse to actively not to. Yes there were a variety of reasons and yes some will be totally preventative things that stop them doing it. Basically if you havent the will to change or help yourself then nothing will ever fucking change. Expecting stuff on a plate is a fucking blight of modern society. . If you want something, bloody go and get (earn or whatever) it. Sitting around and waiting wont means that it comes to you. If it means some sacrifices then diddums.



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Did MinceMcMahon complain earlier in this thread that he couldn't get a job in Cardiff because it took an hour to get there?

If he did, then he's a fool.


It's not unknown for me to have travelled 2 or 3 hours to get to work depending on where I was contracted to, and I certainly didn't find anything wrong with that.


I imagine that many other people throughout the country are the same.

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Did MinceMcMahon complain earlier in this thread that he couldn't get a job in Cardiff because it took an hour to get there?


No. I have a job. Commuting isn't be a problem for me, but it's not for everyone and there are circumstances when some jobs aren't worth the commute.


My grandfather used to walk 25 miles to work every day; that's 6 hours of walking a day.


I like to think we've moved on since then.

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Did MinceMcMahon complain earlier in this thread that he couldn't get a job in Cardiff because it took an hour to get there?


No. I have a job. Commuting isn't be a problem for me, but it's not for everyone and there are circumstances when some jobs aren't worth the commute.


My grandfather used to walk 25 miles to work every day; that's 6 hours of walking a day.


I like to think we've moved on since then.


Yes, we've created a non-working class who regard benefits as their birth right, and sneer at menial jobs but then complain when hard-working immigrants are shipped in to perform them.


There was a report on the Beeb the other day from a housing estate oop north somewhere that was apparently "decimated" by unemployment and poverty and going to be further destroyed by the government's plans for benefits.


I couldn't help but notice, over the shoulder of the BBC correspondent, that all the flats had Sky dishes.


EDIT: browser fuckup.

Edited by Loki
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Did MinceMcMahon complain earlier in this thread that he couldn't get a job in Cardiff because it took an hour to get there?


No. I have a job. Commuting isn't be a problem for me, but it's not for everyone and there are circumstances when some jobs aren't worth the commute.


My grandfather used to walk 25 miles to work every day; that's 6 hours of walking a day.


I like to think we've moved on since then.


Yes, we've created a non-working class who regard benefits as their birth right, and sneer at menial jobs but then complain when hard-working immigrants are shipped in to perform them.


There was a report on the Beeb the other day from a housing estate oop north somewhere that was apparently "decimated" by unemployment and poverty and going to be further destroyed by the government's plans for benefits.


I couldn't help but notice, over the shoulder of the BBC correspondent, that all the flats had Sky dishes.


EDIT: browser fuckup.


Places were decimated. Families broke up, kids went starving and crime soared.


Immigration isn't really an issue at all where I live (there's no work/immigrants here! haha).


In 1907, bosses brought 700 Spanish workers to work in the Dowlais Iron Works in South Wales, apparently to undercut wages. Initially they led to hostile demonstrations and a proposal for a strike against the Spanish.


However, socialists were able to undercut this. The strength of the Spanish union organisation and left wing ideas within it turned anti-immigrant ideas around.


As one account puts it,

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