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The Pavel Florin Supporters Club and Cricket Thread

Devon Malcolm

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I'm almost as excited as I was back in '05 for this series. I've got loads of early morning over this weekend, so I'm probably only gonna manage till lunch each day, then whack on the highlights tomorrow. There's about 5 different showings across the day. I'm at uni, which means I won't be watching much of it on the actual TV-I'm just hoping Sky Player doesn't let me down-it's usually horribly unreliable but has been fine recently.


I think we've got as good a chance as ever, the aussies aren't in great form, and their bowling attack really is poor-just why on earth are they playing Doherty? That being said, ours isn't all that great, apart from Swanny of course. Anderson is very mediocre if the ball doesn't swing, Broady can lose his cool too easily, and while I think Finn is a top talent and the conditions will probably suit him-he is still untested at the top level (Bangladesh and some match fixing pakistanis don't count :rolleyes: ). But we'll see, I think we'll cope at the Gabba, if conditions are as expected, but come Perth when its rock hard with nothing going, it's gonna be all about Finn

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Well here we go lads, 10 hours until the first bowl balled, anyone else doing an all nighter tonight? Predictions for this test and the series?

I'll be up, cannot wait. Same as Dent I'll probably watch up until lunch and then crash out. Can see this happening a lot. What time's stumps in UK time? Hopefully I'll be up by then and catch the end of each day too

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Missed the first half hour or so because I ended up doing an impromptu gig after my drumming rehearsal for some other students occupying a building in uni.


End of the first session, and at the moment, I'd give Australia the upper hand in my own opinion, but only just. The wicket of Strauss so early is crucial. If that had been Cook, it may be a slightly different story, but to lose the captain so early in the Test match, it's a big blow. Cook and KP are currently looking in fairly good nick, both have played some good cricket so far and put some decent runs on the board. If they can bat through the afternoon session (or most of it), then things can hopefully swing back in England's favour.


No idea how late I'll be able to stay up tonight...it's been a long day. I might just spend tomorrow listening to TMS on iPlayer!

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That was seriously depressing stuff - although Bell played well.


I faded and got to sleep at just before tea, struggling at work this morning. Its amazing looking back how Jeff Thompson was moaning that Siddle was even picked at all. The Auzzie selectors should have listened to him.


On the positive side, Hilfenhaus looked very friendly, and Johnson sprayed it all over the park. So hopefully, second innings we should be more positive.

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