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  • 3 months later...
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2/3 for really good episodes this series. I liked that they didn't have him just stumble across the Tardis at the end, too. Gives us something different to start next week. That's all that's needed to keep things fresh now and then, just little tweaks on the usual tropes.


Something interesting's been pointed out (I forget where) - Clara's Victorian birthdate is the same date as the airdate for the first episode (and thus possibly the 50th). No idea if that'll lead to anything.

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  • Paid Members
2/3 for really good episodes this series. I liked that they didn't have him just stumble across the Tardis at the end, too. Gives us something different to start next week. That's all that's needed to keep things fresh now and then, just little tweaks on the usual tropes.


Something interesting's been pointed out (I forget where) - Clara's Victorian birthdate is the same date as the airdate for the first episode (and thus possibly the 50th). No idea if that'll lead to anything.


Via various interviews it seems that it is indeed important and that she is directly linked to the Tardis someway. The quotes floating around are along the lines that Clara & the Tardis don't get on. Whatever that all means.

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This was the best of the three so far, very good and 'small' which Who does better than the huge blockbuster style episodes imo. Gatis has only ever really done 1 'poor' episode the Dalek War one, so I was quite confident it would be good.


Next weeks looks one of a similar ilk, so looking forward to it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The new series has been alright.


Carried by the impressive deftness with which Smith now handles the character, but it suffers from being a far more emotionally callow series than we've known. After the Doctor/Amy/Rory triangle, and the emotionally heavy stuff, having the core dynamic be between a bolshy, lone wolf companion and a Doctor who doesn't know if he can trust her is quite jarring.


I've been watching season 6 again recently. God it's good.


I can see why some kids/parents struggled. It's not light in any way. In many ways its one of the darkest, most emotionally heavy TV series I've ever seen, the core storyline is about an old, tired man dealing with the lives he's ruined as he faces his own death; but there's loads of sub plots to do with people losing faith, what constitutes life, the power of love and the nature of sacrifice.


Obviously there's the usual Who silliness, buts its decorative and altogether superfluous. It takes a backseat to the relationshis between the characters.


It really is amazing.


The central performance is one of the greatest I've ever seen, including serious shows and films. It's insane. It's equal parts light and heavy. I bloody love Matt Smith.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I get excited just thinking back over series 6, and often have to stop myself sticking the DVD in lest I end up watching the whole sodding thing in a night. You're right, this one has been a touch cold in comparison. I'm still enjoying it, but mainly because I'm looking forward to where it's building to. That said, we've got another episode with Vastra, Jenny and Strax this week, then the Neil Gaiman Cybermen episode, then the finale with Vastra, Jenny, Strax and River Song, so I think we're gonna end up with a much fuller TARDIS and plenty more going on.


And I couldn't agree more on Smith. He's my Tom Baker. My Doctor. When he's gone, it won't be the same. It's one of the reasons I've come around on them having a woman next. They needed a big change after Baker, so they went with a young, handsome chap in Davison. A woman (especially if she's something along the lines of a calculating arse-kicker who's a bit ruthless because she knows she might only have one regeneration left) will be the only change from Smith that wouldn't be an immediate let-down.

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For me this series has been better than series six. I didn't like six much. There were fiarly good episodes in it, and a great one, but everything was so arc heavy and I got bored of constantly being promised something better around the corner. It felt at times like I was being told "yeah, this is happening, its a bit boring, but this is going to happen in six weeks, how awesome does that look. So go away now, come back then." And then that last episode that it had been building up to was a bit of a disappointment for me anyway. I've liked how this one has seen more stand alone episodes. In fact it's only really last week's that I haven't liked this series. But that's mainly because it felt like somebody had come up with several, admittedly quite cool, ideas and then realised quite late in the writing of it that they also needed a plot.


Edit: Matt Smith's bloody fantastic though. And it's still really good at being fun.

Edited by Vamp
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Really not enjoying the second half of this series. I'd been on the fence about the show for the last 2 series anyway, but pretty sure now that I'll be getting off the Dr Who bandwagon after the 50th Anniversary show. Since it came back from the mid-series break I've only enjoyed 2 episodes, the submarine one and the ghost one with the pocket universe (although I've still yet to see Journey Into The TARDIS). The majority of the stories are boring and I've not warmed to Clara at all. Shame really, as I've been so into it since it came back in 2005. I do think they'll put out all the stops for a great 50th special, but after that I won't be watching any more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Paid Members

That was AWESOME!


But then I've really got into most of this series. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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I loved that. Absolutely loved it. The Clara resolution explains away every shitty half-baked resolution anyone's ever written for the show, and the reveal at the end (and the explanation thereof) was perfect.

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