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Less so, but another annoyance was five minutes after deriding the Daleks for being scared, The Doctor telling Amy to cling on to the feeling of being scared as it wasn't a Dalek trait.


Wasn't that his way of tauning them?


On the voice thing, I assumed, as it was a dream, it was her subconscious talking. Her actual voice, when talking to the Doctor, would be Dalek. That was my interpretation anyway, I had to think about it though and could be utter tosh.


I would have liked to see this as a two parter, Assylum idea is very cool and could be used a lot better. However, watched this with a copuple of kids on Saturday and they were scared shitless.

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Yeah, Daleks don't get scared, but they do tend towards self-preservation and are a bit touchy about anyone ascribing inferior traits to them.


As for them hearing Oswin's voice instead of a Dalek's, fair point. I imagine if you asked Moffat about it, he'd say something like "That's how clever she is". Obviously there's a shitload more to come from this character, so it might get explained in the end.


And I'd have to agree with Daz that this felt more like a pre-Moffat episode than anything else in Smith's run so far. Ditto the point about the core cast - it might be a while before the Tardis feels so wonderfully full like it did in, say, The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. Come to think of it, it almost seems like there's been a bit of pressure on Moffat to take it back in a more Davies-era direction - next week definitely looks to be of the same ilk. I'll still enjoy it, but I'm beginning to think series 6 will have been the peak for me.


Side note: I'm just catching the end of Forest of the Dead on Watch right now. River's goodbye speech is giving me chills. Those episodes are amazing to rewatch now we've got some of the blanks filled in.

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That was ace. Just ace.


It was a standalone episode that lacked the aesthetic Moffat hallmarks but if you looked a little deeper, there were bits and pieces that screamed Moffatt all over the shop.


When Amy said the Doctor might be there till the end of her life he had 'been there, done that' written all over his mug. And, surely they're going to come back to the Doctor killing someone out of malice. That's huge.


It was an incredible, blistering episode. Loved it.

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And, surely they're going to come back to the Doctor killing someone out of malice. That's huge.


I said exactly that when it happened. It's a massive tipping-point for Smith's Doctor. I was sat there waiting for some throwaway line about how he'd set the ship to teleport Solomon somewhere else after scaring him straight, but no, he just let him get nuked. Even if it's just something to show that he's gotten a bit loose with his morals without the Ponds around, it's very significant.

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Well, they've knocked it out of the park twice in a row, for me. Great episode with some wonderful character progression for the Doctor, which looks like it's going to be cranked up to 11 next week before the big Pond finale the week after.. There totally is an arc here, it's just less explicit and twist-filled than last time.

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As was pointed out to me, was elements of Red Dwarf in tonights' Dr Who. not just the setting, but also The Inquisitor from series 4


Carrying on the theme, was the undertaker in Mercy, David Lill? The bad guy from Gunmen of the Apocalypse?



Enjoyed it tonight!

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Question: did the tenth Doctor actually marry Elizabeth I? Because if so...


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...Amy's now the Doctor's mother-in-law twice.


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Decent episode anyway. Started a lot better than it ended, but set up next week very nicely. I thought it was a really, really nice touch that...


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...the Brigadier's daughter had the same name as she did in that 1995 direct-to-video episode they made that didn't have the Doctor in it, and the actresses even looked plausibly alike. That's cool as fuck.


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