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Personally loved the episode, though wasn't exactly wowed by the cliffhanger. Although, given the amount of time between transmission of last night's and the next episode, probably right to not go full kilter- there'd be a lot of frustrated folks out there who'd be giving Moffatt all sorts of grief.


Ref. the River Song reveal (I sussed this and tweeted so as far back as episode one of this current run (@Adam_Southward if you care to check!)) and her non-reaction to meeting Amy and Rory before Amy was preggers- well, if you think about it, it can easily be explained in the same way that they haven't been able to tell the Doctor they saw him killed. It's part of Amy and Rory's future, so they mustn't be told. And River is extremely skilled at holding back future secrets ('Spoilers, sweetie!'), to the extent where she can restrain any reaction (especially if she is part Time Lord) so bit of a non-issue for me.


Yeah, but Amy and Rory knowing about the Doctor's death is a shit example because we saw them react. Several times in fact.


Not to his face though.


Also, not that shit an exmaple if you consider I said 'River is extremely skilled at holding back future secrets'- she has more experience of time travel and the pitfalls involved than either Rory or Amy, so I'm assuming that's why she's able to restrain herself. The fact that Rory and Amy are almost constantly in The Doctor's company means it's going to be hard to avoid some sort of reaction.


Plus, watched the repeat last night and there was something of a reaction from River with Rory, when he came to see her in prison- just enough to register. It was her birthday, there was a little bit of joy in her that her father was visiting her.

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As much as i'm loving this series, my 10 and 9 year old sisters are absolutely hating it.


Their complaints are that it's too complicated and not fun. I can understand their feelings - every episode has been darkly shot (apart from the stunning opening to episode 1) and there has a been a distinct lack of the japery and mild peril that we've seen previously. However, i've loved it so far. I fear that whilst catering to me, Moffat has started to alienate his core audience. Thoughts?

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Hmm, my 8year old cousin absolutley loves it. He doesn't find it complicated at all. The audience reaction figures have been very strong, and Moffatt does have two young sons so he'ld be very aware of not alienating them.


The thing I've found more and more though is the fact that there seems to be a lot more 'adult' fans than kids of Doctor Who. That may only be me.

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My 10 year old loves it as do all his school friends, they are usually talking about it in some shape or form, thye also now all collect the Doctor Who Adventures cards things. Also, my 6 year old likes it. Not sure how much of the plot he grasps but he enjoys the monsters and the running around.

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14 New Episodes Confirmed


Possible Spoilers on Link


one will be the 2011 christmas special


plus there is some doubt over how many episodes will air next year mainly due to matt smiths hollywood ambitions (read link for more)




<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

the tweet says that Matt Smith will return as the doctor where that leaves amy and rory who knows thought it would be best to spoiler tag it


[close spoiler]

Edited by iamtheman
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That looks fucking incredible. The bits with Hitler and Nazi Germany, especially.


*EDIT* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6ztn5K2ols


Clip from an episode yet to come. Looks really, really odd.

Anyone else think The Shining when looking at that?

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I think we might as well merge this with the Vintage Bintage thread and be done with it.

I'm hearing you. My missus was watching it while I was faffing about on here, and Alex Kingston is looking ridiculously hot. Must find Moll Flanders for download.

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Ace episode. I like how they took what I thought was going to be a throw away episode, and successfully further the regenerating child / River Song mystery. Lets see where they go with this. Good start to the second half.


They didn't really further the 'regenerating child' mystery, they threw it away in a rather unsatisfying fashion.


There was lots of little bits of amazing, and potential amazing, but the overarching narrative seemed like a square peg in a round hole. The bit with 'Mels' was mental, and rushed and the 'miniaturisation' was a bit naff for my tastes. Despite being aesthetically Moffatt, there was a heavy touch of the RTD's about that episode.


That said, the last 15 minutes were fairly cool and Matt Smith is still just amazing...

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