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What is the general view of Amy here? I think she's fantastic; and in addition I think she's fit as fuck


karen gillians great she gets slagged off a lot but i've always found her great especially in the more dramatic moments





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What is the general view of Amy here? I think she's fantastic; and in addition I think she's fit as fuck


I don't like her TBH my least favorite since the return hoping this is her last series

She was good in the first series, but getting a bit tired of her and hope this'll be her last series too.


Really enjoying Smith. Such an incredible actor and plays the Doctor exactly how you would expect him to be. There's a lot more depth to the character than with the Tennant years, even with the silly and witty lines and action sequences, there's a darkness to Smith's Doctor that's constant and recognisable which I think makes him perfect in the role.


Wasn't too keen on the latest episode, because it came across as a bit too rushed, but looking forward to next weeks.

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Have to say I loved this weeks episode. A bit freaky in places but excellent nonetheless. Thoughts anyone?


Yup, really enjoyed it. Far better than last week's episode.


I have deliberately avoided spoilers, so today's episode came as a pleasant surprise. One thing I was disappointed with was that the 'Old Control Room' was the Ecclestone/Tennant one. I was hoping for the old style one.

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I've been on iPlayer catching up this evening. I missed the beginning of the first episode, so put off watching any more of it until I'd watched the whole episode.


Anyway, the opening two parter was fucking immense. Some brilliant lines, some nice twists, and plenty serious drama being built up. Oody type bad guy, empty child type voice on the phone, it was like all the best ideas remixed, but not all chucked together in the RTD "epic" way. I can say in all honesty that it was one of the most exciting things I've seen in years. I really got into that.


Piratey episode not as good, but still an enjoyable yarn.

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Neil Gaiman needs to write more episodes. That was one of the best episodes ever.


"Biting's like kissing, only someone wins."


Actually, that line was (almost certainly) a throwback to Steven Moffat's Jekyll, in which Hyde has the line "Have you ever killed anyone, Benjamin? You're missing out! It's like sex, but there's a winner!"


Anyway, yeah, I was in tears by the end of this. Absolutely PERFECT. I'm only just getting into Neil Gaiman (about 2/3rds through American Gods at the moment), but god, he's superb, isn't he?

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What a ace episode. I love how doctor who gives us little snippets that flesh out the history of the doctors past. Getting insight into how the doctor commandeered the trades, or vice versa, was interesting.


As for the "only water in the forest is the river", could this allude to the fact at that dr. River's (future) consciousness is currently trapped in the library (which was made from a cut down forest) from season 4? Or am I looking too deeply into it?

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No, I didn't quite make the full connection to River's consciousness being in the library, but it instantly came to mind that it's something to do with River and the fact we'll be seeing her again in the near future.


I really liked that episode, it really was fantastic. We're getting bits of the history from the Doctor that we didn't get in previous series, and there are some brilliant lines thrown in each episode. Matt Smith just continues to grow in the role of the Doctor and I honestly think this is the best series we've had since Doctor Who came back with Christopher Eccleston.

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Awesome episode and i have to say this is my fav season since the rebirth of the show. Matt smith is amazing in the role and like tom baker he has the aura of someone who is not from this world. Im still not totally sold on amy and would enjoy a few eps were it was the doc and rory.

Edited by rohpete
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Or am I looking too deeply into it?


This is Doctor Who. Ergo, there is no such thing as looking too deeply into it. On that note, it's worth mentioning that we also saw River in a forest last series too.


However, I think that line's more likely to be a reference to something yet to come in this series - especially as it was mentioned in The Brilliant Book in a list of teasers about this series. No point setting up something you've already paid off, after all.

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