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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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New Alan Partridge on Sky Atlantic at 9pm, in case anyone's forgotten/didn't know.


I'm really hoping this isn't as disappointing as the second series of I'm Alan Partridge. Saying that, I'm actually expecting this to be rather bad.




Exsqueese Me? Baking Powder!


2nd Series is class!

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Thanks to a liberal use of the fast-forward button and skipping some episodes entirely, I'm midway through season 4 of Heroes. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be honest. How did this show last for so long? Season 3 - especially the latter half - seemed like it was never going to end. Around and around and around in circles with characters doing increasingly stupid things, turning heel/babyface often several times throughout the same episode and the overall plot moving at the pace of a dead snail.


Season 4 thus far isn't as horrible and it seems like something of a weight was lifted off the show's shoulders but it's still tired as hell and clearly waiting to be put out of its misery. The acting, as usual, is mostly dreadful. The guest actors usually seem to be operating on a different playing field (Zelkjo Ivanek and Robert Knepper have been fun even if their characters are poorly written - SHOCK HORROR THERE) and my problem with Greg Grunberg's stupid clown face has reached fever pitch. At one point last night I had to look away. I can't deal with him. I'm no photogenic Hollywood type but fuck me, this bumbling cunt having a career in acting is just wrong. He's a mess. A creepy, terrible mess. Who cannot, absolutely cannot act.

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I did. There's a mega-thread somewhere in which I got quite upset about the finale in the face of lots of people who loved it for whatever reason. I haven't gone back (hur hur) yet for a bunch of reasons, including how awful season six is (and because I can't face Kate-centric episodes) but if I do, I might stop at the end of season five.

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Just watched Traffic Cops on BBC 1 there. A woman booted fuck out a guy whilst her two Pit Bulls bit the guys ear off. Said woman was then caught on camera stealing a Police man's Blackberry inside the patrol car and shoving it up her fanny. She then opened the police car doors twice and walked out of them whilst her friends caused a commotion outside. Her sentence? Four weeks in prison, probably out in two then. No wonder people despair of this country.


Edit - She also stole small change from the guy she attacked.

Edited by BiffingtonClyro
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I did. There's a mega-thread somewhere in which I got quite upset about the finale in the face of lots of people who loved it for whatever reason. I haven't gone back (hur hur) yet for a bunch of reasons, including how awful season six is (and because I can't face Kate-centric episodes) but if I do, I might stop at the end of season five.


I think I enjoyed the finale a lot more than most, because I was in a state of delirium at the time - except for the morning news, it was the only thing we had on telly (well, Netflix) from the first episode till the last, and we got very immersed in it. Maybe in reflection I wouldn't be as ecstatic, but for someone as pretentious as I can be, I'm a simple man with simple tastes, and the finale worked for those tastes.

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Thanks to a liberal use of the fast-forward button and skipping some episodes entirely, I'm midway through season 4 of Heroes. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be honest. How did this show last for so long? Season 3 - especially the latter half - seemed like it was never going to end. Around and around and around in circles with characters doing increasingly stupid things, turning heel/babyface often several times throughout the same episode and the overall plot moving at the pace of a dead snail.


Season 4 thus far isn't as horrible and it seems like something of a weight was lifted off the show's shoulders but it's still tired as hell and clearly waiting to be put out of its misery. The acting, as usual, is mostly dreadful. The guest actors usually seem to be operating on a different playing field (Zelkjo Ivanek and Robert Knepper have been fun even if their characters are poorly written - SHOCK HORROR THERE) and my problem with Greg Grunberg's stupid clown face has reached fever pitch. At one point last night I had to look away. I can't deal with him. I'm no photogenic Hollywood type but fuck me, this bumbling cunt having a career in acting is just wrong. He's a mess. A creepy, terrible mess. Who cannot, absolutely cannot act.



I really enjoyed season 1 back when that was first on but just couldn't stomach season 2 at all. I saw it on Netflix the other day and did consider giving it another shot, is there anything redeeming in it all or should I just not bother and dive straight into Sons of Anarchy?


I also watched Partridge tonight, class.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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Sons Of Anarchy is great TV. Not without its flaws, and the unfortunate diversion for most of season three will really test your patience, but it's gripping stuff. It pisses all over Heroes from a great height.

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Thanks to a liberal use of the fast-forward button and skipping some episodes entirely, I'm midway through season 4 of Heroes. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be honest. How did this show last for so long? Season 3 - especially the latter half - seemed like it was never going to end. Around and around and around in circles with characters doing increasingly stupid things, turning heel/babyface often several times throughout the same episode and the overall plot moving at the pace of a dead snail.


Season 4 thus far isn't as horrible and it seems like something of a weight was lifted off the show's shoulders but it's still tired as hell and clearly waiting to be put out of its misery. The acting, as usual, is mostly dreadful. The guest actors usually seem to be operating on a different playing field (Zelkjo Ivanek and Robert Knepper have been fun even if their characters are poorly written - SHOCK HORROR THERE) and my problem with Greg Grunberg's stupid clown face has reached fever pitch. At one point last night I had to look away. I can't deal with him. I'm no photogenic Hollywood type but fuck me, this bumbling cunt having a career in acting is just wrong. He's a mess. A creepy, terrible mess. Who cannot, absolutely cannot act.

Why are you watching a show you hate and criticise from start to finish? What possible joy do you get from it?


I read an article on the Guardian earlier today about 'Hatewatching'.....it just doesn't make sense to me.




I might be missing out on the fun but there's too many shows I don't have the time to watch that I would like to watch over ones I hate to watch.

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Thanks to a liberal use of the fast-forward button and skipping some episodes entirely, I'm midway through season 4 of Heroes. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be honest. How did this show last for so long? Season 3 - especially the latter half - seemed like it was never going to end. Around and around and around in circles with characters doing increasingly stupid things, turning heel/babyface often several times throughout the same episode and the overall plot moving at the pace of a dead snail.


I genuinely think that Tim Kring didn't have a clue what he was doing. As in he lucked into the job as show runner and went to work every day terrified that someone was going to figure it out.


From what I've read about the writing process every character in an episode was written by a different writer, which is why it's all a bit of a clusterfuck with no real direction and nothing makes the slightest bit of sense.


I think my favourite parts are: (Season 3/4 Spoilers if anyone still cares)


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Parkman has a vision of the future where he's married to Daphne and spends what feels like forever trying to convince her that they are meant to be together. Just as she falls for him, she's killed. Poor Matt is so distraught about losing the woman he was destined to be with that he grieves for exactly two episodes before forgetting about her and getting back with his ex-wife


The awesome scene where Sylar kills Nathan and every single one of the idiots in the room think the most fitting tribute to their fallen friend/son would be to brainwash his killer and force him to assume Nathan's identity, as if that somehow makes Nathan, the real Nathan not dead.


The fact that they can't ever seem to decide HOW these people got their powers in the first place. Is it the next step in human evolution? Did they inherit them from their parents? Is it something to do with the sun? Was it a conspiracy by some secret organisation? It varies whenever they feel like it.


[close spoiler]



Seriously. I can't think of a stupider show that's ever been on TV.


Also - I've been watching a lot of Red Dwarf in the past couple of days. I really forgot how great the early series were.

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Thanks to a liberal use of the fast-forward button and skipping some episodes entirely, I'm midway through season 4 of Heroes. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be honest. How did this show last for so long? Season 3 - especially the latter half - seemed like it was never going to end. Around and around and around in circles with characters doing increasingly stupid things, turning heel/babyface often several times throughout the same episode and the overall plot moving at the pace of a dead snail.


Season 4 thus far isn't as horrible and it seems like something of a weight was lifted off the show's shoulders but it's still tired as hell and clearly waiting to be put out of its misery. The acting, as usual, is mostly dreadful. The guest actors usually seem to be operating on a different playing field (Zelkjo Ivanek and Robert Knepper have been fun even if their characters are poorly written - SHOCK HORROR THERE) and my problem with Greg Grunberg's stupid clown face has reached fever pitch. At one point last night I had to look away. I can't deal with him. I'm no photogenic Hollywood type but fuck me, this bumbling cunt having a career in acting is just wrong. He's a mess. A creepy, terrible mess. Who cannot, absolutely cannot act.


Why are you watching a show you hate and criticise from start to finish? What possible joy do you get from it?


Do I dare delve back into the world of Heroes? I gave up after season two because it was fucking wretched and I've heard it just gets worse from here. Admittedly, I'm curious to see just how bad it could possibly get.
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