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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Just remembered there, being watching Stephen Fry In America. The man is as funny as he is intelligent, if the BBC or anyone infact had any sense they would put him in his own chat show instead of the drivel thats on at the moment.


And yes that includes Alan Carr and Jonathon Ross.

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Just finished watching I Claudius from 1976.


Has anyone watched it before? Absolutely superb. It's like a bunch of classically trained 1970s actors decided to get together and act their arses off.


Highest Recommendation.

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just watched the first 2 hours of the take by martina cole. its great.


Gotta agree. Fuckin' awesome series.


Freddie Jackson is the man that I aspire to be but sadly never will be.


Genuinely did not realise that it was the same guy who played Handsome Bob in Rock N'Rolla though.


its a awesome show not gonna say anything about last nights end to it in case anyone aint saw it yet.

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I randomly caught a "Star Trek: Enterprise" repeat on bravo the other day. Was from season 3. I've only caught a couple of episodes before but I was dragged into it and I now have the "Must watch until season ends" fever from it.


It's bloody brilliant. I'm amazed it didn't catch me up before, I know it only lasted 4 seasons but on the strength of season 3 I think I'll be going out and getting all the DVD's. Maybe after the new Trek movie I'm a bit more open and non-caring about the plot holes or something.

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