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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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Theres this discount book store round here that has an astonishing selection of new Marvel graphic novels. I may just be imagining it but the thing is Marvel isn't like DC and indie books. I know the characters very well but I don't know the stand out great storys by name and reputation. For instance easily I can pick off the top of my head The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, A Death in the Family, Long Halloween and Knightfall from Batman. What should I look for with Marvel? I go in there regularly and end up not getting anything dispite the wide selection.

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  • Paid Members
Theres this discount book store round here that has an astonishing selection of new Marvel graphic novels. I may just be imagining it but the thing is Marvel isn't like DC and indie books. I know the characters very well but I don't know the stand out great storys by name and reputation. For instance easily I can pick off the top of my head The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, A Death in the Family, Long Halloween and Knightfall from Batman. What should I look for with Marvel? I go in there regularly and end up not getting anything dispite the wide selection.


It's an awkward one, because there aren't many Marvel stories like that. It's usually runs by a specific writer that are pretty good.


If they have any Grant Morrison New X-Men, jump on that. Same with the first few volumes of JM Stacynskis's Amazing Spider-Man. If they have Age of Apocalypse, definitely get that, but that's four full volumes of one story.


I really liked Earth-X if they have that, but it's a bit heavy going.

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Oh dear, I've ordered the first Graphic of American Vampire too! It better not disappoint!


Also for Marvel I'd have a look at 1602, Origin, The Ultimates, Punisher: Born and Spiderman Noir. You can easily pickup a few graphics like The Death of Captain America, Winter Soldier, The Immortal Iron Fist, Moon Knight: The Bottom, Daredevil: The Devil Inside and Out and so on without knowing much of the character history and stuff.

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Finished the first volume of AV this evening, really enjoyed it. Love Skinner Sweet as a character. Got volume 2 ordered straight away.


Good man. As soon as I read the first from the library, I looked for the second and found it. I rented the third volume as soon as I finished the second. Skinner Sweet is a great character. The fourth volume is out next month according to Wikipedia collecting #19-27.

Edited by The Natural
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Its been a while since i was last collecting comics, (Wally west was still The Flash!), And I'm looking to get back into them.


With all the new 52 stuff, does anybody have any thoughts/advice on them? After having a look around, I'll be getting the collected volumes of The Flash and maybe Earth 2 as well.


I've recently read through "The Killing Joke", "Year One" and "City of crime" (which was just fantastic) and "Faces" all from the Batman series. All where really really good, with Killing joke and Faces being my favorites.

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  • Paid Members
Its been a while since i was last collecting comics, (Wally west was still The Flash!), And I'm looking to get back into them.


With all the new 52 stuff, does anybody have any thoughts/advice on them? After having a look around, I'll be getting the collected volumes of The Flash and maybe Earth 2 as well.


I've recently read through "The Killing Joke", "Year One" and "City of crime" (which was just fantastic) and "Faces" all from the Batman series. All where really really good, with Killing joke and Faces being my favorites.


Get Batman, then. Scott Snyder's run on it has been the best in years. Brilliant stuff. His Swamp Thing run is really good as well, and has been crossing over with Jeff Lemire's Animal Man.


Otherwise, Wonder Woman has been really good too, and Justice League: Dark got interesting when Jeff Lemire took it over. Justice League and Action Comics have both been good, but a bit confused.

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  • Paid Members
Its been a while since i was last collecting comics, (Wally west was still The Flash!), And I'm looking to get back into them.


With all the new 52 stuff, does anybody have any thoughts/advice on them? After having a look around, I'll be getting the collected volumes of The Flash and maybe Earth 2 as well.


I've recently read through "The Killing Joke", "Year One" and "City of crime" (which was just fantastic) and "Faces" all from the Batman series. All where really really good, with Killing joke and Faces being my favorites.


Get Batman, then. Scott Snyder's run on it has been the best in years. Brilliant stuff. His Swamp Thing run is really good as well, and has been crossing over with Jeff Lemire's Animal Man.


Otherwise, Wonder Woman has been really good too, and Justice League: Dark got interesting when Jeff Lemire took it over. Justice League and Action Comics have both been good, but a bit confused.

Just been looking into the Batman/Scott Snyder stuff and will be getting the collected volumes of that fairly soon. Flash is a definite for me, although I'm gutted Wally West isn't till knocking about. I'll try Justice league and Earth 2 as well.


Earth 2 really interests me as its a re-split of the golden age stuff into a separate universe again, yet it also re-tells a lot of the origins, (which is expected for Green Lantern).


Can't believe I've been out of comics for so long!

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Its been a while since i was last collecting comics, (Wally west was still The Flash!), And I'm looking to get back into them.


With all the new 52 stuff, does anybody have any thoughts/advice on them? After having a look around, I'll be getting the collected volumes of The Flash and maybe Earth 2 as well.


Don't get the new Green Arrow. The new character is a massive dickhead that I simply just can't abide unlike the original Green Arrow by guys like Neal Adams and Mike Grell.


I've been collecting the Justice League and I like it for the most part, but the last few issues the best thing has been the Shazam story. I think they will be doing an Issue 0 with something Shazam related. I like that story alot.

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Has anyone read any DC #0's yet? The only one I've read so far is Green Lantern. I've never been a regular reader but I was interested to see how they'd use a character like Simon Baz and I quite liked it. Is the plan to stick with him in the GL title or is it straight back to Hal?


I also added a few of the Marvel Now #1's onto my sub as they're starting soon. Interested to see how they go with those.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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