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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Those three blokes were Blackpool illuminations, in cahoots with the RAND corporation in association with the reverse vampires.


The Elders of Zion is just inane hateful rambling, it's like justifying misogyny by citing "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks". It's this kind of thinking that unfortunately makes the people who should be regarded as unreasonable, hate filled lunatics [bNP, Scientologists et al] seem moderate in comparison by giving them a point of ridicule. People do deserve to have their "wacky" beliefs called out.

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I watched some Dawkins programme or other and he said something along the lines of "It's good to keep an open mind but not so open that our brains fall out"

Bang on the money there Keith.


Anyone who thinks the royal family are lizards needs their heads examined, but the thing with a fair chunk of Icke's stuff is that it's not him who has written it. Lots of it is links to various credible news sources and the like which provide questions about the goings-on behind the scenes of various Governments and big businesses.


Now, if people are going to believe that the reason all is not well is because the people behind it are all aliens who look like extras from V, then that's not so bright a road to go down.


However, if someone is going to suggest to me that there are a few big money men and corporations who are prodding proceedings in a direction that will see them get richer and the vast majority of the population get shafted and manipulated, then i'm willing to entertain what they have to say.


Personally, I think Icke has been quite smart to steer clear of the lizard deal that he was on about in the early 90's and move onto more concrete stuff regarding the EU, the IMF and the like.


That's probably why he's went from speaking at a community centre in Bristol in front of 12 people to appearing at places like the Oxford Union, and being able to sell-out the O2 Brixton Academy.

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Duane, while you're around, you never did respond to Loki's post in Hollie Greig thread. I'd normally let it drop, but you're still linking to the case in your sig.


Yes please!


Good. And it wasn't just a dig at Duane, it was a dig at every idiot who believes in stupid conspiracy theories that contradict each other, let alone common sense. They deserve massive fucking beatings, but condescension will do. Not that they're any strangers to condescension themselves, what with the whole "I woke up and questioned things and saw the real story, not like all the sheeple who are still asleeple" thing.


If someone was saying that the world is round because it's controlled by all-powerful aliens who want it to be round, they'd still be regarded as completely off their trolly. Especially if they're also saying it's round because it's controlled by some incompetent Jews who want it to be cube-shaped. Like Georgie said on the previous page, if you're going to buy crackpot bollocks about who secretly controls the world, at least be consistent about which evil


You can have me anytime :wub:

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Duane, I've noted that you found time to post about the Bilderberg group in the Currently Reading thread, yet you've still not responded to Loki. Taking the Hollie Greig link out of your sig isn't going to make me forget, and the world won't end if you back down from one of your many, many crazy claims, just once.


I'm sure it might seem like I'm picking on him, but the guy's spent a good few years now boring everyone with this ridiculous shit and never, ever, ever responding to something that picks it apart. Dude's left a lot of dead conspiracy threads in the wake of his hit-and-run posting.

Edited by Woyzeck
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Replying to Loki in a thread of this nature is a waste of energy.


I changed the link in my sig because it's relevant to this thread, I want people to check it out for themselves. I stopped responding to the Hollie Greig thread since there was no point, it was all trolling.


We can all bury our heads in the sand about problems in the world but they won't go away. Usually if I quote evidence of something then Loki has the habit of coming along and coming out with something about aliens or whatever....


Shame the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling just as it gets good.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Replying to Loki in a thread of this nature is a waste of energy.


I changed the link in my sig because it's relevant to this thread, I want people to check it out for themselves. I stopped responding to the Hollie Greig thread since there was no point, it was all trolling.


We can all bury our heads in the sand about problems in the world but they won't go away. Usually if I quote evidence of something then Loki has the habit of coming along and coming out with something about aliens or whatever....


Shame the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling just as it gets good.


God you're a fucking wretch.


"it was all trolling" :laugh:


There was a link in there to a piece written by the guy who ran the Hollie Greig campaign who said he'd been conned and it was all bollocks. It's not trolling for people to have the differing opinion in a debate. If you'd had actual conviction in your beliefs, rather than this lilly-cocked fantasy world where we all need to open our eyes, but you'll squeeze yours shut the second something comes along and disproves something you really, really want to believe, you'd have been able to respond like a regular person.


Please explain how the link in that thread was...


the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling


This may be the most pathetic get-out I've ever seen in all my years of internetting.


It's a pretty sweet example of the whole conspiracy mindset though.


:rolleyes: "Can't you see the truth, sheeple? Stop burying your heads in the sand!"

:thumbsup: *Something that proves a wacky theory is nonsense*

:rolleyes: *buries head in sand*


For anyone wondering, here's the thread in question, with Duane urging us to get in touch with our MPs and GET JUSTICE! Loki's post is on the second page.

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lilly-cocked fantasy world where we all need to open our eyes, but you'll squeeze yours shut the second something comes along and disproves something you really, really want to believe


Pretty much the dictionary definition of a conspiracy theorist.

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Replying to Loki in a thread of this nature is a waste of energy.


...Usually if I quote evidence of something then Loki has the habit of coming along and coming out with something about aliens or whatever....


Shame the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling just as it gets good.


You spineless shit Duane. :laugh: You don't reply because you can't. You're a nice bloke but your complete inability to laugh at yourself makes you look like a right wanker sometimes.

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There are some, like some of those involved with 9/11 who have become that way out of grief, confusion and anger. Those are the ones I feel sorry for. Then there's the attention seekers and the plain old mentals, who I have no time for.

Jesse Ventura must fall into this category now, no?


Also, why the fuck is June Sarpong his sidekick on his show? Conspiracy theories regarding that decision welcomed...

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Replying to Loki in a thread of this nature is a waste of energy.


I changed the link in my sig because it's relevant to this thread, I want people to check it out for themselves. I stopped responding to the Hollie Greig thread since there was no point, it was all trolling.


We can all bury our heads in the sand about problems in the world but they won't go away. Usually if I quote evidence of something then Loki has the habit of coming along and coming out with something about aliens or whatever....


Shame the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling just as it gets good.


God you're a fucking wretch.


"it was all trolling" :laugh:


There was a link in there to a piece written by the guy who ran the Hollie Greig campaign who said he'd been conned and it was all bollocks. It's not trolling for people to have the differing opinion in a debate. If you'd had actual conviction in your beliefs, rather than this lilly-cocked fantasy world where we all need to open our eyes, but you'll squeeze yours shut the second something comes along and disproves something you really, really want to believe, you'd have been able to respond like a regular person.


Please explain how the link in that thread was...


the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling


This may be the most pathetic get-out I've ever seen in all my years of internetting.


It's a pretty sweet example of the whole conspiracy mindset though.


:rolleyes: "Can't you see the truth, sheeple? Stop burying your heads in the sand!"

:thumbsup: *Something that proves a wacky theory is nonsense*

:rolleyes: *buries head in sand*


For anyone wondering, here's the thread in question, with Duane urging us to get in touch with our MPs and GET JUSTICE! Loki's post is on the second page.

Loki might well have had a valid point in that thread, posting some "evidence", sadly taking a look back at that thread it's clear the majority of replies are childish and pathetic.




Read Loki's post. That blog is misinformation.


I've met the people working on the campaign and told me about this blog site.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Replying to Loki in a thread of this nature is a waste of energy.


...Usually if I quote evidence of something then Loki has the habit of coming along and coming out with something about aliens or whatever....


Shame the usual idiots can't stay on topic and decide to do the usual predictable trolling just as it gets good.


You spineless shit Duane. :laugh: You don't reply because you can't. You're a nice bloke but your complete inability to laugh at yourself makes you look like a right wanker sometimes.

Look mate, I can laugh at myself I'm not Tom Cruise ya know ;):p


I found Shep's joke funny in a previous thread, when he mentioned HG Wells and Woking.


I have a laugh when appropriate and serious when appropriate.


Where it gets twisted is where you and others love to bring in daft stuff about aliens and lizards etc, belittling me and making out I'm a gullible idiot. Fair enough have a laugh but it gets a bit cuntish!


I deal in facts, what can be proven when it comes to these causes. I totally agree about the lizard shapeshifters or aliens conspiracy theory being wacky, for christ sakes :rolleyes:


As David has said Icke researches the material for his books and lectures quoting others, it's not simply THEORY.

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