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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I'm not defending Icke but I think a lot of the truthers out there are the sort who hate Jews, then contort things to fit their line of thinking. In a way, I tend to prefer the ones who are honest about it and don't try and twist things into some cabal nonce sense.


I know that the majority of conspiracy nuts out there are rampant right wingers but even the likes of Alex Jones hate Icke because of the lizards thing. I honestly don't think Icke is an anti semite, he's a delusional schizophrenic. Granted, he could do more to get that across but those nutjobs pay for his house, he isn't going to get a mainstream revenue stream any time soon.


EDIT - David was a Brevik sympathiser? Fucking hell.


Maybe sympathiser's a bit strong, but I seem to remember him agreeing with Varg's comments about why the kids who were being shot didn't fight back, and just let themselves be murdered. Starts here: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=126750&st=45 I'm not setting out to crucify David here or anything, it was just interesting that the same guy who's, shall we say, got form, is the one who's also enjoyed Icke's books, and is going to see one of his lectures, in light of the idea that conspiracy theories are intrinsically linked to the far right.


Interesting point about Icke. He's clearly mental, but does that mean he can't be a racist? Are those things mutually exclusive?

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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I'm not setting out to crucify David here or anything,

It would be a Jewish death, therefore ironic.


I don't know about being racist, as I don't think he discriminates due to race or creed. That's if you think he has a problem with reptiles, of course. But yeah, I guess the mentally ill can still be racist, just for different reason than, say, a Burzum loving BNP voter.

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I'm not setting out to crucify David here or anything,

It would be a Jewish death, therefore ironic.


I don't know about being racist, as I don't think he discriminates due to race or creed.


He says he doesn't discriminate, because he's only out to tear down the blood-drinking, cackling cabal. It just so happens that almost everyone who is evil happens to be Jewish. And sodomy is at the centre of it all, being that orgies and paedophilia are what runs things. Meaning everyone who's evil is also homosexual.



"I'm not sayin' that every fookin' Muslim is a suicide bomber, but every fookin' suicide bomber is a Muslim!"



"I'm not saying that every Kike and queer is an evil Illuminati paedo..."

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When I saw him and he was going on about who was in the cabal, I assumed Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie were merely providing the singalongs at Bohemian Grove in between the child sacrifices to the owl God. I'm such a sheeple.


Yeah, their "Logic" about putting two and two together and getting a pentangle doesn't carry over to that most of the top brass of the Illuminati are men, or man lizards. They should hate all men, which makes Germaine Greer the head lizard.

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I'm not setting out to crucify David here or anything

Yeah, you'll keep that for the paid section of the forum, telling people that I'm an Anders Brevik sympathiser, which obviously isn't the case. I think your overly starchy diet is starting to fuck with your head, my friend.

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but even the likes of Alex Jones hate Icke because of the lizards thing.

Jones loves him.


He had it on the other week, I was watching some of Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theory for a laugh on Youtube and it came up on the suggested videos due to Jones and Ventura being mates.


I did not watch it though.


EDIT: Here it is -


On the subject of Alex Jones this made me piss myself. He is a nutter, but he is funny at times unintentionally.


Edited by jimufctna24
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I'm not setting out to crucify David here or anything

Yeah, you'll keep that for the paid section of the forum, telling people that I'm an Anders Brevik sympathiser, which obviously isn't the case.


You didn't exactly come across as anti-Breivik in that thread, at least (or anti-Varg Vikernes). But it is an interesting connection. From your posts here over the years, you've clearly been drawn to more Right-sided topics, and you also find Icke interesting on a genuine, not-just-for-the-giggles way. Really very, very funny references to potatoes aside, having personally found the bits of his books I've read to be utter dribble, can I ask what parts of his ideology did hold your attention? Do you think he's right, on some level?


It's hard for me to see how (non insane) people find a way in to Icke these days. He's so fucking wacky, it's not like there's a subtle "Well, this doesn't sound too crazy..." notion before you get to the batshit stuff. I guess they start at being pissed with the government and buy into the 911 nonsense and work their way in from there.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Doesn't Jones say how Icke does great stuff then drops a huge turd in the punchbowl as soon as he mentions lizards?



I only watch parts of Jones for comic relief if I come across a short video and the topic looks interesting or absurd. But if Jones has someone on, I would tend to think he likes them. I could not see him giving Michael Moore free reign on his show.

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Doesn't Jones say how Icke does great stuff then drops a huge turd in the punchbowl as soon as he mentions lizards?


He does, but I'm sure he doesn't like it only because the shapeshifting space-lizard stuff outright puts people off and is embarrassing, rather than the vaguer Illuminati/NWO business he throws around. He probably believes it anyway, the idiot.

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You didn't exactly come across as anti-Breivik in that thread, at least (or anti-Varg Vikernes).

You're willing to retract your ridiculous statement then?


But it is an interesting connection. From your posts here over the years, you've clearly been drawn to more Right-sided topics, and you also find Icke interesting on a genuine, not-just-for-the-giggles way.

It's not really all that interesting though, is it? Icke does his talks all the time, and I'm sure that everyone who pays money to see him doesn't fall into either the "i'm just here for giggles, me" category or the "I sympathise with Brevik and want to play at being a viking with Varg Vikernes" column.


Icke is a mentalist. Does that make him interesting in a poking a dead body with a stick, rubbernecking at a carcrash type of way? Yeah, in my book it does. I'm fascinated by people who think and exist outside the norm. Are there many of these types on the left? Nope. Most of them are right-wing headcases.


Really very, very funny references to potatoes aside, having personally found the bits of his books I've read to be utter dribble, can I ask what parts of his ideology did hold your attention? Do you think he's right, on some level?

I don't think he's right on any level really, I simply find him interesting. There are people who love horror movies and have an interest in reading books about serial killers and the like. Does that make them closet knife-wielding lunatics?


It's hard for me to see how (non insane) people find a way in to Icke these days. He's so fucking wacky, it's not like there's a subtle "Well, this doesn't sound too crazy..." notion before you get to the batshit stuff. I guess they start at being pissed with the government and buy into the 911 nonsense and work their way in from there.

It's the wackyness, and the fact that he's so removed from reality that interest me though. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, and I don't dedicate a lot of my time to it, but it does interest me.

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Here's a weird one while I'm thinking of it. There's a movie being made concerning the idea that 911 was an inside job, starring real, proper actors like Woody Harrelson, Martin Sheen, Ed Asner and Judd Nelson from Breakfast Club.


Martin Sheen got into the Truth Movement through his son Charlie, whose first sign of being mentally unwell was going on a "911 was an inside job!" rant on the radio. Also, Woody Harrelson's peripherally involved in the most famous conspiracy of all time. His father, Charles Harrelson, was a mob guy who died in jail while serving a double life sentence for assassinating a federal judge. More notably, he's supposed to be one of the three hobos involved in the assassination of JFK.


In September 1982, Harrelson surrendered to police after a six-hour standoff in which he was reportedly "high on cocaine".[21][22] During the standoff, he threatened suicide and "confessed" to killing Judge Wood and President John F. Kennedy.[21][23] Joseph Chagra later testified during Harrelson's trial that Harrelson claimed to have shot Kennedy and drew maps to show where he was hiding during the assassination.


The production company for this film is the brilliantly tinfoil FREE MIND FILMS.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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You're willing to retract your ridiculous statement then?


Re-reading the thread, I'd amend it to victim-blamer, sure.


Obviously you'll disagree, but this is an interesting angle that I'd never given too much thought to before, that people drawn to right-wing topics also find themselves drawn to David Icke. Whether you think I'm right or not, I'd tend to put you into that category.


I don't think he's right on any level really, I simply find him interesting. There are people who love horror movies and have an interest in reading books about serial killers and the like. Does that make them closet knife-wielding lunatics?


Bit of a strawman, because, of course not. But there's finding someone interesting, and there's managing to plough through his overlong, horrendously written books, and dropping

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Doesn't Jones say how Icke does great stuff then drops a huge turd in the punchbowl as soon as he mentions lizards?

He does, but I'm sure he doesn't like it only because the shapeshifting space-lizard stuff outright puts people off and is embarrassing,

More so than Jones's rant about how the linings of Tetra-Pak style cartons are turning our children gay to reduce breeding and control the population growth?


Here's a weird one while I'm thinking of it. There's a movie being made concerning the idea that 911 was an inside job, starring Woody Harrelson, Martin Sheen, Ed Asner and Judd Nelson from Breakfast Club.


Martin Sheen got into the Truth Movement through his son Charlie, whose first sign of being mentally unwell was going on a "911 was an inside job!" rant on the radio. Also, Woody Harrelson's peripherally involved in the most famous conspiracy of all time. His father, Charles Harrelson, was a mob guy who died in jail while serving a double life sentence for assassinating a federal judge. More notably, he's supposed to be one of the three hobos involved in the assassination of JFK.

Harrelson also shares the smoking habits of many a everything's-a-conspiracy truth seeker.

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