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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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so "They" can plan and execute three terror attacks 10 years ago with super holograms controlled demolitions and all the crazy loose change moonbattery that goes with it but they cant plant WMD in Iraq to support the 45 min claim?


when faced with the conspiracy nutters i find viewing this video helps Conspiracy theorists - STFU!

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so "They" can plan and execute three terror attacks 10 years ago with super holograms controlled demolitions and all the crazy loose change moonbattery that goes with it but they cant plant WMD in Iraq to support the 45 min claim?


when faced with the conspiracy nutters i find viewing this video helps Conspiracy theorists - STFU!


Haha! THIS!



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It's not false! How on earth can you say that there aren't sincere, mature and well educated people who question the official 9/11 story? Example:


Dr. Judy Wood, author of "Where Did The Towers Go?"


Good example. Judy Wood's assertion is that the WTC was destroyed by a hitherto unknown energy weapon fired from space that caused an immense seismic reaction that brought the towers down.


Now for the sake of argument, let's leave aside the fact that I saw planes hit each of those two towers and that the science explaining how those impacts led to the collapses of the towers is rock-solid.


Dr Wood's theory, and she admits that she starts from a hypothesis and then looked for evidence to support it (not a terrible scientific method, but one open to fundamental problems) is that the sort of energy weapons in development by the US government for the Star Wars program, which have over the past 25 years developed to the stage of just about, albeit inaccurately, being able to blow up a missile in flight, are also advanced enough to knock out 2 heavily underpinned buildings in downtown New York.


Her evidence boils down to a comparison of Richter readings between the 7/11 event and other comparable collapses. But unfortunately this is where the whole thing falls down. There are a number of papers out there that go into detail on this, but here's one:




To quote a relevant section:


One of the key points of the WR thesis is that the collapses of the Twin Towers should have produced ground shaking sufficient to cause a Richter scale spike larger than the spike generated by the demolition of the Kingdome in Seattle. Even assuming the WR paper is valid in all other respects, the WR thesis is based in part on faulty data, which invalidates a major part of the thesis, as will be demonstrated below.


The WR paper relies exclusively on seismic data readings obtained from the Lamont- Dougherty station at Columbia University taken during the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, the WR paper readily admits several times that this seismic data has been corrupted in some way. To quote from page 1:

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You got a reply to Loki then Horrorshow or you going to do a Duane?


Approximately how much time have you spent examining the independent research dedicated to Horrorshow before coming to the conclusion that he won't reply to Loki?

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You got a reply to Loki then Horrorshow or you going to do a Duane?


I thought you'd already "done a Duane", TripleGay as you haven't answered any of the questions I directly posed to you in my previous posts. popcorn.gif


What do you want me to say to Loki? He knows far more about Dr. Judy Wood and her theories than I do. I mentioned her name simply as someone who is sincere, mature, well educated and believes that there is something wrong with the official 9/11 story. Wood is not a crack pot with a chip on her shoulder who lives in a dumpster and eats out of discarded dog food cans. Whether you believe in her ideas or don't (and I know next to nothing about them so don't really have an opinion on free energy technology) you have to acknowledge that she's an intelligent person who's heart is in the right place, even if you think she's delusional. She risked her career for her beliefs.


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Anyone else on here watch BBC 3's Conspiracy Road Trip on Thursday? It's an interesting one for those in the truth movement since it features the well known and charismatic Charlie Veitch (Love Police). Someone who until recently was popular with many truthseekers, he flip-flopped and changed his mind on 9/11 being an inside job in a very short space of time following this trip to the States with the BBC.


Part 1 of the programme.


Since Charlie changing his opinion to quick and easily as you can imagine there has been all sorts of speculation as to whether CV was genuine to begin with or controlled opposition, if Neuro Linguistic programming was used or if he's just someone after his 15minutes of fame. CV has previously appeared on TV alongside Anarchists at the March 26 demo, interviewed by ITV when he declared he would protest the Royal Wedding, then was subsequently arrested before leaving his home in Cambridge. He's also appeared on Russia Today and Press TV. Plus his girlfriend Silkie appeared on a reality show.


For anyone interested Edge Media are airing a 3 hour debate tomorrow from 6-9pm, which I'm sure will mention the BBC 3 debunking programme.







Checking through the schedule it appears the channel is devoting most of the day to the topic of 9/11 and False Flag Terrorism.


Fucking hell I really fucking hate the shit you post.


That is all, carry on with the tin foil everybody

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I thought you'd already "done a Duane", TripleGay as you haven't answered any of the questions I directly posed to you in my previous posts.


Yes I did. I told you I hadn't bothered reading into any independent research because I'm not a total mongoloid and I don't want to waste my time.

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Horrorshow, what do YOU believe happened on 9/11? And whats your reasoning?


I'm not sure what really happened on 9/11. There's so much contrary evidence out there. Some people refuse to spend even five minutes questioning the official story just as some have come out with extremely wacky conspiracies. I've never really been overly concerned about how 9/11 went down. What I can't get away from though is how the U.S. and her allies have behaved since that fateful day and how they have gained in many ways from 9/11. It's hard for me personally to just put that down to "opportunism" on our governments parts.


Out of interest, is there anyone out there who accepts the official 9/11 story but believes that the JFK assassination was an inside job?

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