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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I think its allready been mentioned in this thread, But aparently the "Rapture", (or Armageddon/Judgement day) will be starting on May 21st this year.


Some guy has worked out that jesus will be returning to rule over the earth for 5 months, in which of course believers will be sparred, and non believers will indure 5 months of hell on earth. During this time satan will be challengeing Jesus to a fight, (which should be entertaining for the sinners), up until god destroys the planet in october.


This same guy predicted this would happen a few years ago and of course got it wrong, so thought id mention it, as its supposedly "Fairly soon".


All i can say is, if i open the curtain on may 21st and the rapture is on, i'll be going back to bed.

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Well at least this Jesus vs Satan fight should give us something to watch while the footy is off-season. Do you think 2011 Jesus will be 2011 looking, or do you think he'll still be rocking the robe, sandals and beard look?

I'd expect he'll be rocking the beard, i may be wrong but i think in the bible it says he comes back as "Arch-angel Michael" (Gimmick change ~), but i may of made that up.


Do you think they will be taking bets on it? and would there be any warm up fights? Maybe to unify the "Fictional / SCI-FI Charecters" Dvision?

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May 21st was said to be the solar maximum of this current cycle which they are basing this theory on. Thing is, the solar maximum was originally predicted as being May 21st next year, and now it's been put back to between January and May 2013. Another theorist who doesn't have a clue about space.


Either way, my money would be on Jesus. Over 2000 years of pimping his franchise and people are still throwing money at him.

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Well some Russians have just found a dead alien supposedly.


The movie - made by two walkers in Irkutsk in Russia's remote Siberia - shows what appears to be the badly damaged corpse of a two foot high ET half buried in the snow.


Part of the right leg is missing and there are deep holes for eyes and a mouth in a skull-like head.


UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash, reports local media.


The area is a known UFO hotspot with dozens of sightings reported every year.


Igor Molovic, one of the pair that uploaded the video, now seen by nearly 700,000 people within a few days, said: 'We couldn't believe it when we saw it. And what was spooky is that there was no sign of the spaceship.


'Perhaps that was taken away and the body overlooked.'


Skeptics suggest the video is a fake using a staged model for the ET's body.



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PFFT What kind of a Russian jackass finds a body of anything and doesn't poke it with a stick?


EDIT: Oh excellent, my comment on this on YouTube is highest rated :thumbsup:

Edited by Kookoocachu
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I saw that yesterday, not 100% sure it it just looks fake to me, but in this world of conspiricys etc, how are we ever going to know?

I can't really say it looks real or fake. The problem is that it's a quite a good little video but it occured to me while watching, what would I expect a genuine video to look like? The answer is that I actually don't know. I need to look into this one more, the article and video alone aren't enough.

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Siberia looks like a horrible place, doesn't it, with the massive smoke stacks in the distance!


One thing struck me - the body is tiny. It's right next to a tree root, so it can't be more than about a foot in length. That's really tiny!


Also, it's not that "remote" as there's a village in the foreground of the opening shot, and the two guys are holding plastic shopping bags.

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One thing struck me - the body is tiny. It's right next to a tree root, so it can't be more than about a foot in length. That's really tiny!

2 foot according to the article.

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Apparently the guy that filmed it has admitted it was actually chicken skin stuffed with bread. This came out when the police turned up to question him having had reports from people concerned this was actually an infant. Now I don't wanna sound all Duane, but am I the only one who finds the idea that this is chicken skin and bread a little hard to swollow?

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Apparently the guy that filmed it has admitted it was actually chicken skin stuffed with bread. This came out when the police turned up to question him having had reports from people concerned this was actually an infant. Now I don't wanna sound all Duane, but am I the only one who finds the idea that this is chicken skin and bread a little hard to swollow?


Yeah, it needs gravy.

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