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Ironic Indie Lad

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Posts posted by Ironic Indie Lad

  1. Well you've nailed it really haven't you? The card looks very dull but that's something that's on them. It's not like its a crap card due to injuries or other matters outwith their control.

    It's an uninspiring card from a lame duck product. Maybe with a bit more care and effort they wouldn't have to stick someone like Cesaro on the show at the 11th hour to try and make people interested.

  2. Claudio was over here quite a bit back when he sported the extremely dodgy Swiss Money Holding ring gear / before he got into wild physical condition. Just sticking Cesaro vs Dunne on the card seems a bit desperate though. Almost like they have gone "Shit lads...we need a ****+ workrate match on this card pronto"

    Just had a little look at the card for this.

    Joe Coffey vs Dave Mastiff. The absolute opposite of a dream match.

  3. I've been tempted by The Athletic mainly for Ben Fowlkes and Chad Dundas. I've been listening to their CME podcast for years now and miss their writing on other sites.

    I've relied on MMAJunkie and MMAFighting for my MMA news for probably 10+ years at this point but neither site is worth visiting anymore unless you want to read articles that basically boil down to "Conor McGregor has done a tweet"

  4. I've been having a go of the Dragon Quest XI demo on the switch which I hear is like 10 hours long which is crazy for a free demo. It's done the trick though as it's convinced me to get the full retail version when it comes out at the end of September. Pretty glad I skipped this on PS4 and waited for this version.

    I'm going to buy either Astral Chain or Control this weekend. Constantly going back and forth over which one to get.

    Anyone jumping in on either of those?

  5. 1 minute ago, Supremo said:

    Mainly, the fact that he doesn’t feel like a big star at all in AEW so far. That match with CIMA might have earned another two and a quarter stars for going as long as it did, but it would’ve added far more momentum to Kenny and made him feel like a far bigger deal if he’d won in half the time.

    There’s a reason Goldberg feels like such a megastar now, maybe even more than he did in his heyday and it’s because he’s the only fucker smashing people up. Long matches with cool moves doesn’t cut it when everyone does that.

    I’m not saying Adam Page or Kenny Omega should be beating guys in one minute with a Jackhammer, but they sure as fuck shouldn’t be going twenty plus minutes with CIMA and that British guy I’ve already forgotten the name of.

    Easy enough to say, definitely way more difficult to actually do. I think based on how Omega got over and what fans expect, if you have Omega picking up quick wins instead of putting on high quality competitive matches then the core 'Elite' fanbase would be very disappointed. You might also have newer fans tuning in based on the hype and wondering what all the fuss was about.

    Wasn't the CIMA match marketed as a first time ever dream match?

    He's only had singles matches on standalone events so far and I've not had a particular problem with either. Neither has been particularly memorable though. I do agree that he's way colder than he was before AEW got up and running.

    Problem is, he was absolutely red hot from the NJPW run. That run definitely wasn't based on a bunch of quick wins over lower tiered opponents. I don't think its the length of his matches that's the problem as much as the overall presentation.

    I agree that long matches with all the big moves don't cut it when everyone does it. I would be asking the lower and mid carders to reign it in way, way before I asked a top guy to calm down though.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I think Omega should be their top guy but it’s never going to happen if he’s having long, 50/50 matches with guys like CIMA. When the TV starts he needs to be smashing some chumps and then posing for photos and shaking hands with kids afterwards. 

    I'm not so sure that's true. I'll preface this by saying I'm not that big an Omega fan and I think NJPW has been way better since he left.

    Omega got over on the quality of his matches. His nickname was literally "The Best Bout Machine"

    What are you basing your opinion that Omega squashing jobbers would get him more over on?

  7. 1 minute ago, BomberPat said:

    Stood next to Simon Gotch at a urinal in Wolverhampton. Can't confirm whether or not he was shooting on Enzo Amore at the time.

    Went for tapas with Tatanka, the day after seeing him eat every single potato at a hotel buffet. Main memory is him responding to a joke about drug use with a bellowed "WOAH! DOWN THIS END OF THE TABLE WE SMOKE UM PEACE PIPE!"

    Saw Mark Haskins in Spiders in Hull, looking thoroughly miserable while the DJ played a bunch of wrestling themes.

    This is exactly the sort of bleakness I crave


  8. I want to hear about bizarre or mundane encounters you've had with wrestlers. None of this "oh I paid hundreds to meet the Undertaker and he was really nice" rubbish - I don't care.

    I want some obscure shit. The bleaker the better.

    I'll start it off:

    I have pissed beside both Kenny Omega and Yoshinari Ogawa in very bleak UK venues.

    I saw Edge and Shelton Benjamin browsing some magazines in a WHSmiths in 2005.

    I was standing watching the Ospreay/Sydal 2/3 falls match in Rev pro in 2015. Shinsuke Nakamura ran past me in a crouched position to ensure I did not miss a single second of the action. Very polite of him.

    I somehow found myself absolutely steaming drunk in an empty bowling alley with Sami Calihan and Trevor Lee in the middle of the night. All 3 playing some weird game where you had to hit the other in the head with a metal spoon with the recipient losing if they flinched.

    I saw Paul London taking a rat back to his hotel once and she was AT BEST a 2/10.

    Mick Foley used to DM my bird on Myspace in about 2008.

  9. Taking a high caffeine pre-workout to get you through a several hour walk is a bad idea. Totally not fit for purpose. That sort of product is way more suited for a shorter, intense resistance workout.

    You'd be better off eating sensible volumes of carbohydrate (drives me mental when people think all carbs are pure evil and must be avoided at all costs) like oats, rice, potatoes with a good source of protein, fibre and plenty of water. You'll have much more energy.

    I've lifted weights on average of 4 times a week for years now, the only intra-workout supplement I've ever experimented with is TriCarb. I found it pretty useful in combatting muscle fatigue and getting a few more reps out when doing long, high volume workouts now that I am over 30. I've known a lot of strongmen to snack on high sugar stuff mid-workout for similar effects but I would rather not look like a fat prick. (no offense to fat pricks)

    Your problem is very clearly not carbs or poor supplementation though, its almost surely lethargy from the comedown of being quite literally addicted to biccies and cereal. Your system will be knackered from processing the madness you force it to endure with your diet etc.

  10. I don't have one of those but I did get an original Xbox modded with CoinOps a few years back.

    Lost a lot of time with my friend playing through Simpsons, X-Men, AVP, Punisher, Metal Slug etc. Like being in the arcade as a kid but with unlimited money. Truly joyous stuff.

  11. 51 minutes ago, Snugglecakes said:

    Well, Suzuki himself for one. I know Meltzer rated it highly, but I found the Sapporo match to be boring. This year alone, we've had the Jericho match from a few months ago. A lot of Okada's matches go about ten to fifteen minutes too long, but that's just my opinion. I know some people think he's the greatest of all time or something.

    Fair enough, if that's your taste.

    Personally I am of the opinion that a world championship match being 25+ mins on a big show is a good thing when the participants are of the upper level NJPW calibre. The match you've mentioned featured an out of shape man pushing 50 and definitely could have been shorter.

    I wouldn't agree that Okada habitually goes too long.

  12. 12 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

    Okada vs Suzuki is a reasonable match, they normally have decent showings.

    Just to be clear...this is definitely a post about Kazuchika Okada and Minoru Suzuki?

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