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Ironic Indie Lad

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Posts posted by Ironic Indie Lad

  1. 16 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    He did start off as one, as El Generico. I remember seeing him in IWS back in the early 2000s, and he was the epitome of a Johnny Kickpads - shit look, shit wrestling. He was amongst a host of guys the internet fans liked (and I might have liked, briefly, at one point) that I just didn't get. He's definitely someone who benefited from NXT, as is Steen.

    To be fair that was almost 20 years ago (which overwhelms me with terror)

    Generico was an absolutely fantastic babyface worker for a pretty long period before he was ever signed by WWE. How well he transitioned to working without the mask was impressive too. Its a shame that probably at least 75% of his post NXT run has been a total botch though.

    I'm hoping CIMA doesn't work as a singles regularly going forward. He's so much more effective as part of a team at this point in his career.

  2. Truly baffled to be typing these words in 2019 but I cant see past Cody vs Dustin Rhodes for MOTY so far. Never liked Cody, don't really enjoy any Dustin stuff apart from early 90s WCW but what they achieved at Double or Nothing cant be denied. Fair play to both lads.

    Best Promotion remains NJPW. WWE is hideous, ROH have entered an unbearably dull phase, TNA is totally irrelevant and AEW has been a weird mix of incredible highs but embarrassing lows so far. New Japan consistently present a well thought out, easy to follow and high quality product.

    Have to make a special mention of Undertaker vs Goldberg for most hilarious and embarrassing match of this year and of all time. Two complete old wallies making absolute tits of themselves in Saudi Arabia of all places. Deliciously bleak.

  3. Checked out some clips of this to see how the Heyman era kicked off.

    First of all, LMAAAAOOOOO at the burial of Mike Kannelis. I really thoroughly enjoyed this. Well deserved for his absolutely mortifying attempts at being some sort of inspirational figure on instagram for managing to stop taking painkillers. Hopefully they develop him into a full blown cuck. Ideally this wont actually build to any matches though as he is nothing as a performer.

    I could see even the WWE die-hards turning on Seth and Becky. They both have a very smug quality to them which becomes unbearable when they combine.

    The AJ stuff was good and definitely a step in the right direction.

    Hopefully the product as a whole picks up some steam after Extreme Rules is out of the way.

  4. 1 minute ago, Accident Prone said:

    So what is your critique exactly? You've not posted anything in particular about the show in particular (at least not that I could see), so I'm just curious as to what has put you off to that degree?

    I mean, we all hated the pre-show with the exception of the excellent 3-way tag, that's a given. The chairshot heard around the world hasn't exactly got people clamoring for more of that, but what else has frustrated you to the point of sacking the company off this early? Especially seeing as you really enjoyed DoN, by all accounts. 

    I mean through my eyes, no match on the main show was actively bad. They're also not going to go balls-to-wall like DoN for every show, as that's big PPV material, and they're continuing with similar feuds and themes that were prevalent at DoN.

    Again, just curious about your opinion and how it changed.

    I never said I have sacked the company off entirely, just that my hype has been killed. I was very positive about the future of AEW coming out of the first show but this show killed my stiffy big time.

    Pre-Show was obviously utter drivel. No idea what sort of maniac enjoys watching the totally talentless Leva Bates. (...actually I do, weird cosplay perverts and furries).

    The chair shot, apron bumps etc don't really bother me that much to be honest. I don't see it as any worse as guys like Ibushi and Naito insisting on taking every bump directly on their head and neck.

    CIMA and Daniels I thought was fine. Perfectly acceptable but instantly forgettable opener. I did laugh quite a lot when Excalibur went into loads of detail on the history of Toryumon and how these two first met only to go "...actually it was Michinoku Pro"

    Women's match I didn't watch as I thought the big lass was horrendous at DoN. I was also busy cooking at the time.

    Cody/Allin had ok work and I suppose it achieved what it set out to do, assuming that's to get Allin over as insanely durable. I just felt like the whole "He used to be a pro skater, his uncle was a drunk,  now he paints his face and carries a body bag" stuff to be crap though. Cody putting him in the bag, hitting his move, taking him out of the bag and pinning him was utter head in my hands, cringe worthy nonsense. As above, post match chair shot didn't bother me but pushing Shawn Spears as a top guy did.

    Four way I barely remember. Didn't hold my attention at all. I am sure it was fine apart from "Jimmy Havoc" but I do remember quite a lot of very bad indie transitions where every move had to be set up by a badly telegraphed missed clothesline. That's a huge pet peeve of mine.

    Trio's match didn't do much for. Not entirely sure why but I'm kind of at the point where The Bucks have jumped the shark a bit. I've been into their stuff in the past but starting to find it a bit tedious now. These guys are great and could likely do a match like this in their sleep at this point.

    Moxley came off as a big star in the main but it was still just a big disjointed collection of bumps and death match spots. Seemed pointless to me.

    I guess my main gripe is that this didn't come off as a cohesive product at all. Just seemed to be throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticked.


  5. 5 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

    what to expect when the end is coming.

    Unbearably bleak post there.

    For me the golden era of terrible but hilarious Eastenders was the Alfie Moon/Kat Slater/Andy Hunter saga.

  6. 1 minute ago, Accident Prone said:

    One bang-average B-show has soured you that bad? 

    I obviously didn't think it was average. I actively disliked the show.

    If this is what their average b-show is like going forward then it's a no from me.

  7. Someone needs to lock Jimmy Havoc in a room with the clip of SUWA saying "necessary training, understand? Shit! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" on a loop for eternity (or longer)

    Never seen a wrestler in a major-ish promotion with a worse look. Horrendous skinny-fat physique, embarrassing rapidly thinning hair and dressed like a 12 year old girl who heard one Marilyn Manson song in 1999 and decided they were a goth. Abysmal wrestler as well.

    I was a big fan of Double or Nothing overall but this show absolutely killed any hype I had for AEW.

  8. 1 hour ago, Whistling Skull said:

    First time I was ever exposed to Sable was at Capital Carnage. Christian and Sable v. Marc Mero and Jackie. Never thought any horrible shit about Sable, other than that she didn't actually do a lot. Jackie got her breasteses completely exposed at the end of the match and I was still perfectly fine respecting her as one of the best female wrestlers around. I can't be alone in this, can I?

    Respecting women? In the 90's!?! You're a freak mate.

  9. This is just another one of oddball Vince's increasingly idiosyncratic ideas that will be dropped within a few months surely? 

    Supremo has hit the nail on the head regarding new fans. I've fucking loved pro wrestling for most of my life and I would take repeated hammer blows to my exposed gonads over watching a single segment of RAW at this point. I imagine a fresh pair of eyes tuning in for the first time would be like a middle aged man jumping into a game of Fortnite.

  10. It was in one of his recent videos but I forget what one. Possibly one of the ones about him being the "best" drug cheat.

    Paraphrasing but it was something about him receiving word on what he popped for and being surprised there wasn't more on the list.


  11. The eye test doesn't lie, brother. I've been around MMA/Grappling gyms and weights rooms for half my life. I have a pretty good gauge of who is natural and who is using what based on seeing actual examples of people cycling on and off.

    Think of all the absolute wildest physiques in MMA. Do you really believe just because they didn't fail a urine test at a very specific time that they are clean? They just happened to have the absolute perfect combination of genetics, training, diet and supplementation?

    And also its pretty widely accepted that pre-USADA MMA was pretty much a lovely big drug free for all frenzy. Chael has literally come out and said he took things that he was never caught for.

  12. 1 minute ago, David said:

    Has Sonnen ever been popped for steroid use previously? 

    Oh come on now

    Think of all the people who have absolutely 100% been on the gas and never pissed hot. You had to be a mong to fail pre-USADA. I can only assume there was next to no testing in Bodog, Rings, Pancrase, Sportfight etc.

    I think its fairly well documented that if you massively increase your bodies test production through unnatural means, your body will stop its natural production. This is why either insanely low or insanely high test has alarm bells ringing.

  13. BJ Penn needs to get his act together. He's become (or been exposed as) an absolute mess of a man.

    WTF is he doing with his top off, rolling about outside a strippers? ESPECIALLY on a school night.

    Could genuinely see Baby J topping himself at some point in the next couple of years. For real.

  14. On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 6:17 PM, CleetusVanDamme said:

    Finished Rage 2. Pretty much everything else about it is mediocre, but it has DOOM's gunplay so I had a blast!

    These were my exact thoughts on Rage 2. Everything in between the Doom 2016 style frantic gunplay sequences was insanely boring. Roll on Wolfenstein Youngblood and Doom Eternal.

    Anyone picked up Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night yet? I was holding off until Friday for the Switch port but I've heard its horrendous. Gonna just play it safe and get it for PS4 instead.

  15. Just now, tiger_rick said:

    Yes, I obviously have. It still makes no sense to me from the POV of not being able to imagine anyone who could possibly think like that but you're right - that is what he means.

    I will pass on your apologies to Dave at the next Cauliflower Alley

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