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Posts posted by SpiritOfTheForest

  1. WWE's "Total Divas" reality show scored a 1.1 cable TV rating and averaged 1.3 million viewers for it's series premiere on Sunday night.


    E! issued a press release touting Total Divas as "the most-watched series debut" since last year's summer-time premiere, "Married to Jonas."


    Total Divas scored 65,239 in social medial activity, trailing the Kardashians's score of 73,969, HBO's "True Blood," and CONCACAF soccer. The episode ranked #4 overall for Sunday night.


    Seems like this has started off as a big success then. How do those ratings compare to TNA's out of interest? It'd be pretty embarrassing if this gets more veiwers than their show.

  2. I'm pretty sure there was a Divas match that main evented Raw some years back. Anyone remember if thats true? If it is, what was the match?


    Gail Kim vs Molly Holly just over a decade ago.


    Well technically, it was the last match of the show before the taped interview where Kane set JR on fire.

  3. I got a chuckle out of this. D'oh!


    After Monday's Raw, Jerry "The King" Lawler stayed in Austin, TX overnight and then drove 3 hours the wrong direction on I-35, ending up in Dallas, not Laredo. Lawler had to call WWE and arrange a flight in order to make it to Laredo in time for the television tapings.


    Lawler also got a lot of flack from staff for not being able to make it to the right city after 40 years in the business. Michale Cole even went on to mention the incident in a Tweet, writing, "@JerryLawler drove 4 hours north to go 7 hours south but he made it to Laredo for #raw"

  4. He's not THAT bad though. I mean it's not like you'd pass Chris Hero in the street and think "what a fat fuck!". I appreciate that that's a different scenario to him sporting that look while being a professional wrestler but even still I don't think it's terrible. Yeah he's a bit flabby but so was Dusty Rhodes, Mick Foley and more recently, Matt Hardy. People are talking as if he's some grotesquely obese freak.

  5. CJ's mum's ghost was the other one. I must have wasted about 5 hours of my life as a lad looking for the bastard pair of them.

  6. I would guess Ricardo got busted for using some form of "fat burners" as fellow wrestler and his pal Leva Bates just alluded to it in a tweet half an hour ago which has since been deleted. Gist of it was her complaining how WWE take no action for weed but punish the use of the aforementioned substance.


    Shame really as I fucking love Ricardo. He's easily my favourite part of the Del Rio act.

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