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Posts posted by SpiritOfTheForest

  1. Special mention to Dave Hedgehog and Spudgun. Those two had me cracking up in pretty much every scene they were in.

    "So what brings you around here?"

    "....the bus"

    Totally agree with the general consensus that it's a work of genius. I love that show and oh so very quotable. A friend of mine's also a big fan and every time it's his birthday I make sure to include "from all the lads on the Ark Royal" on any birthday message to him.

    Rik really was the King of ridiculous facial expressions wasn't he? Could make you fall about laughing without saying a word.



  2. We all remain European. European is the term used to describe the ethnicity of someone who is from one of the nations which makes up the European continent. The EU is  a man-made construct - membership to it does not make one European or non-European. Norwegians and Swiss are European last time I checked. 

    Regardless of taking sides, this fallacy that you can only be classed as a European if you are a member of the European Union is an annoying one. 

  3. Aye Dylan Moran lives in Edinburgh. I bumped into him Peckham's once but I'm dreadful at these sort of occasions and somehow didn't clock it was him till a friend pointed it out when he left. Another friend of mine used to work in one of the bookshops on Princes Street and, in a joke that seemed to write itself, served Dylan Moan one day. As he was paying, she somehow resisted the urge to ask him "are those leather bound pounds?". 

  4. Aye, there was that year when all 3 of the commentators ended up entering the Rumble. If I didn't think she''d enter the match before, I'm fully convinced now. Although Steph sneakily jumping in from the table and eliminating the last woman in the ring at the time, posing smugly and then the counter going off and Ronda Rousey coming out would be pretty damn cool I think. 

  5. On 7/28/2017 at 1:14 PM, Kaz Hayashi said:

    @WretchOnce they have your custom expect to be the one phoning for updates. 

    As a man who works as a Clerk for a firm of solicitors, I can sadly confirm this is all too true. Guys, buying a house is a lengthy process typically involving days or even weeks of dead air waiting for letters to be sent and received. When there's something to tell you, we will tell you. 

  6. 2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    When did Jericho revert to a traditional Boston Crab from the far superior looking original version of Walls of Jericho? And why?

    watching 97/98 WCW and the WOJ looks absolutely nasty as a finisher. Looks really painful and the one he does these days looks shit. 

    It's simply because when he moved to the WWF in '99 he was paired against must physically larger wrestlers and so he adapted the hold so it could be readily applied to non-cruiserweights. In recent years, he's busted out the original liontamer occasionally, against guys like Xavier Woods, Neville and Dolph Ziggler. So basically, he changed the move to fit the larger breed of wrestler and still utilises the original on special occasions to pop the smart fans. The walls is still my favourite wrestling move of all time.

  7. Oh no, don't get me wrong I'm no prude. Perhaps depravity is the wrong word - I mean just how funny it is to me that the guy I'd pegged as the biggest nerd in the company actually likes to engage in a bit of cuckoldry in his spare time. It's a far cry from the "biscuits and cocoa and Dragon Age" that I'd imagined how his evenings were spent. Which is totally daft I know given how little I know Xavier Woods, but it's the impression I got from how he presents. I suppose I simply didn't expect he'd be such a "LAD!", for lack of a better term.

  8. An interesting part of all this for me is I would've put money on Xavier Woods being perhaps the single most likely guy on the roster to quietly retire backstage and play video games rather than get up to the shenanigans of yore and now this depravity emerges. Perhaps wrestlers really will always be wrestlers deep down. 

  9. Does Sturgeon still want the Nukes out of Scotland if independent?


    If so, closing down the Clyde would be an absolute horror show for that region.


    I live in Helensburgh, the town right next to Faslane and that's naturally the predominant concern here in the local press. Presumably the plan would be the same as it was in the campaigning for the last referendum - that following nuclear disarmament the town would become the centre of the new independent Scottish navy. Obviously not as big a market for jobs than Trident provides but to be honest not having a prime nuclear target on my doorstep sits quite well with me. I'm 1000000% Yes.  

  10. Finally trying to get the Network but while going through the sign up I've seen they don't accept my kind of card (Maestro). Don't see any option for PayPal or anything so it would seen that I'm still Networkless :(

  11. I checked out Jericho's podcast for the first time last night for the Cesaro interview. I must say I really enjoyed it. The ice-creams story was brilliant and it was funny to hear Jericho cracking up while hearing about it. I'll probably go back and listen to some of his other ones.

  12. Here's two examples of fans meeting their heroes years apart.






    Don't have a story for the Hogan pic but regarding the Jericho one:


    Check this out...17 years ago in New Orleans, I held a seven year old Russell Palazzolo on my way to the ring in the Superdome in New Orleans. Yesterday Russell came and saw me at my signing in the Superdome in New Orleans. A true Jerichoholic from 1997 to 2014!!


    I thought this was pretty cool anyway.

  13. I love all things gory and horrific in the world of heavy metal, but sometimes bands can push it a little bit too far for even my sinister tastes when they start mentioning babies or kids in their titles. One of the least tasteful names I've come across is
    . There's just no need to be called that. It's a shame too, because I fucking dig their sound. The song in that link is a short, sharp burst of insanity called
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