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Posts posted by SpiritOfTheForest

  1. I never understand the point of this kind of thing. It boils down to: Celebrity has his own political views! Wow.

    Personally I think that the Undertaker is allowed to believe whatever he likes. I'm with him on many things...I can see that this forum is a huge anomaly in that the vast majority swing left to far left, but people going on about how The Undertaker is a bad man because his political choices don't align with theirs, is just a bit much. He's still a childhood hero. And, while you'd never believe it here, there are still a lot of right wing wrestling fans. Indeed, almost all the biggest stars of the WWF/E have been right wing to some extent. I'm much more inclined to believe The Undertaker's account of locker room goings on than that of an anonymous message board anyway. 

    Let's continue to let a middle aged man, totally unrelated to ourselves, come to and report his conclusions following a lifestyle in a business we are not privy to. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Exiled Championship Wrestling won TWC Monday night war. Chad Sexington was a fan favourite. 

    My memory is very hazy but if this is The Wrestling Channel, on the old TWCF I did that too for a couple of months. Christ, I think I was about 15 back then. I remember getting some positive feedback for a promo I typed which made me feel pretty proud. My character was called Clockwork Orange, which as you can probably imagine, was a total Raven knock off. 

    15 years ago....goodness me. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Michael_3165 said:

    I'm assuming it's for ease of access for internal and international flights but I wish they would go to some different places. Texas, California and Florida have had a fair few WMs over the years. Surely there are other places that would be good host cities? 

    My vote would be for Indianapolis. I was there in 2019 and I loved it there - very cool, underrated city. It's pretty much the heart of the Midwest too. 

  4. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is perhaps my favourite game I've ever played. Love the combat too - after you get the hang of it, you'll find it hard to go back to a Skyrim style hack and slash. Top tip: train with Bernard at the combat arena. Lots. The more you grind, the more you improve and combat becomes vastly easier. The whole game is like that - at the beginning you suck at absolutely everything but with practice, practice, practice you get better (just like in real life). I'm at the stage now where if a bandit or Cuman decides to jump me on the road, he's going to get destroyed. I adore pretty much everything about this game - the setting, the emphasis on real life history, the characters, the missions...I've never felt so completely absorbed in a game in my life. 

  5. 2 hours ago, LEGIT said:

    Simmer down, you still walking around calling urself a headbanger? If so I'd suggest u pick Thrasher and Mrs. Cleavege


    Hold on, slightly disconcerting you know my real name (albeit spelled wrong) 😅 Even odder given I post here every 6 months so can only imagine we know each other in real life?

    Top marks for a Beaver Cleavage reference though although still quite a pish post.

  6. Does anybody play Kingdom Come: Deliverance? I've been absolutely obsessed with it. It's pretty much my dream game, being a huge medieval history lover and all, in terms of setting and I've never played a game which offers such a complete level of immersion as this one. I fucking adore it. 

  7. I don't really get what a Spoons protest is supposed to achieve. If it's ostensibly to protest Tim Martin for kicking his workers out of their jobs at a time of pandemic and if it were successful and really hurt his profit margins, wouldn't that simply result in pub closures and many of those same staff people were supposed to be protesting in support of then losing their jobs at a time of pandemic? Seems a bit counter-productive to me. 

    Must admit I do love Wetherspoons. Real ale for £1.99 and a great selection of lagers for bargain prices. Food's fine too if you're looking for something quick to scran before a gig. 

  8. About 10 days to 2 weeks after arriving in Spain I got sick. I've never felt a flu quite like it before. There weren't many of the talked-about Covid symptoms though - no dry cough. Instead it was the worst flu I've ever felt in my life. I totally lost my voice, I used up 3 straight kitchen rolls in wiping away my mucus and even lifting up my phone to use it felt like the most Herculean of tasks. I called home to my family and I could barely muster the strength to speak words. In short, it is the worst I have ever felt from an illness and for a straight week I had no physical strength to rise from my bed other than to visit the toilet. I don't know for sure if it was the Coronavirus but I'm convinced it was - I've had the flu plenty of times but never quite like that and it tying in exactly with me flying and travelling through Madrid, where I stayed overnight and walked all over the city - which became the epicentre of the virus in Spain - seems a tad too coincidental. In a way I hope it was indeed Coronavirus so perhaps I've now developed some anti-bodies. 

  9. I have been discovering Anthony Bourdain recently thanks to Parts Unknown being on Amazon. Yet another person I discover when they're already dead and so it's too late to imagine meeting them. His programmes are absolutely phenomenal and indeed they don't even seem like cooking programmes most of the time - more like a mix of travel and anthropology. It's all so very watchable and I love how he comes across as almost a Jack Kerouac/Hunter S Thompson kind of figure. The guy had my dream job. Above anything else I'd describe his shows as being very "human" television. I had never in my life expected to feel an urge to go to Beirut or South Korea but after seeing him there, both are now on the list. 

    An absolutely brilliant man and he deserved far better than to go out hanging from a noose in a Strasbourg hotel room. A great loss to the world. 

  10. When the Big Show was using that knockout punch as a finisher. Even while suspending my disbelief, I couldn't quite fathom why he didn't just do that as soon as the bell rang and win instantly. It's different from other finishers in that you can just do a punch straight away and yet he never did. Annoyed the fuck out of me. 

  11. 1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

    Not sure if I’ve ever told this story on here before. Couple years back I was dating a girl and when she found out I liked wrestling she told me that she had been best friends with a girl who’s Dad was a wrestler. I asked who it was, thinking I was going to surprise her by knowing some obscure wrestler most people wouldn’t have heard of. She replied with Steve Austin.

    This girl literally knew nothing about wrestling at all, not even that he was called Stone Cold. I thought she was full of shit at first but she said the girls name was Steph Williams, which google showed to be true and they were the same age. She told me that the Mum had also been a wrestler, but was wasn’t really aware of the difference. Apparently she had been on holiday with her to Austin’s ranch and told me what it was like. 
    Naturally I asked what the chances of us ever going there together was and she said “nah, I don’t talk to her anymore. She is a bitch and thinks she can do whatever she wants all the time.” If your Dad is Stone Cold Steve Austin, of course you can do whatever you want all the time. 

    (I have no idea how much of this story is true, but I’m inclined to believe her based on her very select knowledge while being otherwise clueless.)

    I never even thought to mention it because I wouldn't consider it much of a claim to fame but I'm Facebook friends with his other daughter - I specify Facebook friends as it's not like we're close pals or anything but we'll like and comment on each other's stuff from time to time. It wasn't even through wrestling I "knew" her - turns out she's huge into black metal, even the pretty obscure stuff that I'm into so we met through that. It was only afterwards I realised who her dad was which was a tad surreal moment! There's something very pleasing to me about the fact that Stone Cold Steve Austin's daughter loves Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult. 

    Continuing the theme of very tenuously claiming fame thanks to women I know, my ex was once (kayfabe) battered by Sarah Logan, at the time Crazy Mary Dobson. (She used to be a valet/manager in some small-time Midwest promotions). Another thing I found super cool! 

  12. I went to primary school with Mark Coffey and we were quite friendly with us going to each other's birthday parties and hanging out and such. It was from him I first heard about pro wrestling. We lost touch when I moved schools in P7.


  13. Joining in with the Albert/A-Train support. Always liked watching him and that bicycle kick and the Baldo Bomb were bloody great moves too. Can still hear him in my head going "AGHHHHH!" as he launched into the kick. He was quality. 

    As for why they picked him to be head coach: even if you didn't rate Albert's work, look at football where the likes of Jurgen Klopp and Rafa Benitez hardly tore the house down as footballers but are world class managers. I'd imagine it's the same. 

  14. I've just finished Part 2 of La Casa De Papel and it's absolutely incredible. Legit one of the best programmes I've ever seen. I don't really watch much TV and on the rare time I decide to check out a new series, it takes me months to get through it. Not La Casa De Papel though....I've flown through Parts 1 and 2 in a couple of days, to the point I physically felt unable to go to bed the other night because I had to see what happened next....repeatedly. I can't imagine the second 2 parts will top the first but wow. What a ride! 

  15. One of the main voices of my childhood and the best ring announcer ever. Even when I was kid messing around playing wrestling with my brother we'd try to imitate his voice as we were making our "entrances". His voice was simply iconic and he'll never be topped at what he did.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it is NOOOOW time for the ROOOYAAAAAAL RUUUUUUUMBLE MATCH!"

    "Here is your winner and NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW World Wrestling Federation Champion...."

    Thank you Fink x 

  16. 93015988_3046440832081852_6951278777573834752_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=L8wFEHdXbwEAX_rYlom&_nc_ht=scontent.fsvq1-1.fna&oh=a86b1d4c7a2a562dc7b53bd28b35f2fe&oe=5EB58A43

    Re the Latin discussion: I saw this today and this is pretty much why I think Latin is worth learning (although I haven't). While speaking Spanish can give you an advantage in understanding some elements of French or Italian, a solid base of Latin gives you a much more solid foundation to learn any of the Romance languages. Knowing Latin will allow you to learn Portuguese or Romanian with far more ease than if you only spoke French. I found it an interesting image worth sharing to this discussion anyway. 

  17. 1 hour ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

    I quite enjoyed that.

    If we're going to pimp our mates' bands, my bros in Live Burial have just put out their second album. Old school Death Metal that doesn't fall into the trap of being derivative and formulaic.


    Heh small world, I know their guitarist from way back when I was at uni. Good stuff indeed. 

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