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Posts posted by SpiritOfTheForest

  1. The Ian Rotten news is brilliant for me. Bar WWF from 1999-2001, IWA Mid South from 2004-2006 is my favourite wrestling ever. His detractors can say all they want but Ian sure knows how to put on a brilliant wrestling show. I'd go so far as to say that the 2004 TPI is my favourite wrestling card of all time (cheating I know because it's technically two cards). Now I haven't had the chance to check out the new Mid South shows yet but I'm sure there'll be plenty more good stuff to be had from IWA. Just as long as there's another KOTDM, I've always preferred them over Tournament of Death.

  2. Lines of the night had to be either Michael Cole's "Choose whichever one of your jobs gets their son back" or Jerry Lawler's "....I thought we were watching Ryback Mountain for a minute".


    I'm going to admit I completely bought into Punk fucking his leg when he jumped the guardrail. Everyone's reactions were absolutely brilliant in that segment. I was convinced he was hurt and I popped big time when he grabbed the kendo stick and leathered Heyman.


    I was disappointed that Brie's next in line for a divas title shot. Given Natalya's previous involvement I was really hoping that she'd get the chance next.


    I wasn't too keen on Los Matadores but that's because generally speaking I don't like the more kiddy cartoonish gimmicks like that but it's way too early to pass judgement and the wee bull fella is undoubtedly amazing.


    Cesaro's giant swing is a thing of beauty isn't it? Great to watch, that man must be as strong as an ox. The nonsensical finish just after the move put a bit of a dampener on it though.


    The end segment with Bryan and Orton was pretty good although I will admit I was urging Orton to hit Brie with an RKO. Overall despite it being an enjoyable enough show, next week just feels way too early for it to be the next PPV.

  3. I found the plane mission easy enough. I failed it the first couple of tries but that's because I couldn't actually work out where the airstrip was and so ended up trying to land in fields or on the road. Once I'd seen where it actually was it was fine.

  4. I'd just like to add another piece of art depicting sleep paralysis of either Japanese or Korean origin. I forget which. It's a wonderful piece of work - although I've never suffered from sleep paralysis it's a fascinating phenomenon which I'd like to experience just once. I'm sure I'd think far differently if I ever actually experience it however! Terrifying but fascinating is how I imagine it anyway. Like demons breaking through the barriers into this world.



  5. I would be if the end result wasn't that I owned a Bolt Thrower shirt! I didn't earn it by queuing for an hour at a festival merch stall which is generally the only means of getting one but it feels good damnit. And it only cost me a couple of cans of carlsberg too!

  6. It was an absolute fucking riot. I love ICW. Always a great atmosphere and a brilliant night out. The fact it's adult orientated helps tremendously over most other Scottish indy shows. Sabu was actually saying it reminded him of the old ECW which I'm sure to Dallas and co was an absolutely massive compliment.

  7. Needs more metal for me. I loved Vice City where you could be driving around to Slayer, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and others. More of that please. Bit dissappointed by that list because I legit know only 2 songs from it but I'll still be buying the game of course.

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