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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. If we're getting takeaway it'll be the Papa John's BBQ Chicken (Chicken, bacon, onions and BBQ sauce) on a thin base. XXL usually. 

    Shop bought is usually the Chicago Town Pepperoni with the tomato stuffed crust sauce. Glorious. 

  2. I don't disagree with you lads, but you only have to read Conors tweets and comments to know he ain't about the fun fights. In his head he's still champ material and that's all that seemingly matters to him. All the generational wealth anyone could possibly need, but he'll never be happy unless he can consider himself top dog.

    Again, it's not what I want, just trying to get my head around it all. 

  3. I feel like if you keep him in the title fights, he either wins which is great for them, or he seemingly loses to the best and its easier to stomach and control the narrative. If he starts mucking about with your Gregor Gillespies and loses, then you've just stuck a pin in the balloon and there ain't no coming back from that to your average fan. 


  4. I feel like I'm coming off as a McGregor sympathiser here, fuck me I hope not, but there has to be a reason why Dana is continually trying to smash the square peg into the round hole. Maybe it is simply a case of wanting to keep him sweet, but I firmly believe business is better for the UFC if he's on top.

    Excuse the wrestling analogy and it probably doesn't fit great here, but Austin, Hogan and the Rock were bona-fide Superstars who didn't need a belt, but for the majority of the time they'd be in the title matches because that's where the money, interest and the super mainstream exposure is. 

    We're too far in the bubble on here, but for the majority of casuals with a slight interest, Conor is MMA, and getting the casuals onside is big business. 

    Oh yeah, fuck McGregor. 


  5. Conor will get serious ppv buys regardless, but Conor in a title fight and potentially becoming champ and head of the division will always attract more buys, exposure, clicks and soundbites. Its as simple as that. 

    How Dana kept a straight face when he spouted all that shite was incredible. 

    Even top boot licker Brett Okamoto called it out. 

  6. I only occasionally dip in the youtube videos these days but one of the main complaints about WWE has always been the same shit, with the same people having the same matches week in week out. Keeping people off TV  whilst being able to still put out a decent product seems like finding an issue when there is none. Keeps everything a little bit fresher and builds some anticipation to see them again. 

  7. 20220225_081306.thumb.jpg.e0e010ade6ed14f4f78b7330e60cfc7f.jpg

    Limited worktop space and a girthy toaster means it is banished to the cupboard. 

    We used to have one of those generic toastie machines that had an absolute kicking when we started to work from home. After a few ambitious attempts to stuff as much in as possible I ended up snapping the handle clean off. Picked up a far superior sandwich/panini press after and it's served us daily for the last 18 months. Would recommend. 


    Edit - sandwich press also lives in the cupboard. 

  8. I am fully on board with fighters negotiating and getting whatever they feel they are worth. The UFC does pay peanuts and it was stated that they only needed to sell 24,000 ppvs on Saturday in order to pay the fighter wage bill for the night. That's incredible. When you add on ticket sales, sponsors and everything else for the event, its a no brainer that the UFC is taking the piss. 

    Francis was on with Ariel last night. He mentioned he's passed up around 6 or 7 million so far in not going for what the UFC is offering. I'd love to know exactly what money and terms he wants in order to move forward. I've seen people online sagging him off saying he should have been happy with the 6 or 7 million, but it's hard to not feel for him when the Tyson Fury/Wilder amounts of 20 and 30 million get mentioned. 

    I don't ever see a situation where the UFC let him Box alongside fighting under their umbrella. I'd love to know what terms he wants. 

    Doesn't feel like it's gonna get sorted anytime soon. Francis deserves better. 

  9. I wouldn't be surprised if they went with it. 

    The Till/Hall fight doesn't seem to be confirmed yet and I dunno if Till would even want top billing and all that pressure after the poor run he's been on. Another high profile loss for him is really gonna hurt his draw and star power. 

    Hooker obviously has a pretty big following these days but they always seem to want a Brit with a bit of a name in the main event... Arnold Allen is a long way off that yet despite his record. 

    If Pimblett does headline, hopefully he gets crushed! 

  10. I've been playing a load of Tetris Effect which is on Xbox Games pass this last week. 

    Never really played Tetris much as a kid or growing up, but Effect has lots of bells and whistles which grabbed me by the suds. The music is stunning and how the effects change and dance as you clear lines and build your score is superb. 

    I'm not very good still but it's lead me down a wormhole of watching classic Tetris championships on YouTube. I played so much yesterday that I dreamed about falling blocks last night. 



  11. 21 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    Basically, Cain/JDS at featherweight.

    Surely it does, if you're looking to challenge for the title? To be the man, you gotta beat the man, and all that. After achieving the heady heights of being champion at 145, there's no way he'd head to 155 if he didn't think he could beat the best, no?

    When he fought Poirier wasn't it as a short notice replacement as the original opponent (can't recall who now) withdrew injured? 

    Spending a little time getting to the weight, adjusting to walking around/training and actually fighting at that weight will likely be a whole different ball game if Max does decide to go down that route. It's all up in the air with his latest injury mind. I do see him going there at some point though... Too many big fights await. 

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