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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. 4 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    I will fucking DIE with Podbean. 

    This. I just checked and I have about 3500 hours listened whilst having a Spotify account. Podbean used to be great, but its a clunky piece of shit these days. 


  2. 1 round sounds like an exhibition and doesn't really give any fighter time to do much of anything or change anything either. I could see a lot of gamesmanship where it would be a race to get the takedown and steal it with control. Seems a waste of time for everyone. 

    Not really sure if the UFC can just start changing it up to such a degree anyways. Whoever governs the unified rules and the various state athletic commissions surely would have a say in the matter. 

    If they're gonna add a 5 round Co main where needed, simple answer is to just put one less fight on the card.


  3. 46 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    Suppose they could emulate the boxing system, whereby less experienced fighters would only be "2-rounders", and top 5 or top 10 title contenders would be "5-rounders"?

    2 rounds doesn't really work with the scoring system though. We'd have so many Draws. Even if you added a TUF style '3rd round if necessary' rule you'd still have to time the broadcast including a potential 3rd round just incase, so you're not better off that way really either. 


  4. Man I hate those Cro Cop bendy leg KO's. Horrific looking. 

    Gutted for Stipe but it's impossible not to like Ngannou and feel good for him. He's like this generations JDS. Just a big happy looking bugger that could kill you if he wanted to. That Sprawl to the back take and flurry of punches was like watching a video game character level up. Ngannou is terryfying. 

  5. I'm not a regular in here, but I believe Skyrim is 3rd and 1st depending on what you fancy. 

    I screwed myself with Skyrim years back. I was really enjoying it but went on a mad tangent trying  to upgrade my Dragon glass (if I remember correctly) armour and weapons as much as possible, so I was just fast traveling back and forth getting the materials for hours. The end result was me just 1 shotting fools and it became super boring. 


    Fucked it. 

  6. The only way to save that Omega/Moxley match is to have ICP do Stranglemania type commentary over it. What a bunch of bollocks that ending was. 

    Also using Big Show's debut last week to promote a lesser star in Christian seems a bit mad. 

    Booker of the year! 

  7. I hope he can make a full recovery and if healthy enough get back into it, but I'm not surprised he caught it to begin with. Before it wss initially announced he got Covid his social media was full of videos/pictures of him out and about in various places meeting randoms, posing for pictures and the like without a mask ever being spotted. There was so much of it. Unbelievably stupid. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Just got back from taking my mum for her vaccination. I have to say that the organisation was pretty near perfect. They seem to have done a good job of getting a lot of people through the doors and vaccinated while still not having lots of people in the building at any one time. 


    Had the opposite experience with my dad a few weeks prior. Was told his jab was at 12. We got there at 11.40 to find a line of around 50 pensioners wrapped round the building, all queuing to get in for their 12 o'clock appointment. It was hammering down with rain whilst the wind howled past. We eventually got in to the building at 12.30, soaked and freezing. 

  9. This isn't a best or worst thing, but I watched the above clip and it really stuck out to me how much Ventura always gets away with taking the piss out of Vince on commentary. I get Vince wasn't the face of the company back then so it's a little different, but has anyone else been 'allowed' to give him pelters in the booth before? 

    Imagine that happening today. Unthinkable. 

  10. Dipped my toe in for this. I thought overall the women's Rumble was a far easier watch than the blokes. Bianca Bellair looked the business.

    I've never been an Edge fan and seeing him and Orton out first killed any enthusiasm I had. The match just seemed to plod along without anything of note really happening throughout. 



  11. I remember this being a big topic of conversation on here years ago when the rankings were introduced. 

    They are nothing more than a visual guide for the top guys in the division for the MMA media and fans to obsess about. 

    In reality, anyone from 1-5 (even as far as 10) could get the title shot. It's all based on timing, injuries, who fought last and recency bias. 

  12. I'm not sure anyone here really thinks he's matured or changed. To me it's all been a bit of a PR spin after the allegations and general shit house behaviour these last years. 

    Conor going full heel opens him up to his opponent letting loose and throwing these allegations in his face which is not what he wants. Playing the nicey nice babyface, shaking hands and kissing babies will be done until this blows over. 

    Him going back to his old schtik would seem properly false now too after his last few outings. He'll have more turns than The Big Show. 


  13. I don't disagree about Conor getting another crack at Dustin but if you watched Dustin's press conference he's said he wants the Conor rematch or Diaz next. Clearly wants to bag another pay day which he's rightfully earned but will not go down well with people. 

    I wouldn't agree with it at all but can anyone else envisage a scenario where Dana proclaims that based on the weekends result, Dustin is the no. 1 contender and that he will be fighting Conor for the belt (That's  the real quiz!!) ... I seriously wouldn't put it past the UFC. Especially if Dustin is on board with the rematch. 

  14. Glad we got to see that 'Motivated Conor McGregor' last night. 

    Dustin fought a perfect fight all in all. The takedown served as a nice surprise to the upset the motion early doors and the calf kicks all but rendered Conor useless after the first round. Much will be debated about Conor's ability but Dustin made him look absolutely ordinary out there. It honestly looked an easy night for him. A far cry from some of the wars he's been in recently. 

    I'm not really arsed who he fights for the title as the top of 155 is guaranteed fireworks regardless so it'll be fun to see how it unfolds. 

    As for McGregor, it's all diminishing returns from this point onwards. His whole act is based on his self belief, being a bully in the cage and having that ferocious KO power. It will be a hard sell after being TKO'd for the first time and looking very much sub par. I can see them doing the Nate trilogy to try and make as much coin as possible before the horse is dead. 



  15. I watched this yesterday and it was weird to see him rip on the current lot for playing video games and then heap praise on someone like Daniel Cormier for his toughness and manly man Contributions to MMA. 

    I then watched a seperate clip from UFC Embedded where Daniel Cormier gleefully announces he's been in his room playing video games all day. 



  16. 37 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:


    Edit: I went on his channel and it's a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, cooking, and a stand up comedy set where he ends every anecdote with "and that was quite funny".

    Yeah, much like his cooking, his channel and general thoughts seem to be pretty fucked. 


    It's more of a general bushcraft/outdoorsy channel, but this fella does a fair bit of outdoor cooking on hot rocks. Pretty cool. 


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