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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. I was looking for bread machine pizza videos a while back and came across this monstrosity. Some bloke making fried egg pizzas. 


    State of those fucking eggs. 

  2. Yeah I thought Hardy did a good job. Gives a different insight to some of the other commentators and he certainly oozes passion and knowledge with his takes. There were a few moments where it seemed like he could reign it in a little and I thought we were heading for Herb Dean v Hardy part 2 at times during the main event but otherwise he did a fine job. I like how they have a good number of quality commentators. The switch ups keep it fresh. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    You obviously don't watch MMA. Most shows go on for 5/6 hours minimum depending on how the fights go, Last nights card for example went 5 and a half hours top to bottom and they run shows every week that way. They don't market something as the biggest card of the year but split it over 2 days so it's nice and manageable for everyone 

    Difference being UFC shows on the whole are watchable top to bottom. 7 hours of drab wrestling is just an awful, soulless slog to get through. 

    Daz does watch MMA BTW. Pretty sure he works for a company that broadcasts MMA too. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    It's back up now. I mean there is always a level of bullshit and bravado with Conor but he does seem way more humble and focused than I've seen him in the last 4/5 years 

    He's only humble because it suits the narrative he and his management want to paint. Despite his legion of arse lickers and top knot cammandos, his reputation has rightly taken an absolute battering the last few years. He can do all the charity work and kiss as many babies as he likes, but if he was as humble and 'a new man' as many would believe, he'd stop acting as if he's won some sort of moral victory over Khabib. Especially considering the circumstances of his retirement and his mother's wishes. 

    His management team have obviously tried to highlight whatever positives he has, but he's so thin skinned that any talk of Khabib has him spouting the same old shit. 

    I kinda actually hope Khabib does come back just to school him again, purely just to see the fallout. 


    "Philanthropy is the best form of marketing" - Stephanie McMahon and Conor Mcgregor. 

  5. We had Christmas Dinner yesterday as I didn't want to have to rush to do everything then drive up to my Dad's today to drop a dinner of for him and my brother. It was strange but I kind of like not having a crazy cooking day today. 

    So dinner is this... 



    I hope you all enjoy yours. 

  6. Apologies if this has been talked about. 

    So it appears a few of the old Valve team have gotten together to create this Left 4 Dead spin off titled Back 4 Blood. 

    I'm weird about first person shooters. Stuff like COD and Battlefield doesn't interest me in the slightest but I always loved Left 4 Dead and am giddily excited to give this a go when it comes out. Zombies are a bit played out at the moment but it looks like bags of fun. 

  7. Having fun with this breadmaker. It's nothing ground breaking, but these pizzas came out tidy. 


    Only downside is everything we've made so far comes out quite 'heavy' and because I'm a gluttonous bastard, I'm eating a lot of it... I'll save that for the shitting thread though. 

  8. I just bought a bread maker and the recipe book with it seems to suggest using milk powder when baking pretty much anything. 

    I'm a complete noob, so just wondering if I can just substitute the water part for actual milk 1:1, and just leave out the dried milk altogether? 

    Also, any other tips/suggestions for a novice baker? Cheers. 

  9. DC said on Monday he's commentating, so it'll be interesting to see how he handles his emotions during the fight.

    Despite being a grumpy arse, I always thought Cruz talked a bit of sense and often enjoyed his takes but the Keith Peterson thing has done him no favours at all. Poor Keith, he always looked like he had the world on his shoulders without Dom giving him all this grief. 

  10. I live in the County of Caerphilly and we're being locked down from 6pm tonight until October at the earliest. Its being blamed on house parties and people returning from foreign travel, but no talk of the carnage within pubs and bars... The videos of people crammed like Sardines queuing for Cardiff pubs for the last few weeks have been brushed under the carpet.

    So we can meet family members at pubs but not in our own homes. Madness. Wales seemed in a decent place a few weeks ago but the lack of mandatory mask wearing has really pushed us back. 


  11. Milky tea. 

    I'm sure most dedicated tea drinkers think milky tea is a sin to start with, but I recall being quite young and my Dad making me a cup. I proceeded to vomit violently into a suitcase full of Lego that I was playing with at the time. Filled it right up to the top, Brother. 

    Probably why I only drink Coffee as an adult. 

  12. I think Rumble does well on paper at 205 with Jones being gone. He got found out massively against DC twice but it doesn't feel like any of the current top 205'ers have the wrestling chops that DC had to nullify him. With Jones gone, it's a strikers division. Rumble has above average wrestling himself and we all know he hits like a truck. Seems a good time for him to come back. 



  13. That feeling of biting in to a starchy, undercooked chip is horrid. Like nails on a chalk board. 

    The chips from this place usually look pale, but they've always been soft and fluffy chunks of goodness. They weren't undercooked last night, but something was certainly off. 

    Also, Lemon squeezed on battered fish is top drawer and I won't hear another word about it. 

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