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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. 5 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

    Anderson Silva vs Chael Sonnen 1 was 10 years ago today. In memory of a classic fight and rivalry, here’s Chael Sonnen doing what he did best, talking shit on the Spider;


    John Pollock from Post Wrestling put a nice piece together for this. It was such a fun time. We get so much of the Bravdo now and whilst he's just total pantomime, I'll always love me some Chael Sonnen. I was shitting bricks watching that fight. 


  2. Picked up a Chippy Tea from our usual haunt tonight. It seems to have gone a bit shit since Covid. Just wasn't the same as before and they didn't even put a fucking lemon in! 



    On a brighter note, the misses asked for Fish Bites and was given this unit


    I've never ordered Fish Bites before. Is this normal? I was expecting  a few chicken nugget sized pieces. 


    Anyways, fuck Covid. 

  3. I'm with Egg here. It might have been a regional thing, but the '99 definitely existed in the early 90's. It was made by Sidoli who were a South Wales based firm. 

    They were pretty shit though in all honesty. Feast for me. 

  4. Perry has shown signs of being mentally unstable since he first trotted out in the UFC. Dude obviously has needed some help for a long time, but the social media grief he's gotten from Darren Till fans recently regarding his girlfriend has been pretty grim. Must be like pouring petrol on a fire for someone with such obvious anger issues. 

    Inexcusable though. The video is just a complete car crash and he is a bellend. 

  5. Apologies, I believe this was asked in the old thread. 



    Picked up some of these to use in Fajitas but the instructions say they need to be heated in about 300ml of sauce. Are they gonna be awful if I roast them dry in the oven? Any tips? 


  6. 3 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Skate's amazing, far more of a sim than Tony Hawk's but the 3rd game started pushing in a more arcadey direction. I'd say play the 2nd game if you get the chance, pretty sure it's Xbone compatible and if often on sale.

    Hall of meat got more arcadey, but the addition of Hardcore made the actual skating way more realistic and dialed in. It feels so satisfying putting a basic, but realistic looking line together. 

     I think Skate 3 suffered mostly because the map was shit. San Van had so much more charm and felt way more skateable than the disconnected Port Carverton map in Skate 3. 

    If I can skate the Community Centre again in Skate 4, I'd die happy. 

    Some of my jazz:


  7. Yeah, Till gives me that Dave O'Donnell, meathead, scrap outside the kebab shop vibe of the early days of British MMA. I've never warmed to him either. He seemed to make himself bullying smaller fighters because he could cut the weight they couldn't. I think the final straw for me was him moaning about cutting to 170lbs at some point making it sound like he was being forced, despite being an obvious 85er and above. 

    Fingers crossed he gets a pasting. 



  8. Anyone following this social media beef with Perry and Till? It seemed friendly at first but Till kept winding him up and Perry ended up blocking him. Any of Perry's posts now seem to be greeted with comments about Till 'Raw dogging' his Mrs and other general abuse. 

    All very childish stuff but I wonder how a headcase like Perry reacts. Possibly a reason for the busted knuckles. 

    Both come off as two of the biggest knuckle draggers to breathe air. I wouldn't normally route for Gall or Whittaker but I'll be firmly behind both when the fights happen. 

  9. Yeah I was very happy to see this and even more so that the original developers are on board. I guess EA assumed they were leaving money on the table after the recent THPS news and Session/XL popping up. 

    Fans have been heavily pleading with them to do another for years. It's EA, I shouldn't be surprised they care fuck all about what the fans think and just about ensuring they don't miss out themselves. 


  10. I want to nominate the 'Pipe Organ floating' bit in Bart vs the Space Mutants from way back in 1991. I remember I would breeze through up until this point and then usually lose all my lives in about 2 minutes failing to cross to the other side. Often resulting in child tears and throwing/attempted snapping of my Master System controller. I can't recall ever getting past. 



    I got very excited to post this and then realised this thread was for good games with bad parts. This game was pretty shit on the whole, but I'm posting it anyway as for some crazy reason, it still pops into my head. 

  11. I'm pretty shit with the garden. Stuff I plant always seems to die a quick, miserable death but there was a pre planted Rose Bush which seems to thrive. Got the first bloom today and it brightened up the day! 


  12. 10 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:


    I'm going to try and pick up some knee pads and wrist guards in the meantime if anybody has any recommendations.

    Protec, Tripe 8, Rekd and Ennui are all reputable brands. A helmet is a good shout if you haven't already got one too.  Try to get hard cap pads rather than gaskets. 

  13. I'm expecting our workplace to enforce home working also. We're already working from home 1-2 days per week before Covid, and we're due to be moving into a much smaller office come December. The new office has a ratio of 2 desks to 5 people, and a load of those wanky new meeting/collaboration areas for people to work on the fly and hot desk all day. This seems completely against what the government is proposing as the new normal, and as a government department ourselves  it just looks like a massive waste of money now. 



  14. Not really Fortean or paranormal so apologies, but has anyone come across Elan school? 

    I stumbled across a post on Reddit a while back and have been getting monthly blog updates from a previous resident. It's all pretty dark and really fills me with anxiety over the treatment of the kids that were forced to live there and how very few of them were actually believed when telling of the abuse. I've read there's a documentary being made called the Last Stop, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of updates. Anyone come across this before? Fills. Me with horror. 


    The blog



  15. I don't skateboard but protection is all the same a cross these types of sports. Falling in your mid 30's isn't the same as falling as a teenager. Everything hurts x10 and our bodies take longer to recover. Helmet, knee pads, wrist guards, shin guards and crash shorts for me, regardless of what I plan on doing. 

    I skate with a big bunch of people in their 30's and some of them have learned to fall gracefully, but they'll still take a nasty bump from time to time which keeps them out for weeks... Its not worth it. 


  16. 1 hour ago, cobra_gordo said:

    I've been contemplating learning to skateboard, inspired by watching a shit load of Youtube videos when I'm supposed to be working and the announcement of the Tony Hawk games being remastered. I could do it a bit when I was a teenager but nothing further than pushing off and rolling a bit, I don't even think I could turn the thing back then. My brother (who was quite good in his day) has caught wind of this and his egging me on to learn, along with offering to give me a full setup.

    I'm 35, a married dad of three and a touch over 19 stone. I'd look like Poochie off the Simpsons.

    Do it. 

    This pandemic has seemingly got people reaching towards childhood nostalgia. Sorry to bang my drum again but it's been crazy to see the amount of people taking up inline skating again. UK and worldwide shops have been inundated with orders and you can barely find skates at all at the moment due to how quick they're selling. The very tiny r/rollerblading has gotten about 4k new subs over the last month or so. 



    OK. as you were. 


    Edit - spent 65 quid on flapjacks and now I'm sick to death of them. I have about 20 left. 

  17. On 5/13/2020 at 1:34 PM, Astro Hollywood said:

    Remember when he left himself logged in at college and one of his friends made a post that he'd died, so everyone replied with the :sneaky: that he always used as a moving tribute?

    That was @lava_boy :sneaky:

  18. I unlocked SOR 1 Axel and he is ridiculous. The lack of special moves is countered by the sheer speed and power he attacks with. It feels like you can interrupt any enemy attack as it starts and then just batter the shit out of them. 

    The hit detection in this game is so satisfying. 

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