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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. 20 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Just go online and give it a go!

    I did a few weeks back. I don't seem to have the option online but was just curious if any other welshies have had any luck through other avenues. 

  2. This thread is pretty much my news source for all things Covid, so apologies for the potentially stupid question. I see a lot of you mentioning being able to book an advanced 2nd jab ahead of the standard 8-12 weeks... Is this an England only type thing? Any of my Welsh brethren been able to do this? Had my first jab on April 30th and would like to get my second sooner rather than later. 



  3. I watched episode 1 but found it a bit of a chore. Tried to watch episode 2 and but was constantly looking at my phone throughout. I can't seem to series link it on my old sky box so that's the final nail in the coffin for me. 

    I'm out. 

  4. I think Edwards himself has called for the Masvidal fight and I'd be down with it. The top guys at 170 are all seemingly booked and the last thing Edwards needs is another run on the sidelines waiting. The Masvidal fight straight after beating Nate would get a lot of eyeballs on him again and you'd probably favour him in getting the job done over Jorge whilst boosting his own profile more so. 


  5. 31 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

    Bit out there this one but Diaz would be an excellent edition to the new Bare Knuckle MMA Promotion

    Imagine a cut prone Diaz fighting in Bare Knuckle. Crikey. Id be down for a Nate/Tony Ferguson fight if they can agree on a weight class. 

    Really enjoyable show overall. Moreno had me grinning like Lenny Henry. What a performance and it really feels like they could build a star out of him. Seems a lovely chap, is personable and is always in exciting fights. I know Figgy doesn't have too much of a habit of missing weight but as he gets older that cut must be taking a toll on him. He never got out of the gate here and you can rarely say that about him. Take nothing away from Moreno though. Couldn't be happier for him. 

    And yeah, that crowd was absolute shite. What a bunch of muppets.



  6. No idea what they want in an announcer these days but curious if there's still any interest in Mike Goldberg. He got released by Bellator a little while back. 

    Goldie phoning it in, reeling off his tired catchphrases kinda goes hand in hand with the staleneas of Raw. 

    They're virtually identical. 

  7. Christ that was a crazy show. 

    Masvidal grinning like a plank only to be brutally KO'd seconds later was such a good pay off. Usman looks an unstoppable force and everytime he goes in there he looks improved. Nice to see them embrace after the fight but I very much doubt Masvidal would have handled it the same had he won. 





  8. @tiger_rickThat's fair, but I can't understand investing so much energy into something that is blatantly not for us anymore and hasn't been for a long tine. They said it over the weekend. They're a media company that happens to have a ring in the arena each week. I guess it's my fault for reading this thread, but the same comments made every week about how they're doing it wrong when they clearly don't give a single fuck is fascinating and crazy all at the same time. 

  9. 25 minutes ago, Yakashi said:

    Well, people don’t continue to eat the shit sandwich every week. They’ve lost millions of viewers over the last few years. If losing half your audience won’t get them to change, I’m not sure what will (other than maybe losing 90%).

    They may have lost millions of viewers but they're making more money than they ever did. Whether that is sustainable long term is another matter, but they don't seem to care about the standard of TV product they put out because it has no real effect on their bottom line. Which is all that matters at the end of the day. 


    There are plenty of people on here who hate watch through Raw then can't wait to come into this thread to moan about it. Baffling. 


  10. 38 minutes ago, FUM said:

    The colour scheme is right ugly and you're honestly put off the show within about 3 minutes of tuning in every single week.

    I honestly don't know why I bother anymore yet I still will.

    No offence to you, but these kind of  Tuesday morning anger posts are the gift that keeps on giving. 

    Why would they change anything when people continue to eat the shit sandwich every week? You know what you're getting 95% of the time and whenever they throw you the carrot you're looking for you know it's only gonna be short lived. 

    Bart Simpson cupcake gif. 



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