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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. Much like Chokeout, me and the Mrs did lateral flow tests yesterday. Her's came back positive so we went out and did the PCR tests last night. She's had a positive result confirmed earlier whilst I'm still waiting to hear. Either way, it's another Christmas in the trenches!ย 

    Someone please bring me beer!ย 

  2. To add to the above, Lee is going to be competing at 165lbs. Pretty cool to see a new division spawning out of this. Haven't seen anything about 'Welterweight' being 175 lbs but you'd have to assume that's gonna happen.ย 

    Dana has been fully against it for many years, but if other regional promotions follow suit and fighters are actively competing at the weight, you'd have to expect the UFC to implement it down the road.. Here's hoping anyways.ย 

  3. A slightly different entry.ย 



    I love me some pro wrestling in MMA and whilst my belief that Chael would actually win the belt only lasted around 15 minutes or so, those 15 minutes had me on the edge of my seat and will forever be etched into my brain.

    Anderson at that time was such a dominant force and nobody really believed Uncle Chael had much of a shot at dethroning him. There was lots of talk post fight about Anderson's broken rib and the rematch afterwards cemented the difference in ability, but on that night on August 7th 2010, I was ready to believe.ย 

    Has there ever been a better example of snatching defeat from the Jaws of victory in such a high profile UFC title fight?ย 





    Still undefeated.ย 

  4. I think Sam Alvey might actually be paying Dana White to fight in the UFC.ย 


    Pretty shitty for Lee, but he's been in a real weird position for a while now. Never really progressed after getting a couple of notable wins and always seemed to have issues with cardio which lost him a few fights. His name always appeared bigger than his fighting ability. The suicide of his coach no doubt really fucked with him.ย 

    I'm not justifying the UFC's release practices, but apparently he was on โ‚ฌ100k+ for show and win, so it's a no brainer to them when he's started to lose to unranked guys.ย 

    PFL or Bellator are good landing places for him, although I do suspect he ends up back in the UFC if he can pad out his record a little.ย 

  5. At 38 years old, I am delighted to say I completed San Andreas's 'Wrong side of the tracks' first time yesterday.ย 

    The adrenaline is still pumping through my veins.ย 


    Edit - SA not VC

  6. Made a massive school boy error in GTA 3 and I'm not sure I have the staying power to continue.ย 

    Was at a point attempting Espresso 2 go where I kept getting my car destroyed/blown up so after reading about the bullet proof Patriot, I figured I'd just die in the mission, spawn at the hospital and then go rebuy all my lost weapons and then do the final Ray mission to get the Patriot. (only had the auto save and 1 other manual save from the first island)

    I went a bit mad buying more firepower and rockets than I'd ever need or use and now that I've gotten to the Catalina mission I only have 395k. I'm ยฃ100k short to be able to start the mission and I can't be fucked doing a thousand taxi missions to get there.ย 


  7. I've only played GTA 3 so far, but outside of the rain issues and a few cut scenes missing audio, I'm not hating it like the majority of people seem to. I didn't really have any expectations going in and it's possible me not being a hardcore gamer helps this, but on the whole I'm enjoying it so far. Espresso-2-go can fuck right off though.ย 

  8. It feels to me that Nate wants out of the UFC regardless and has this 1 fight left on his contract. UFC know this and in classic style, they want him to look as weak as possible on the way out to hamper his bargaining position going forward elsewhere. We can say there's a chance Nate could beat Chimaev, but he's been utterly schooled by bigger grapplers in the past, and you'd have to think Chimaev would do that same to him based on what we've seen so far.ย 

    This popped up a few moments ago too:



    They ain't gonna be doing Nate any favours.

  9. No complaints from me. Diaz and Ferguson is just a fun fight with 2 guys roughly at the same level. When asked about it recently though Dana played it down and didn't seem keen. The Luque/Nate rumours have seemingly stopped now too.ย 

    With Khamzat calling out Diaz post fight and Dana seemingly on board with it, I feel like they're gonna push hard for it to happen. Sure anything can happen in a fight, but Diaz has shown on the past he is susceptible to strong wrestlers at 170lbs.ย 


  10. 11 minutes ago, David said:

    We're all assuming that Nate just accepts that fight if the UFC offer it, which isn't guaranteed. If Nate has decent advisors they'll tell him to keep his powder dry for an offer of a fight with more upside.ย 

    People ITK seem to believe the issue is that if he turns down a fight that's been offered, the UFC gets to add on additional time to his contract. So they can keep drawing it out and blocking a move to whatever he wants to do next. I can't see them giving him anything favourable to end his UFC run on... They're gonna want to get as much of a rub off him as possible. He's gonna have to bite the bullet at some point.ย 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    Yeah it wasn't for me sadly. Weapons didn't feel right, encumbered by another card system, and the fact that they block a lot of progression and achievements for solo play left a bad taste in my mouth.ย 

    Made me want to boot up the original on Steam because Mrs. FOOK can do the same for a bit of cheap LAN throwback, it still looks perfectly serviceable and it has a nice simplistic charm and B-movie vibe that the latest one just doesn't have at all.ย 


    Yeah the no progression/achievements through solo play is a bit shit, although I've read they're gonna change that soon. None of my mates play it and pairing with randoms in a co-op game is never a fun experience. Think I'll just wait for the GTA remaster and sink my time into that.

  12. Been messing around a little with Back 4 Blood on Xbox Gamepass. I was a huge L4D fan and although this is similar, I'm having a hard time getting into it. Outside of L4D, I've never really spent much time playing shooters, so the aim down sights, massive amount of weapon upgrades and the card system is a bit too much for this low tech redneck. Also feels quite clunky and not as smooth as L4D.ย 


  13. It's such a shitty situation. Ngannou was on with Helwani this week and he also talked about these things and voiced his agitation about not feeling respected or valued. We've seen what the UFC were willing to do to him despite him being fairly high on the pecking order.ย 

    Nothing is gonna change without unionisation.ย 


  14. 31 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

    This does sound like a cool theory, especially if its a way for him to go back but obviously as a guard rather than a player.

    Also I wonder if the numbers do have any relevance, like 001 always being the host so that the guards know never to shoot/kill that number. Maybe something similar with the doctor.




    I've read a few bits where people have screen grabbed shots of when the cop is looking at the files and in the 2020 game the player bios start at 002, where as in previous years it appears to show them starting at 001. With Il-Nam not being shown it kinda makes it seem this is the first set of games where a host had taken part which kinda makes sense considering his health situation.ย 

    So much cool stuff in the show. I didn't notice until I read that all the games are visibly drawn on the walls of the holding area, but were always mostly hidden due to the massive amount of bunk beds in the room. Amother nice wrinkle being that each main characters death in Squid games is foreshadowed in their actions when they return home after ending the game the first time round.ย 

    Spending too much time on Reddit but god damn I adore this show.ย 

  15. Yeah the VIP acting was quite jarring amongst everyone elses. 69, am I right?! It's also strange how 001 would have fit in amongst them had he not taken part in the games. His overall demeaner was nothing like the rest of them, despite him being a wrong un ultimately.ย 



  16. Just out of curiosity, did anyone watch this is dubbed English? It defaulted to that and we left it for 2 episodes but switched over to subtitles after that. The dub was pretty horrendous. Red light, green light is far more sinister in the non dubbed version because of the doll's singing.ย 

  17. 9 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:


    Question, the guy's brother who was in the black mask- did he get the job because he'd won a previous game based on the files in that room? Not sure if it was ever mentioned or not.

    Yes. The Cop notices his name as the winner of a previous year's games (2015 I think) when exploring the files.ย 


    Me and the Mrs binged it over 2 days last weekend and we were hooked. There is so much awesome foreshadowing and lots of little Easter eggs to be found. As mentioned it looks stunning and just pops off of the screen. Best thing I've watched in ages.ย 



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