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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Yes it is that Chatra @SuperBacon, tends to post more about Liverpool/football finances than wrestling these days, not sure why he’s resorting to using the armchair Reds’ ridiculous shortening of Everton though, he’s smarter than that I thought

  2. Sporting wise, a game I was only days old for, Everton 3-1 Bayern Munich in 1985

    Musically, go back to the Motown era as that is the music I grew up on thanks to my parents

    In general to have a chance to live in the 50s, always been fascinated about that decade, mainly from watching movies/tv set in that decade

  3. Found a streaming copy of In Search Of Darkness last night and watched it this afternoon in one sitting, the documentary is incredible, the 4 hour run time flies over before you know it and you get a good focus on 3-5 films for each year framed by a wonderful backdrop of dozens upon dozens of movie posters and several side segments. Highly recommended for horror buffs, particularly fans of 80's horror

  4. 39 minutes ago, King of Hamptons said:

    I'm sure I read somewhere that Johnson wa surprised at how many people furlonged even though there message was to "stay at home" 

    It was mentioned in another thread how many people are happy for certain people to go back to work eg.. Restaurant staff.. Retail so they can then get out. 


    Worrying.. I've seen the stupidity of people over the past few months more so then ever. I'm expecting another spike soon because of those VE Day videos. 

    What’s been irritating me, being a non essential retail worker, is the amount of dolts plaguing the FB comments section anytime Primark put up a post demanding that the company open an online store just so they can buy shit, completely disregarding that a) to run that operation requires staff and b) moving online will eventually kill off the physical stores meaning staff like me would be out of work all for £2 makeup or £5-10 clothing 

  5. 4 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    That was either scotwizard or crazyshady, yeah. You might also be thinking of Dangerously420 / Tommyboi who I think had a deep interest in the lighting of WWE’s Glasgow house shows?

    I wonder how Megan Midas got on after that thread in Gold.

    That’s the one

  6. Was scotswizard the nutjob who was always claiming that WWE would have a guaranteed sell out if they did shows in Scotland? Or am I thinking someone else?

    Bowler has to count for this thread surely, never known such a delusional blowhard, even after Ricky tried to help him with his shows

  7. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    Tom Segura has triggered the marks with this little speech:


    First time I’ve heard the actual audio, only seen the reactions to it, bit of a cuntish thing to do like. I get the calling out of wrestling fans that take it seriously , that shits water off a duck’s back because we know about cunt marks, but comparing wrestling fans in general to Special Olympians is going a bit far

    Sadly it’s bringing the worst people out to defend against it, namely Ziggler, Corbin and Abyss, the latter two getting laughed at by him in response

  8. 10 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    It was good fun on Twitter a couple of years ago when it was reported there was a strong possibility there would be a Scarface remake. Loads of people whining that it was sacrilege and that it shouldn't be allowed until it was pointed out to them that it was a remake too.

    Same thing happened when the 2011 version of The Thing came out, people confused the 1982 film as the original when in actual fact that was a remake of The Thing From Another World from 1951

  9. 7 hours ago, Dazz said:

    Guarantee, Otis will climb the ladder. He will be faced with both cases. He’ll grab the woman’s case for Mandy and lose his chance at the men’s. Mandy gets woman’s, dinghies Otis. And probably Corbin wins the men’s again.

    Mandy isn't in the Women's match{/Spoiler]

  10. 9 hours ago, GeronimoJacksBeard said:

    There's a few examples from the early 2000s like The Rock - Flair example that did actually occur once or twice but weren't PPV or just generally fall under the radar such was the insane roster of those times. Rock also had one-offs against Eddie, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Jeff Hardy, RVD.


    On the subject of Scott Steiner, wonder how different that WWE run might have been had he been on Smacky D instead and in the mix with Brock, Angle, Benoit, etc. 

    Just as bad because he was still recovering from Drop Foot, they needed to have let him get that sorted before they rushed him into the Trips feud

  11. I actually enjoyed the segment right up to Vince’s appearance to be honest, mainly for Shawn’s hammy acting mocking Stephanie, it was a nice change of pace from the usual type of celebratory segments, but Vince completely tanked it from there, he just hasn’t got the same vigour he had even 2/3 years ago

  12. Just now, Loki said:

    18 in Florida apparently.

    Eh...  Considering the long and sordid history of pro wrestlers and underage girls (ring rats etc) I’m finding it hard to get a proper frothy indignation going about this one.

     Let’s hope nobody in the US ever watches Queer As Folk.

    Watches? They did their own version of it that lasted longer than the UK one

  13. Guess I’m the only one more weirded out by the Lashley segments than the Raiders one, how do you go from him almost getting in Lana’s face last week like a heel to her being a giddy schoolgirl over him lifting a tire this week and him being a super nice happy smiley bloke

  14. Oh fuck off 2020 now seriously. I’m absolutely gutted at this, Fink was THE voice of a generation, arguably more so that Monsoon, Heenan, Ventura, JR or any other commentator/announcer. That he got relegated to just doing the HoF procession at Manias or Legends segments for anniversary/old school episodes of Raw and early episodes of NXT was a disgrace to his legacy. Garcia, Chimmel, Roberts, JoJo, Hamilton, Rome and the like don’t and never will hold a candle to Fink

  15. 3 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I watched it in three sittings. It's really excellent. I think much of its appeal, for me, was that you're hearing from a lot of people who never really did anything else of note other than these movies. So they almost all have great affection for them, no matter how bad most of them are. You could see how touched some of the contributors are about how loved they are by fans of the series.

    That's what got me too, especially hearing how the likes of Betsy Palmer and the early Jason actors actually hated their roles and for years would distance themselves from talking about it or do conventions. The story from part 4 Jason Ted White about wanting to hurt a young Cory Feldman for the simple fact of him being a kid on set was a bit disturbing though

  16. 5 hours ago, Chris B said:

    For F13 fans, strongly recommend the Camp Crystal Lake documentary about the making of them. It's absolutely lovely.

    Crystal Lake Memories? it's fantastic but you definitely need to either make a lot of time for it or watch it in two sittings as it's like 7 1/2 hours long, there's another take on the series in a more condensed manner called His Name Was Jason which is also recommended

    There's also the Nightmare on Elm Street documentary Never Sleep Again which runs around 4-5 hours and it's semi sequel I Am Nancy, about Heather Langenkamp

  17. Still loving the Disney Afternoon shows, into season 2 of both Gargoyles and Gummi Bears and 16 episodes each in on Ducktales, Rescue Rangers and Darkwing Duck

    Been working my way through some animated films that I've either not seen or haven't seen in years over the last few days as well including A Bug's Life, Coco, The Sword In The Stone, The Great Mouse Detective and both Incredibles films

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