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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Not going to leap to JP’s defence as he’s been largely awful for us for a while now, problem is, and has been since Tim Howard’s last couple of years, that we’ve never had a good enough back up keeper to challenge.
    We currently have Stekelenburg as back up who was Koeman’s first signing but hasn’t played a first team game since 2017, Lossl who we shipped back to Huddersfield on loan in January having not played him even in cup games since he joined in the summer and Virginia who we signed from Arsenal’s reserves, sent him to Reading on loan who promptly sent him back after only 2 games in 6 months

  2. 1 hour ago, LCJ said:

    Well that sucks considering I bought an early bird Saturday ticket specifically to watch the TF panel. Not impressed.

    The change has been in effect for at least 3-4 weeks, they’ve regularly updated changes on their website and social media

    They brought in Ryan Hurst as an extra guest due to a couple of pull outs which caused the change

  3. On 2/28/2020 at 10:45 PM, LCJ said:

    Speaking of Transformers, voice actors Peter Cullen and Frank Welker are going to be appearing at Liverpool Comic Con next weekend. There’s going to be a Transformers Q&A on the Saturday morning too. I think entry tickets are sold out but you can probably still get them from resale sites (which is fine as long as you’re not being fleeced).

    It was meant to be the Saturday, with them doing individual ones on the Sunday but due to a guest reshuffle, they've changed to just the TF panel on the Sunday afternoon

  4. Watched Punk's movie Girl On The Third Floor on Netflix earlier, not usually a fan of modern horror but I found this to be very enjoyable and Punk is great in conveying his character's descent into madness as the film goes on

    Also watched on Netflix Mars Attacks! for the first time in god knows how long which still holds up as a great sci fi comedy and Terminator Genysis which was a film, you can see why it, Salvation and Rise of the Machines got retconned for Dark Fate, its a very clunky film and Jai Courtney is awful as Kyle Reese

  5. I’ve gave it a lot of thought since watching the show about the Gargano turn and the fact he wore that new DIY tee, I’m wondering wether this is going to be some sort of ruse between Ciampa and Gargano to sucker in Cole/Balor and have a fatal 4 way at either Takeover Tampa or on Mania itself, where they pull a finish similar to when Sting left AJ to win the Impact title at No Surrender 09, where they get Cole in a position to lose by doing the ‘Meet in the Middle’, have the staredown like it’s come down to them then Gargano does a dive to the outside on Balor/UE to allow Ciampa to hit Cole with the ‘Fairy Tale Ending’ to win Goldie back

  6. 3 hours ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    I loved Shelton Benjamin's pyro when he was a babyface in 2004. Big, loud, explosive. Made him feel like a star. I remember being at the first WWE Raw taping in Manchester and almost shitting my pants when that pyro hit.

    On the great minor moments front, when ECW joins the Invasion, the moment when the six WWE guys slowly turn around and face Jericho and Kane and the camera pans along them was a lovely way to do the reveal, always gets the goosebumps.

    Made even better by JR's commentary 'What the hell is this? WHAT. THE. HELL. IS. THIS?'

    Just been watching WWE's latest Playlist video on YouTube about Gargano at Takeovers and there is a brilliant spot that hardly anyone talks about from a triple threat between DIY, AOP and The Revival where Dawson and Gargano do DIY's 'Meet in the Middle' finisher to Akam swiftly followed by Ciampa and Wilder doing the 'Shatter Machine' onto Rezar

  7. 1 minute ago, FelatioLips said:

    I have absolutely no idea about any of the domestic drama, so sorry if this comes off as ignorant, but if she was accused of domestic abuse why is everyone talking about it as though she was the victim in it? Is it another Johnny Depp situation or something?

    She was due to be going on trial next month because she had smashed a lamp over her fella’s head while he was sleeping for reasons unknown. Instead of just reporting about it once and leaving it be till the trial, the media published stories on the regular for buys/clicks about her like they do every public figure

  8. 7 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    A good point and obviously not condoning that one bit, but social media accounts can be blocked/muted or deleted to try and combat that.

    The blame mostly lies with the tabloid culture that reported on it almost daily. That’s harder to ignore. You now have absolute cunts like Dan Wooton from The S*n tweeting “heartfelt memories”. Fuck him and everyone associated with it.

    Very sad situation and clearly didn’t get the help and support she needed.

    Biggest snake of them all that bellend, especially when he liked a tweet the other day that was taking a dig at another celeb who’s been hounded by press as of late in Jameela Jamil 

  9. Sorry but gammon definitely goes with gravy, as does mash, especially if the gammon has been baked in cider as the cooked out cider and meat juices give the gravy a salty sweetness

  10. 3 hours ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    I found these a couple of years ago and agree, incredible. Jalapeño, honey mustard and the buffalo wings flavours are ALL absolutely spectacular. I’d say they are the best bar style snack on the market. They also do big share bags, that obviously don’t get shared. Can’t rate them enough.

    I got a pack of the cheddar cheese flavour from an import site a while back, dangerously moreish

  11. People who don't understand the concept of 'this store is now closed' and try to continue shopping for up to 15 minutes longer past closing time despite being told by two members of staff and security guards. It's annoying for us at the best of times but we are 3 weeks into a store wide refurb so parts of the store are missing and there is scaffolding around so we ourselves want to get shit done and get home before the workies start rolling in for the night

  12. 2 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:


    Ruthless Aggression doc landing this Sunday. Should be a decent watch. They've touched on it plenty, obviously, but I don't think it's ever been covered solely on its own merit as an acknowledged time period. Don't expect to learn too much new, but should be interesting to get an official angle on it. 

    It’s a 5 part series by the looks of it, akin to the Monday Night Wars series, first two parts air Sunday and Monday with the rest of it airing weekly on a Monday

  13. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Absolutely. I can’t remember the last angle that’s left such a lasting impression on me. I’ve thought about it loads since watching it. I can’t say enough good things about it. The acting of Cody was off the charts, the tension and drama was incredible and the fact I’m still not sure whether the fan who attacked MJF was a plant or not speaks volumes for how visceral the whole thing was.

    Plus, in that ten second moment where she came down before his last lashing, Brandi Rhodes delivered more than she has done in months doing the shitty Nightmare Collective thing. She’s infinitely more effective as Cody’s babyface manager so I’m over the moon to see they’ve finally killed that gimmick off. 

    Thank fuck for that.

    It wasn’t a plant or a fan, it was Frankie Kazarian from SCU

  14. One for the Brookside fans on here, the legend that is Dean Sullivan aka Jimmy Corkhill passed me while I was tidying up an accessories stand in work the other night

    Also in Primark celeb spotting, Everton defender Yerry Mina was in store a couple of weeks back, my mate got a pic with him 

  15. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Fucking hell, Nakamura was Intercontinental Champion for 6 and a half months and I couldn’t tell you a meaningful thing he’s done in that time

    Changed the belt design, that’s it

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