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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. One of the worst Rock moments of his recent comebacks was that one where he was really wired up, interrupting Miz' promo by telling him to valet his car, upsetting Show by admitting (17/18 years late) that Show won the 2000 Rumble and should have had the role as the Scorpion King, causing Show to snap his laptop in half and brazenly hinting that he and Lana slept together after the Raw where he buried Rusev. Just wildly out of character and utter shite

  2. WWE Network has unlocked a few summer themed PPVs for Free Tier subs so watched a couple of them on Sunday, unfortunately I probably picked 2 of the worst to watch Great American Bash 95 and Summerslam 95. The former starts off hot with a great Brian Pillman/Alex Wright match but rapidly goes downhill until the Savage/Flair main event with the only other notable thing from it being the announcement of the Hogan/Vader cage match for the following month's PPV. The latter has the excellent Shawn/Razor ladder rematch and Bret getting a passable match out of the future Kane but is still a poor show in a poor year capped by the atrocious Diesel/Mabel main Event 

  3. Watched 4 films that I'd recently bought today

    Thunderbirds Are Go - The first attempt to bring the Tracy Family and IR to the big screen, feels like an extended episode but a lot of fun. There's a feature on the Bluray that wasn't on any of the DVD releases of the film that I found interesting, some test footage of The Shadows performing Shooting Star from multiple angles to get the motions right for the scene in the movie when the marionette versions perform the same track for a dream sequence

    Thunderbird 6 - Released 2 years after TAG and again feels more like an extended episode rather than a big screen feature but again a lot of fun

    The Haunted Palace - A Roger Corman adaptation of an Edgar Allen Poe work starring one of my all time favorite horror actors, Vincent Price, who naturally ham it up in his own unique style as the villain of the film. Very dark but entertaining

    Weekend At Bernies - first time watch of this 80's classic, really enjoyed it. Was cracking up at the amount of times the titular Bernie's corpse was getting banged up, washed up or covered up as the film went on. May need to track down the sequel now

  4. 2 hours ago, DEF said:

    I was watching it when I posted that. SO dark. My wife turned to me after it and asked would it have been better if they hadn't off'd them all with little reverence and kept Prime alive? (Paraphrasing)

    To be honest I think it's a big reason why it's so indelible in the hearts and minds of goofs like me. Even if it was only because the execs had no idea anybody actually cared about the characters and wanted to shift a new line of toys.

    Prime's death is incredibly well handled for full emotional impact. If he wasn't real to a kid before that then he damn well was after it. Is there another toyline cartoon that has had THAT sort of emotional impact since or before I'm not sure and I think it helped galvanise a fan base that maybe would have walked away otherwise because it made it damn real.

    I'm 35, seen TTFTM hundreds of times and still get wet eyed and lumpy throated at Prime's death which shows you just how good it was, if controversial (BTW highly recommend getting the 30th Anniversary BluRay, the transfer on it is absolutely stunning)

  5. 2 hours ago, leedsben said:

    I got blocked on twitter a couple of weeks ago by asking about the Kris Travis DVD which was never produced.

    Not to be harsh on you, but there’s more important things going on in the world right now

  6. Being in lockdown up until 3 weeks ago helped me progress nicely on my Disney Afternoon block, completed both Rescue Rangers (which had one long 60+ episode series) and Gummi Bears (which had six mostly short seasons), the two fan canon seasons of Gargoyles (just have the 13 episode Goliath Chronicles season to watch) and the first season of Ducktales (also 60+ episodes long) but still have about 15 episodes of Darkwing Duck's first season to watch as that was closer to 80 episodes long

    Some observations on each

    Rescue Rangers - Chip's voice really, really starts to gate on you after the first 30 episodes, they over rely on using Fat Cat and the scientist as villains of the week near the end of the run

    Gummi Bears - Gusto steals the show whenever he shows up, Sunni gets too whiny and needy especially when she's with Calla and Gruffi is a cunt

    Gargoyles - Goliath is still an utter badass of a character, Broadway was my favorite side character when I was younger cos of how loveable he is, especially with Eliza but on second viewing that's now Brooklyn, especially in that one episode where Goliath, Eliza and Bronx are on the 'world tour' and he steps up as leader

    Darkwing Duck - Launchpad works so much better as a sidekick in this show than he did as Scrooge's pilot on Ducktales, Quackerjack is my favorite villain, Honker's parents are really annoying

    Ducktales - Still my all time favorite Disney cartoon, still don't understand what the big deal with the number 1 dime and why Magica craves it so much, anytime Donald makes a cameo is a fun episode, bracing myself for season two and the introduction of Bubba Duck, the Scrappy Doo of the show

  7. Four things really stand out for me on a personal level

    1) attending my first ever WWE show in 2009, I may have been 24 at the time but for that 2-3 hours I was back to being a kid again, especially when one of my childhood favorites Ricky Steamboat did a run in at the end of a Jericho/Punk match

    2) my first TV taping a year or two after, and one of my younger cousin's first show, that had a Daniel Bryan vs William Regal match taped for Superstars which saw Regal get ribbed by having his theme replaced with his old Real Man's Man theme

    3) seeing my nephew's face light up at watching his first ever WWE live show 2 years ago 

    4) The first For The Love Of Wrestling convention last year, seeing so many names I grew up watching or currently watch, seeing my friend turn into a nervous fangirl getting her picture taken with Lita, marking out for Pete Dunne's surprise wrestling appearance and Hacksaw Jim Duggan's entrance at the post convention show by Futureshock

  8. 4 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Everton’s floating stadium thing is never gonna happen is it? I mention it because Dan Meis the architect brought in to design it has been told to do one which wouldn’t be noteworthy apart from the tit got an Everton tattoo when he got booked for the gig.

    Any Evertonians optimistic about this? On the surface it looks very similar to the Hicks and Gillette Anfield bowl thing that cost millions and never went anywhere.

    It's still happening, it's still going to be Meis' design but he lost out on being the technical architect to British firm Pattern. It was harsh that Laing O'Rourke made him compete for it but that's business, he's not exactly been professional about it either. The club are still expecting the planning permission to go through and that the change shouldn't impact it too much

  9. 47 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    This is fantastic from Ben Mee, isn't it? Exactly the sort of instantaneous statement that needed to be made and fantastic leadership. He didn't care nearly as much about the result and it showed.


    The comments under the same video posted on the Sky Sports News account show that some dolts still don't get it though

  10. Irish wrestler Katey Harvey has shared a rather disturbing email she received on her Big Cartel page

    While Session Moth Martina has a pretty sad tale from the locker room about taking a shit load of abuse just to fit in




  11. 18 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    There's no context behind a lot of names on that list. Even some of the ladies who'd spoken out weren't happy with that being posted. Obviously some of the bigger names have been accused historically but they do muddy the water too.

    Yeah apparently the reason Tyler was named was because he’d tried and failed to pull a married woman

  12. 17 minutes ago, Divorced Dad said:

    Been looking through Reddit just now and the amount of accounts of abuse or inappropriateness are harrowing and disturbing.

    Britwtes fan Martin Bentley (who posts on here as @themib) has been implicated for taking inappropriate photos of female wrestlers and sharing them online.


    If it’s the same guy I’m thinking of, he got thrown off the Freakin’ Awesome Network forum (the former Wrestlecrap one) yesterday when his name came to light. Posted on there as Steveweisers

  13. Fuck sake this is getting worse and worse, the fact that some of these names getting put forward have or have had ties with all 5 major US promotions isn’t a good sign when you look at their positionings in said companies 

    Wolfgang and Joe Coffey - 2/3rds of the top heel group in NXTUK, who hold the UK Tag Titles (well Wolfie does with Mark Coffey)

    Jack Gallagher - was in the recent Cruiserweight tournament

    Jordan Devlin - was Cruiserweight champion before Covid struck, still recognised on WWE’s website

    Matt Riddle - former Tag champion on NXT and about to be part of main roster

    Jimmy Havoc - was just in a big tag match v the Bucks on Dynamite on Wednesday 

    Joey Ryan - part of the Cancel Culture stable in Impact

    Marty Scurll - booker and Villain Club leader in ROH, been feuding with Nick Aldis in NWA

  14. Watched some of the Best of Backlash compliation on the Network earlier, starts off with the Austin/Rock match from the first Backlash in 99 then for some reason skips over 2000 and 2001 into the Edge/Angle match from 02, Rock/Goldberg from 03 and the still brilliant Orton/Foley match from 04. The last match I had on, well the intros for at least, was the Edge/Cena/Michaels/Orton match from 07. They've also re-locked the Backlash events that were free to watch on the Free tier now which is annoying

  15. Had a veritable feast of an Indian for tea tonight, hadn't had a takeaway in months so went all out. Went for what they called a Cocktail Masala, which was chicken tikka, lamb tikka and seekh kebab in a proper thick red masala sauce with keema pilau rice, a keema naan, 2 poppadoms, 2 samosas and 2 onion bhajis. Saved half the rice and sauce, half the naan and one of the 'doms (as they were huge) for leftovers which I've just polished off

  16. Fun show, loved all the throwbacks to the past with Todd, DX, the ice cream bar and IcoPro ads and having the IYH entrance set

    The band playing the show’s theme were utter shite as was the Backlot Brawl, the latter due to the Bucky Beaver overuse of cameras and the fact that Cole and Dream don’t mesh well imo

    Lee and Gargano was match of the night for me, just edging the Women’s title match but Priest/Balor and the 6 woman tag were good too and Kross looked very impressive choking out Ciampa 

    Be interesting to see if they are going to have a Takeover for Summerslam weekend and in what direction they go with the title feuds

  17. A pair of Hayden Christensen 'masterpieces' post Star Wars that I saw with my first girlfriend, first was the 2007 film Awake about a guy who hears a plot to kill him by Jessica Alba while he's on the surgical table, the other was 2008's Jumper also starring Jamie Bell and Samuel L Jackson about a guy who has the ability to jump to different points in time. Needless to say Young Anakin's acting skills hadn't improved one iota

  18. I’m probably one of the biggest Hogan marks, his presence on my TV as a 4 year old was the literal reason I’m still a wrestling fan 31 years on and he’s someone I’d love to meet in person one day to thank him for that but he’s a clear as day racist and politicking cunt of a man no two ways about it

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