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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. I’ve no problem with a two nighter for Mania again, I actually quite enjoyed last year’s, even if they shoe horned a lot of TV matches to pad it out. The 6-8 hour format can get very draining and was getting like the earlier Manias were two many people were getting matches for the hell of it

    Think of stuff like the 20 match card at Wrestlemania 4 just to fit the title tournament, the Hart Foundation squashing the Bolsheviks in 40 seconds at 6, the Road Warriors doing the same to Power and Glory the year after and Earthquake doing likewise to Adam Bomb at 10

  2. It's unlike anything Marvel has attempted before, the sitcom feel totally works with the odd couple relationship Wanda and Vis have. I'm really intrigued as to where things are going. I can see a lot of people either not getting it or getting frustrated with the weekly spread out of the episodes like with The Mandalorian though

  3. Just had a thought about tonight’s show, they are promoting The Elite as being in a six man tag, but not specifically saying if it’s Kenny and the Bucks or Kenny and the Good Brothers or any combo of the 5, nor have they said who the Elite are facing. I wonder if they spring a surprise and have Rich Swann and/or the Motor City Machine Guns show up as a preview for Impact’s PPV on Saturday?

  4. It’s scary just how much of a contrast there is between all 3 weekly shows, NXT and Smackers are streets ahead of Raw and that’s partially down to the insistence of that 3rd hour.

    The solution is looking at all parties smack dab in the face but both seem stubborn, and that is have the 3rd hour be the Raw Talk show. That way Vince and the writers get to book a two hour show the same way they do SD for FOX and Trips team do for NXT and USA get their 3rd hour of content for the ratings 

  5. 5 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    Universal are putting the classics on YouTube for free for a week starting Friday. 


    January 15, 2021 (8pm GMT)

    Dracula (1931)

    The Mummy (1932)

    January 16, 2021 (8pm GMT)

    Frankenstein (1931)

    Bride Of Frankenstein (1935)

    January 17, 2021 (8pm GMT)

    The Invisible Man (1933)

    The Wolf Man (1941)

    Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)

    I've only seen Abbott and Costello from that list so I'm hoping for a marathon. I'm sure they've aged poorly but they should be seen. 

    Fantastic, love me some Universal Horror, seen them all many a time with Dracula being my personal favorite, Lugosi's performance is simply spellbinding

  6. 10 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

    Shane McMahon always seemed to take the move well,

    Shane's was always fun if he had a beer or some sort of drink in his mouth as it would spray up like a fountain, Unforgiven 2000 srings to mind when he realised that Austin wasn't buying his bullshit about Blackman

  7. So we (Primark staff) got confirmation of our store closing just after 9PM via text and email, my friends had just finished their shift (I had left at 6.30), despite officially closing tonight, everyone has to go in tomorrow to work till 4PM to get the store 'closed', in other words getting quarantined stock back out and put out fresh deliveries so the store looks fresh and restocked for when we re-open in 6-7 weeks time. No word yet on how the furlough will be structured, if indeed we will be, the first lockdown we were on 80% and we got the 80 plus the top up for full pay with the November one

  8. I'm interested on the basis that there's some names that don't reguarly show up for these type of shows like Carlito, Melina and Eve Torres along with the usual bunch like Hogan, Flair, Angle, Sarge etc and also the main event should be a proper slugfest between McIntyre and Lee

  9. Happy to pay ÂŁ8 a month for Disney when Star rolls out, ÂŁ6 is already a bargain just for the Disney, Marvel and Star Wars stuff alone so having more content for a third of the price extra is a no brainer

  10. My pregnant sister got a positive result back this morning after feeling some symptoms since Thursday. Because we had had contact with her on Monday, when she came to pick up my niece who had stayed over the night before, my mum had me take one of the instant nasal swap tests that she takes twice a week at her hospital job to be on safe side which thankfully was negative so just got to be extra precautional over the next 2-3 days now

  11. Worst Wrestler - Nia Jax, there isn’t anyone else male or female in WWE, AEW or elsewhere 

    Worst Match - I’ve enjoyed most of the cinematic matches but for one, The Fiend vs Braun Strowman

    Worst Event - Extreme Rules

    Biggest Letdown - Everything in the wrestling industry from March onwards being impacted by COVID, prime examples being WWE going from planning Wrestlemania for a huge football stadium to having to hold it in an empty Performance Centre, AEW having to permanently base themselves at Daily’s Place, ROH and Impact running empty arena shows and NWA stopping entirely for several months

    Stupidest Moment - Kairi Sane, Matt Hardy and Alex Reynolds getting needlessly injured and their respective matches being allowed to continue 

  12. Best Wrestler and Best British Wrestler  - Drew McIntyre, first British WWE champion and the man who carried Raw on his back through the COVID months

    Best Women’s Wrestler - Tough one to call but the nod for me goes to Io Shirai

    Match of the Year - another tough one as there’s been so many good ones, my top 4 would be Daniel Bryan vs AJ Styles for the vacant IC Title, The Bucks vs Omega and Page for the AEW Tag Titles, Finn Baylor vs Kyle O’Reilly for the NXT Title and Roman Reigns vs Jay Uso for the Universal Title

    Best Wrestling Event - NXT Takeover WarGames

    Best Wrestling Show - AEW Dynamite

    Best Angle/Feud - Tie between Reigns turning heel and MJF giving Cody 10 lashes 

    Best Babyface - Tie between Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre 

    Best Heel - MJF had it nailed, until Roman Reigns returned at the tail end of the summer and made a long overdue turn

    Moment of the Year - Edge coming out of retirement after 9 years to the biggest pop of the night at the Rumble

    Funniest Moment of the Year - Hangman Page running the length of the football field to clothesline members of the Inner Circle during the brawl between the IC and the Elite on the go home show before the Stadium Stampede

    Best Tag Team - The New Day


  13. Only watched the clips of the show but it was enough to set me off, still wiping the odd tear now. Beautiful tribute to the man and his little dude looked like he was loving every minute of being in the spotlight which is all that should matter. Props to Cody and Tony Khan for their lovely gesture of letting Brodie have the proper TNT belt his dad had for life

    Excellent use of storyline continuity through the tribute as well, with SCU stopping The Acclaimed from being dicks and Sting and Darby foiling Team Taz again

  14. 10 minutes ago, thevestofdeanambrose said:

    Can someone recommend me the best cartoon comic book movies? I recently watched The Death Of Superman and really enjoyed it and want to explore more of the genre. 

    Any of the Batman ones, Under The Red Hood and Year One in particular, there's a few decent Justice League ones as well including an adaptation of the Flashpoint storyline

  15. Heartbreaking news, just after Christmas too. Was loving Brodie as the leader of Dark Order and his interactions with everyone on BTE

    Whats really got my goat though is the absolute lowlife cunts on the WWE, Triple H and Stephanie posts trying desperately to make this tragedy an AEW v WWE thing. Can’t just leave that shite in the bin for one god damned day can they?

  16. Just now, Rhys said:

    Not a chance I'll pass 

    Ok I see you drive a hard bargain, you can have it for a 10th of that, ÂŁ500. You really don't want to miss out on this

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