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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Mum's roast was as quality as ever, so oversized that the Yorkies had to be plated separately for everyone to tuck into with two kinds of gravy to go with the two cuts of meat, turkey and beef. Dessert in my cousin's was also a delight as we had a double dessert of a nice but dry Nutella cake and a delightful banoffee pie. Just polished off the left over stuffing balls and a couple of slices each of turkey and beef with plenty over on both joints to nibble at over the weekend

  2. 1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

    There is such a better energy watching NXT than Raw and Smackdown atĀ the moment, those few around ringside really help things. Are they NXT trainee's or is there some actual fans in there now?

    Raw and Smackdown need some sort of presence around ringside, the canned in noise is horrible.

    I think itā€™s a mix of talent and local area fans, makes a real differenceĀ 

  3. Stayed spoiler free all through yesterday and today so I could watch the finale after the Everton game. Well worth the god damned wait, what an ending to a season. Seeing the Jedi tearing shit up, thinking ā€˜it canā€™t be him can it?ā€™Ā Then the hood drops and damn straight itā€™s him, in all his de-aged glory with R2 by his side

  4. What is his deal with moaning about wanting the 5 sub rule brought back permanently then seemingly never uses all his subs unless for injury reasons?

    Side note, another excellent win for Don Carlo's Blues tonight, the switch in putting Godfrey and Holgate as full backs is making us look a lot tighter at the back, just a shame that the injury to Allan spoilt the night a bit as it'll be a massive blow if he's out longer than a few weeks

  5. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    The StingĀ debut pissed all over his WWE debut for one reason only. TonyĀ Schiavone.

    I donā€™t know how anyone can watch that segment and not vote Big Tone as the commentator of the year. Heā€™s either the best actor ever or heā€™s genuinely the happiest, most enthusiastic man in the business. I think itā€™s the latter butĀ the beauty is that it doesnā€™t matter either way. Heā€™s a joy to listen to, constantly elevating these big moments and making me feel like a kid again watching them. I fucking love him. When they announced he was interviewing Sting next week I nearly punched the air.

    The two extreme ends of the commentary spectrum are Tony Schiavone shouting, ā€œITā€™S STING!ā€ and Michael Cole shouting, ā€œITā€™S BOSS TIME!ā€

    Yeah you're spot on there, AEW let Tony take the lead on it and allowed JR and Excalibur take the step back to sell the moment before Ross chimed in with his Ross-isms about the crowd reaction, compare that to Cole having to put up with Lawler trying to shit on it as much as possible and JBL rolling off Sting's accomplishments instead of letting the moment sink in

  6. Finally got round to watching the Everton documentaryĀ Howard's WayĀ as I'd recorded it off Sky on Sunday, fantastic bit of work about the club's golden period in the mid 80s and highly recommended to any football fan. There were a few laughs hearing some of the stories from behind the scenes during that time and archived footage of Freddie Starr waking the squad up to entertain them in the hotel courtyard on the morning of the 1984 final. Hits you with a proper gut punch at the end though talking about the day Howard Kendall passed away in 2015 and showing footage from his funeral

  7. 3 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    And to think they actually sold this PPV on box office over here as takers last ever match.......good god that was a disappointmentĀ 

    They never actually said once that Taker was wrestling, it was always built as him saying goodbye which is what we got

  8. I genuinely think this is it for Taker, heā€™s done way too many out of gimmick interviews and social media stuff this year for it to be an angle. I think theyā€™re going to put stock into hoping fans can come back by Mania and do a stand alone Hall of Fame ceremony for him that weekend, rather than have it overshadow what was to be the 2020 class and add him to it. He wonā€™t have another match I reckon

  9. I was personally made up Drew got the belt back, heā€™s taken to the main event babyface role a lot better and more naturally than he did in his NXT face role and his whole entrance on Monday with the kilt and sword just looked totallyĀ badass

    Iā€™m well up for him and Roman slugging it out on Sunday, wouldnā€™t mind if they pulled a double DQ or count out finish just to keep it on the burner for a future rematch

  10. Absolutely loved the Lego SW special, a fun homage to all 3 trilogies with a brief nod to the awesome The Mandalorian series. Surprised but not surprised that they didn't get more of the movie casts to reprise their roles but the replacements didn't do a bad job, the actor voicing Palapatine in particular giving him a more Robot Chicken/Family Guy spoof personality than the more menacing movie one

  11. 18 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    How many years in a row has it been now where a world title holder drops the belt days before the Survivor Series?Ā 

    3rd time in 4 years the WWE Title has changed hands on or before go home week, Jinder to AJ in 2017, AJ to Bryan in 2018 and Orton to McIntyre last night. Ā Last year was the first time since 2015 that there were World title matches (and that year was the WWE title tournament when it was vacated by Rollins)

  12. Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (Prime)Ā - late to the party on this one, thought, as a sequel to a 14 year old film that possibly wasn't needed, it was pretty darn funny, not as laugh out loud as the original but still had plenty to chuckle over and I genuinely got a bit choked up at a particular bit near the endĀ 

  13. Gutted for Chelsea, was so fresh seeing someone fairly new getting an opportunity as opposed to a waste of space like Natalya, who's whole gimmick now seems to be a delusionist believing she's some sort of legend who deserves to be handed everything because of who her family is

  14. This show just continues to get better, thought Sasha done well in her cameo and loved Katee Sackhoff's character. Be very interested to see how they translate Ahsoka's animated look to live action in next week's episode, don't know a whole lot about her as I've only sporadically watched the Clone Wars series

  15. Every year without fail Mama Riddum will buy 2 bags of M&S' American snack mix bags with the mini pretzels, pastrami flavor bagel bites, chili tortillas and jalapeno nacho cheese corn strips that get us through a couple of weeks. Mum's got the food already pre-ordered from M&S for the big day and some snacky treats for in and around and will get a shop from Tesco for the other bits and usual essentials the weekend before

    We've had to change things up a bit for this year because of COVID, we were looking forward to a crowded house as we have an expanded again brood with the addition of my youngest nephew, born in April but, unless things drop enough for households to mix allowing them to visit later on the day, my cousin and her husband plus their boys won't be joining us for dinner nor her sister and her daughter for dessert, it'll just be our family bubble of me, mum, my sister, my brother in law and my niece which sucks

  16. The Bucks/FTR match was great, donā€™t get me wrong but I felt they were pushing it a bit using the Hardyz, Dudleyz, Hart Foundation, Steiners and DIY finishers as mid match moves. Takes away from the impact of them

    Rhodes/Allin and Page/Omega were great matches, OC/Silver and Jericho/MJF wereĀ fun and Hardy/Guevara was ok. Shida/Rose was pointless and Mox/Kingston was a bit overkill with some of the spots but loved the finish

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