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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Thoughts and prayers with you and you girlfriend @neil

    I had to pop out this morning as I needed to post an item I'd sold on Ebay at the weekend (pulled the rest of my listings until it's deemed safe again), nipped the shop next door and picked up some energy drinks and a 4 pack of Mars bars and was back in 10 minutes. Don't have any plans to leave the house rest of the week apart from going to M&S on Thursday to help my mum get a few bits of food as some items that she needs are out of stock for our weekly delivery from Tesco

  2. 1 minute ago, The Dart said:

    I think next year will end up being a 2 day event now.  By doing it 2 days this year it's an easier transition to do it next year aswell.

    They can get away with it this year because of no Hall of Fame or Takeover, they would either either have to move both back a day or move the former to Summerslam weekend

  3. I’m going to recreate my own Disney afternoon block and watch an episode a day each of Rescue Rangers, Ducktales, Gummi Bears and Darkwing Duck

    Also going to rewatch Endgame as I’ve held off buying it on Blu-ray

  4. So I’m officially off work for the next few weeks, Primark sent a company wide text and email out around 12 confirming we’d be closing after tonight. One of my floor managers has set up a WhatsApp group to keep us informed of what happens going forth and then it got took over by weekend staff posting TikTok videos of them dancing in various parts of the store as it was so quiet 

  5. In difficult times like this, it makes me damn proud when I see good deeds done by people, even moreso when it's my family. My cousin Daniel, who is a Fresh Produce Manager at the Birkenhead branch of Asda made a post on Facebook this morning offering himself as a referal to get people who have been laid off or struggling for work some paid shifts at their local stores for at least 4 weeks if not more

  6. 11 hours ago, Scott Malbranque said:

    Does anyone remember how magnificent Michael Branch was on Football Manager back in the late 90's?
    I still periodically think about that and wonder why.

    Ah Branchy, one of the many ‘next big things’ that bombed horribly when given a first team opportunity for us

  7. I recently got back into playing FM17, started a new save with Rangers, currently sitting 4th in the league and into the QF of the Cup but already been threatened with the sack. Had some bad luck with 1-2 signings I made for cheap but I've seemingly stuck a bit of gold signing Souleymane Doukara from Leeds who bagged a hat trick on his debut in a cup game and has netted 9 total in 8 games

  8. At the moment it's still all go for me with my job in Primark, however if today and the weekend gone is any indication, the next few weeks are set to be very bumpy. I spent 4 1/2 of my 6 1/2 hour shift doing nothing but tidying and putting out returns due to the morning delivery already been put out before I even started and having next to nothing in terms of additional stock in the stockrooms to fill gaps in some areas and an overstock of product that is already filled to the brim on the shop floor. 4 of the stores in Liverpool 1 are already on shutdown including the Apple and Disney stores

  9. Wow this is going to be the weirdest Mania ever, topping Mania 9 in the uniqueness stakes. Feel bad on Basler, Drew and Rhea, the biggest matches of their careers with two of the 3 likely to be crowned champions and there won't be a single fan in sight to witness it

  10. 2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    Remember hearing on a podcast recently an opinion that Santino’s comedy act doesn’t hold up as well today watching it back. I think that’s a harsh and poor assessment - there’s nobody on the roster at the moment that comes close to generating genuine laughter (apart from maybe Otis. Also announcer Trips) and some of his one liners were great. Admittedly the cobra and Santina stuff jumped the shark at times, but even then people still loved him. Look/listen the pop at the 2011 Rumble where he appears behind Del Rio and looks like he’s about to pull off the biggest surprise in Rumble history. Didn’t it also come down to him and Bryan a few years back for the strap in an Elimination Chamber match and the crowd were well behind him, or am I imagining that? He had the comedy down, but was a solid (if unspectacular) worker too in his own right.

    That was the same year as the Rumble, how different things could have been had Santino pulled one of the two off

  11. I went to a house show in Liverpool in November 2010 that was originally supposed to have a main event of Taker v Kane for the WHC, Taker got pulled from the tour due to injury so instead we got........BIG SHOW, cue the worst main event out of every Liverpool show I've been to

  12. I stupidly put Benie Des Dieux to win on my 7 fold rather than place like my other selections because of the low odds on it to place, cost myself ÂŁ35 when it came second and the other selections all came in

  13. Applied for a 30 hour a week contract in work 4 weeks ago (currently do 20 a week), interviewed for it 2 weeks ago and got told on Wednesday that it had been successful so starting Monday, instead of doing 5-9 five nights a week, I'll be doing 12-6.30 over the same period. What made it mindblowingly better was finding out that, despite my obvious nervousness, I'd impressed my interviewing (and floor) manager and the HR boss so much with the answers I gave that they had decided there and then that I was going to be getting one of the 10 contracts that were on offer

  14. 36 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Is it time to put NXT UK out of it’s misery? They’ve been taping at Coventry Skydome tonight, and according to folks in attendance, drew around 800.

    Now the Skydome isn’t a massive venue, I think it only holds about 3,000 for Ice Hockey, but something like wrestling you could probably fit another couple of hundred on the ice. But if you can’t even get the venue 1/3 full, is it really worth it? Or is the answer to start looking at running smaller venues? Places like the various O2 Academy’s perhaps? Fuck it, they’re practically Progress as it is, so why not just run Camden’s Electric Ballroom

    I've stopped watching it, outside of the Takeovers, because of the massive taping blocks they do meaning the results are out there for up to a month before they actually hit TV. Apparently they've changed the announce team yet again at these tapings

    Andy Shepherd has moved from ring announcing to PBP alongside McGuinness with some new girl called Francesca Brown being given the ring duties

  15. 4 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    I thought the grand slam was WWE, IC, Tag and Euro? The first three made up the triple crown. They made a big deal about HBK becoming the first grand slam champion after he won the Euro title, didn't they?

    The US replaced the Euro in the Grand Slam when the latter was retired as a belt

  16. On 3/3/2020 at 11:37 PM, IronSheik said:

    I'm my own man, I'm not swayed by other people's opinions.

    I think AEW is a bit outlaw mud show. I think Kenny Olivier should be boiled in oil and The Young Fucks balls are so small that if you took them and rolled them in a drinking straw it would look like four kernels of corn rolling into a storm drain. 

    Thank you FU goodbye.

    Shut Up Jim

  17. 22 hours ago, LCJ said:

    I completely agree. Welker has had such a long career as well. Welker was playing Fred from Scooby Doo back in the 60s and he's still doing cartoon, videogame and film voicework today. Total voice actor legend.

    One of my animated heroes is Frank, just seeing the pic of him and Peter Cullen outside the Convention Centre ahead of this weekend has got me ridiculously excited to hear their panel, would have loved to get autographs from both but they were a bit out my price range

  18. 3 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Watched some of the clips on YouTube this morning

    Title of the Orton/Beth video is: “Randy Orton RKOs Beth Phoenix leaving WWE Universe stunned” was basically 3 minutes of that crowd chanting for an RKO, cheering once it hit and then crowd shots of fans smiling and applauding

    Watched the Kairi/Shayna video, they’ve been advertising Asuka/Shayna for the past 3 days, no idea why it’s changed but I’m glad they didn’t go with it as that match could be huge down the line, fans chant boring and then Becky continues to look more cringe by the week.

    I hate the people that go to these shows.

    Heyman wanted to push Ricochet, Black and Andrade didn’t he? Looks like that got rejected.


    Asuka was ruled out with a sprained wrist hours before the show

  19. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    didnt see it but listening to the Post Wrestling review, can anyone explain what the eye patch/reveal was all about? why would Moxley wrestle the majority of the match with the patch on if he didnt need it?

    Jericho had blinded Mox in one eye with a spike off his jacket a few weeks back, they played it up as a factor during both the weigh in on Dynamite on Wednesday and during the match, so that it would be revealed late in the match that Mox didn't need the patch anymore to catch Jericho off guard leading to the finish

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