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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. 7 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

    Can anyone reccomend me a film(on Disney+ or wherever) that is similar to Disney's "Zombies" please? My youngest is absolutley in love with both Zombies and the sequel and is watching them on an almost continuous repeat and it's driving me mad!!!!! Is there anything similar(with monsters and the like) that I could put her on just to brake things up?

    There's the Halloweentown films or Frankenweenie on D+, oh and the Twitches films with the twins from Sister, Sister

  2. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    They’re going back to live episodes of Raw, Smackdown and NXT because they’re seemingly hell bent on some members of their roster not seeing 2021. I know they have contracts that dictate a certain amount of live programming but fucking hell. Get some perspective.

    Reading up on this, it’s pretty much the TV contracts that have played a part, the USA contract had a clause in that they can only have 3 recorded shows a year for Raw, a holiday episode and the two filmed over here in May and November, they are also expecting a live NXT every Wednesday while Fox have a get out if there’s a rapid ratings decline with SD, something that would continue to happen with taped shows. 

    Mania being taped and empty arena last weekend was a huge financial hit for them not helped by XFL shutting down yesterday either. It’s a no man’s land for the company, they either stick to the contracts and run live or they lose the deals and have to run shows on the Network losing even more viewers and revenue. Doesn’t help that outside of the top talents, no one on the roster has it in them to band together and say no to performing for fear of being buried or fired

  3. 11 hours ago, DCW said:

    Yeah it was 6 or 7am on a Saturday morning if I remember right. Remember my auld lad coming in and dragging me out of bed for it. Was some controversy about Cameroon's shirts being too short or something I think!

    If I remember right it was because the Cameroon players had a sleeveless kit which FIFA were against so they had to wear black workout tops underneath to compromise 

  4. 46 minutes ago, Mr Kennedy said:

    This is what I don’t get. Are there no social distancing measures or stay at home orders in certain states in USA? Donald letting Vince off with one?

    There is but wrestling companies have found a loophole in that they can film on closed sets and bring in and out any talent they need so it doesn’t breach any rules

  5. 23 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Has anything been mentioned about the HoF? It would have been nice to see him and Davey Boy have their moments.

    They are still doing it according to Davey's daughter but at a later date, most likely Summerslam

  6. So in the end, after adding the pre show, the 24/7 ‘matches’ and the post show nonsense, they taped 21 matches (even without the 24/7 it’s still 19) for the entire Mania weekend making it the longest match card in WrestleMania history, beating last year, WM 4 and 18 which all had 16 (18 is padded out by 4 additional Hardcore title mini matches to the advertised one) 

  7. Just finished Night 2, it was good just not as good as Saturday, overall I’d give it a 7 or 8/10

    The Good

    Boneyard Match

    Firefly Funhouse ‘match’

    SD Ladder match

    Rhea v Charlotte

    Rollins v Owens

    Lynch v Baszler

    Otis getting the girl

    Drew winning the big one

    The OK

    Street Profits v Garza/Theory

    Black v Lashley

    Zayn v Bryan

    Women’s Tag Title match

    Gulak v Cesaro (Day 1 Preshow)

    The Bad

    Both world title matches being finisher fests and 5 mins or less

    SD Women’s Title match

    Edge v Orton (should never have gone 36 mins)

    Liv v Natalya (Day 2 Preshow)

    Elias v Corbin

    The 24/7 title bollocks with Mojo, Truth and Gronk

    Otis v Ziggler (before the moment with Mandy)

  8. 24 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

    My daughter has watched the Artistocats 7-8 times so far. Any recommendation for something else with cats in PLEASE.

    Oliver and Company

  9. 20 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

    Why is Natalya vs Liv Morgan happening? Not just on the pre show, but in general. Have they been feuding? I haven’t watched Raw or Smackdown for a while and last I saw Liv was feuding with Logan and Riott. And Lana at one point. 

    Purely cos they are both based in Florida so could get to the PC, Ruby and Sarah both live further out

  10. 10 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    17 matches?! Blimey. That Raw tag team title match looks unappealing.

    I remember the initial buzz about Becky Lynch / Rebecca Knox but I’d forgotten about that hiatus she took.

    It’s 16 for the main card, 8 for each night, plus a pre show match each night which have been announced as Natalya vs Liv Morgan and Drew Gulak vs Cesaro. The Wiki page doesn’t indicate, nor have WWE themselves announced, which block of 9 air tonight and which air tomorrow 

  11. Was going to do this as a separate thread but, having rewatched 26 last week I thought it’d be interesting looking back at what the line up for this year’s event were doing at (if there were in the company) or around that event 10 years ago

    WWE Title

    Brock Lesnar was still 2 years away from returning to the company and was reigning UFC Heavyweight Champion but sitting on the sidelines through illness, Drew McIntyre was reigning Intercontinental Champion and was part of the Money in the Bank ladder match at Mania

    Universal Title

    (won’t refer to Goldberg’s opponent by name incase no one has seen SD)

    Goldberg was out the business and had been for 7 years but the month of Mania 26 he appeared as a contestant on a celebrity version of the US Apprentice, his opponent had not begun his wrestling career

    Boneyard Match

    AJ Styles was in the midst of a 200+ day run as TNA World Champion mentored by Ric Flair before losing it to RVD, Undertaker was in the main event of Mania, ending Shawn Michaels career to extend the streak to 18-0

    FireFly FunHouse Match

    Bray Wyatt was working in FCW as Duke Rotundo and was a couple of months away from being part of the second ‘series’ of NXT where he would be renamed Husky Harris, John Cena beat Batista at Mania to become WWE Champion for a 7th time

    Last Man Standing Match

    Edge faced Chris Jericho in a losing effort for the World Heavyweight Title while Orton beat Cody and Ted DiBiase Jr in a triple threat/handicap match

    Raw Women’s Title

    Becky Lynch was on her hiatus from the business due to an injury suffered in 2006, she made an official return in a managerial role for Shimmer the following year, Shayna Baszler was competing in MMA for Freestyle Cage Fighting winning a second round match in a tournament she would later win

    Smackdown Women’s Title Fatal Five Way

    Defending champion Bayley was working for Big Time Wrestling as Davina Rose, Sasha Banks was undergoing wrestling training and wouldn’t debut until August that year for NECW under the name Mercedes KV, Lacey Evans was a year into her role with the Marines as a police officer, Tamina made her WWE debut 2 months after Mania along with the Uso’s beating down the Hart Dynasty while Naomi was working in FCW

    NXT Women’s Title

    Rhea Ripley was only 13 at the time of Mania and wouldn’t begin her career for another 3 years, Charlotte (under her birth name Ashley) had appeared on WCW broadcasts as a teenager during Ric’s feud with Vince Russo and was present for her dad’s Hall of Fame induction and final WWE match at Mania 24, she signed a developmental deal 2 years later

    Women’s Tag Team Titles

    Asuka was working under the name Kana for Neo Japan Ladies Pro Wrestling, Kairi Sane was a theatre actor and didn’t begin training until 2011, Alexa Bliss was 18 and at University while Nikki Cross was on the BritWres scene as Nikki Storm

    Intercontinental Title

    Sami Zayn was working the Indies under the masked gimmick El Generico, mainly for ROH, Daniel Bryan was a part of the first series of NXT being coached by The Miz

    Raw Tag Team Titles

    Dawkins and Ford weren’t in the business at the time of 26, Ford was in the US Marines, Angel Garza was working in Mexico as masked wrestler El Hijo del Ninja while Austin Theory was only 13

    Smackdown Tag Team Titles Ladder Match

    (Based on the original announcement which was still valid as of SD)

    Miz and Morrison were on opposite sides of the ring in the 26 opener as Miz teamed with Big Show to successfully defend their Unified Tag Titles against Morrison and R Truth, Miz was also US champion. Kofi was in the MITB match, Big E was in FCW while Jimmy and Jay as mentioned debuted with Tamina a couple of months after the show

    Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins

    Owens was working for ROH as Kevin Steen while Rollins was ROH champion under the name Tyler Black

    Aleister Black vs Bobby Lashley

    Black was working the BritWrest and European scene under the name Tommy End while Lashley was a free agent having left TNA in the January 

    Otis vs Dolph Ziggler

    Otis was in collegiate wrestling and would win a national title at the Junior Pan-Am games the following year while Ziggler was another competitor in that year’s MITB match

    Elias vs King Corbin

    Elias was working for minor indies in the Northeastern area of the US while Corbin was on a futures contract with NFL side the Arizona Cardinals

  12. We got told we were going on furlough on Thursday night, effective from tomorrow as that’s the start of our next pay period. Happy enough with that while I’m not able to work atm. 

  13. 1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

    Fiend and Vis are outstanding. Presume that's supposed to by Miss Elizabeth?

    Close to death Warrior figure is a bit tasteless? Not as tasteless as naming a humanitarian award after him, like.

    They’ve done a last appearance Eddie as well with the blonde tips from the SD before he passed

  14. Watched a couple of films earlier, Brother Bear, which I only watched because my mate's girlfriend has been bugging me for weeks to see it as it's her favorite film, I can see why some would like it but personally I thought it was a bit meh. After that I watched The Black Cauldron, I genuinely don't remember ever seeing this as a kid but its a really fun and slightly dark film which also has historical significance as it was the first film to use the classic blue and white castle signature with the reworked version of When You Wish Upon A Star from Pinocchio  

  15. The Feeny Call was, is and forever will be the most annoyingly brilliant character signature move in tv history, so much so that they recreated one of Eric's funniest ones for George's cameo in Girl Meets World

  16. Been doing the same but watching one Mania a day from 24 on, watched 26 today in full bar the Bret/Vince match, skipping over 27 as I watched the Wrestling With Wregret review of it just a couple of weeks ago so moving straight on to 28 tomorrow and 29 Sunday. Should be caught up to last year's show by the time Coronamania Day 1 happens next weekend if it still goes ahead given the newz bits coming out today

  17. I’m in the same boat with the asthma Branquey, got my inhaler gun on stand by just incase though atm I’m feeling good after locking myself in for the most part since work got closed last weekend, although that said I could have punched the dickhead on the bus yesterday (had to use it to go to M&S for food with my mum) who was openly coughing without cover on the seat opposite to me

  18. 9 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Lads, take this to the Star Wars thread and tell me about old episodes of Duck Tales.

    First episode was fun, Magica plotted to steal Scrooge’s rare dime by breaking out the Beagle Boys and turning them into Huey, Louie and Dewey (who had gone to watch a film)

  19. Started my Disney Afternoon block today and decided to throw Gargoyles in as an add on, wow had I forgot what an incredible show this was (and that's after only one episode), the next couple of days are going to be a bit short as I've come across a curious omission, episodes 2&3 of Ducktales are missing as the list order jumps straight to episode 4 

  20. Set my subscription up this afternoon on my phone, super quick to do (email, password, Paypal, boom), downloaded the app in the evening to my Fire Stick and then had a scan through what was there, overwhelming choice of things to watch (in a good way). Decided on watching Endgame for the first time since going to see it in cinemas nearly a year ago, picture quality was fantastic, really crisp and sharp and I like that it has some special features attached to it

    Gonna have a proper watch through tomorrow, still favoring doing a Disney Afternoon block to kill a couple hours a day

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