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Posts posted by LaGoosh

  1. Right I heard Super Dragon gave a kid or something a monkey flip?!? anyone got that? or were he gives some other a fan a plancha? or are these stories just bollox?

    The stories are true. Their is no video footage of the fan monkey flip but it definitely happened as their are mutliple eye witness accounts of the incident, including the recipient whining about it on the ROH message board.The plancha incident was at a JAPW show where Super Dragon intentionally overshot a somersault plancha in an attempt to land on Green Lantern Fan who unfortunately just managed to get out the way.
  2. "Break your back and send you home/with a crimson mask and broken bones"This sucks. Awesome was fucking brilliant and I always felt he got the shaft in WCW and WWF. I'll recall his ECW career fondly.

  3. Thank fuck they got the belt off Homicide.Glad to see Steen & Generico showing the ROH fans how damn good they are and I hope both men become regulars, it has always bothered me how ROH fans act like ROH has the best roster on the planet but they never even booked Generico when he is clearly one of the best guys out there right now. If ROH booked Necro & Eddie Kingston full-time I'd be the happiest fucker in the world as I would no longer have to watch CZW.

  4. Alien vs. Predator is easily the worst movie ever made. The fact that it was such a dream movie and so easy NOT to fuck it up makes ti so much worse. It seriously colud have been the coolest and most fun action movie ever, but Paul W.S. Anderson...the worst director ever made the worst movie ever. I seriously hate that guy so much, I hope him and all his children are burned alive in their beds.

  5. there's no garantuee they would do a big Japan tour.

    For a horrible moment, I thought you meant a Big Japan tour. They're already ruining NOAH for me...
    Funny you say that, I just watched a Briscoes match from Noah and thought it was excellent, the fans seemed to think so too, they were going apeshit at the end.
  6. I watched The Three Trails Of *something* Estrada tonight starring and directed by Tommy Lee Jones. It was a pretty good movie, nothing bad at all but nothing mindblowing. It was well done that they got all the characters over with so little dialogue in the movie.Worth a watch but don't rush out to get it.

  7. Why is Joe leaving? :duh:

    Gabe is gradually phasing out the TNA guys. And in reality, Samoa Joe has literally done everything in ROH. There's nothing else for him to do. I wouldn't be suprised to see Aries and Homicide gradually phased out over the year too.
  8. By big companies do you mean TNA and WWE? If not then ROH is the biggest US company they could work for.And perhaps they will be called up for a lengthy Japan tour but perhaps they won't go. The Briscoes run their own business fulltime aswell as wrestling and they are still very young. They can't even make it out to California once a month for PWG, there's no garantuee they would do a big Japan tour.And still, your post is just guessing.

  9. I think it'll be fine as long as he doesn't hold it too long.I've gotta' admit The Briscoes are growing on me. They aren't the greatest of workers but their Lynyrd Skynrd entrance music, look and demented redkneck retard personalities gives a big smile on my face.

  10. Most people want fans with emotion that are loud and chant-happy but not when the chants are the fans pretty much saying "You athletes are putting on an incredible wrestling display, thank you, we give you our full support" which is what often happens with the mongoloid wrestling fans.

  11. Mine?1. Samoa Joe, BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce vs. Chris Hero, Necro Butcher & Super Dragon2. Bryan Danielson vs. Kenta3. Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinnes (from Liverpool)4. Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel & Adam Pearce vs. Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb & Eddie Kingston5. Homicide vs. Colt Cabana (4th Anniversary show)

  12. Here's something else...something big!There will be a press conference on Monday in Tokyo to announce the debut of ROH in Japan. The deal is not 100% but it is being reported in Japan that there will be a 7/16 show in Tokyo, working with Pro Wrestling NOAH, and a 7/17 show in Osaka, working with Dragon Gate. ROH owner Cary Silkin taped a message for the press conference and there is an ROH rep who will be at tomorrow's Budokan Hall show (Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Takeshi Morishima for the GHC title). Samoa Joe's opponent for the 2/16 show in New York from NOAH is also expected to be announced in the next few days. wrestlingobserver.com

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX0Fv8fz0LYa kid attempts an aid raid crash off a roof to devestating effects.

    :yinyang: I'm sure i've seen a clip where they try that very same move and miss the table, which makes it even funnier. I guess some kids don't learn
    I also wondered exactly what happened to him. Did he break his back? Break his tailbone? slip a disc? what?
    He's currently in negotiations with MTV to make a Jackass-type pilot show.I'm 100% serious. One of his friends posts at CZWfans.com. They have their own "group" called No Mecry Video. One of them in the video is a deathmatch wrestler on the SoCal independant scene.
  14. How in the name of fuck is when it was made relevant? Should everyone know the endings of every movie ever made or something just because they are old?This is a film review thread so people can get recommendations for what films they might want to check out. Not a thread for people to spoil the endings for people who haven't seen the movies yet. There's a spoiler button for a reason, you idiot.

  15. Spoiler, asshole.And I watched Lucky Number Slevin yesterday and highly enjoyed it. It's gotten alot of flak from critics but I thought it was great fun. Good twists (don't worry I won't tell you), Lucy Liu is fucking adorable, Josh Hartnett suprises me by actually being good in a major role. It's like a mix of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Usual Suspects. Two great movies, so I can't complain.

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