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Posts posted by LaGoosh

  1. Watched John Rambo. It was okay, takes itself far too seriously though, the Burmese soldiers going on a bloody rampage of rape and violence is not easy viewing at all but if you want to see a small child pulled out of his crying mothers arms and thrown into a bonfire than I guess this is the movie for you. The acting minus Sly is incredibly cheesy and corny but the last third is just Rambo going batshit and brutally killing what feels like two hundred thousand people in about 20 minutes. That's probably the main problem with this film: the start asks you to buy into the harsh reality of all these Burmese people getting brutally raped and murdered in huge numbers bu the end asks you to buy into the unrealistic one man unstoppable killing machine.

  2. I think you're a being a little harsh calling I Am Legend "unoriginal" given that it's based on a text that emerged in 1954.As for No Country, I've been counting the days since last summer. Nearly here now...

    You're going to love it. I watched it the other day and thought it was good but it's been stuck in my mind ever since and I re-watched it and it was even better.
  3. Last night I watched No Country For Old Men. It's pretty damn awesome and in a brave move doesn't go the way you expect a movie to go but I think on multiple viewings will be really something special. The character of Anton is also one of the scariest motherfuckers in movie history. Highly recommended.

  4. In my flu-ridden state I've been playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and it's tons of fun. Fast paced, the graphics are unbelievable even without a HD screen...at points I've just sat and looked off cliffs for ages at how beautiful it all is, the story and voice acting is actually really good for a change and seriously...the graphics...oh my God. The gameplay is simple, fun and pretty action packed. Plenty of hidden goodies too.

  5. Watched 'I Am Legend' the other day. I really enjoyed it for the most part. It was quite tense, emotional and scary at points. I didn't like the ending though, and if the "vampires" were done with actors in make-up rather than complete CG it would have been a ton better. Gotta' give props to Will Smith here though as he is really great all the way through.

    Exactly what I would have said. I loved Sam too, the chemistry between her and Smith was electric bordering on eroticism. The infected looked like they walked out of a 360 game, they should have used the ones from the Descent as they looked pretty sweet.

    I would watch it again, but only for the first hour or so. That woman ruined the film for me, but she would never replace Sam. Bitch.


    I agree with that. Best performance by an animal in any movie ever? I think so.

    The scene where Neville kills her goddamn nearly broke my heart. If anything though the movie should have made a bigger deal about the "vampires" evolving and they completely changed the films title original meaning of "the legend of the human race" to a lame "the legend of how one man saved the human race". If anything, they should have cut out him meeting the woman and kid, had him find a cure for the disease but he gets killed anyway. I really disliked the quasi-religious bullshit they added in.

  6. Watched 'I Am Legend' the other day. I really enjoyed it for the most part. It was quite tense, emotional and scary at points. I didn't like the ending though, and if the "vampires" were done with actors in make-up rather than complete CG it would have been a ton better. Gotta' give props to Will Smith here though as he is really great all the way through.

  7. I hate that match too. Just tons of retarded high spots and stiff chops and kicks. No real excitement or build. I was bored senseless watching it. I really can't understand the Briscoes hype. From what I've seen I think I've only enjoyed about 3 of their matches.

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