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Gus Mears

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Posts posted by Gus Mears

  1. Likewise @Pork Pie gutted about Yan, though it's hardly surprising when he seemed to be deepest in the clag after Lian Wenbo from the initial reports. One of my favourites because of his style which is so much more safety orientated than most of the good youngsters.

    A day that will live in snooker infamy.

  2. @Mr_Danger

    I like them but in fairness wouldn't be shocked if they're the same as the Iceland ones but in different packaging.

    +1 for Spoons breakfast. Try my best not to put money in Tim Martin's pocket but it's a shit breakfast at shit breakfast prices and that's occasionally what I want.

  3. 7 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    If those cheesey hash browns are the ones from Iceland then they’re disgusting.

    They're from Aldi. The sausages aren't Richmond and the bread isn't German. Apart from that everyone has been bang on the money.

  4. Forgot to buy bacon so doubled on sausage and black pudding with additional sausage left in the oven for when the first two were cleared.


  5. There's definitely an element of staged Top Gear, 'oh, cripes. What could possibly go wrong now!' based on the 2 minutes of this I've bothered watching so wouldn't be shocked if he's  banging half a pint of water on his head before recording to make it look like it's legit.


    Hats off for persevering with this, Neil. Not sure I could manage.


  6. Who are some of the less well known people I should be looking out for? I've watched perhaps two episodes of Dynamite and haven't followed wrestling closely in about a decade. I know who Danhausen is, but other than that it's really only the ex WWE names, Omega and the Bucks.

  7. The Sweeney is continuing to deliver. Great episode where John Thaw goes undercover for a month with an impregnable disguise of my grandpa's moustache and a cravat.

    Watch The Sweeney season 1 episode 7 streaming online | BetaSeries.com

  8. 18 minutes ago, Chili said:

    I'm going with my sister, we are in section 517 or somewhere with a nosebleed.

    Anyway, any advice for places to catch to stay over, I don't get down there much and I'm unaware of any decent budget places to stay.

    A Premier Inn or similar on a direct (or near direct) tube line a fair whack from the venue is always a good shout. When I'm at anything late at the O2 stay at a Premier Inn at Clapham Junction because it's on the line back home for me next day and about half the price of Waterloo which is all of 15 minutes down the road.

  9. 8 minutes ago, JLM said:

    I know it’s a few months away but I’m pretty sure he headlined it and there were 400k fans in the arena. 

    I'll tell her he faced off against Andre the Giant and bodyslammed him so hard it caused him to die 30 year ago.

  10. Was supposed to be at a wedding overseas but just my wife going now. FIRST SHOW SINCE 2006 LADS.

    Edit: Mrs Mears on hearing I've booked these and in complete sincerity-"cool, is Hulk Hogan wrestling?"

  11. Watching the Sweeney again from the start. God, what a great first episode. The lads, June Brown (who still looks 80 here even though it was recorded in 1975, one for the hard paper round thread) and a subdued Brian Blessed with Jeremy Beadle's stick on beard on his real beard.

    Highlight is Blessed getting shot at point blank range by a shotgun, falling from a ten foot wall and his lead henchman tapping his corpse and going 'alright, Frank?' repeatedly like he's got a stubbed toe.

    A perfect hour of viewing, 10/10.

  12. Didn't he say in his biography that he didn't tell Vince he was doing the karate gimmick? Probably bollocks but absolutely hilarious if true - you book the Superstar in the tie dye and mad clobber and he turns up wearing Sports Direct joggers and doing this world's worst  chops.

    Edit - forgot about the brilliant poster - "here's my new tag team partner, a sabretooth tiger". Absolutely class.

  13. @Tommy! from recollection most of it was the stuff that's out there on YouTube now, the win over Bruno and one of the Dusty Rhodes defences. A fair few promos from whatever the hell their weekly TV was at that point. It wasn't bad but there's so much of that run and the period before it that to the best of my knowledge (and I don't have the Network so might be wrong) there's not a tonne out there which they've bothered preserving/releasing outside of the MSG shows.

  14. He's probably one of my top 5 favourites ever. I wish more footage existed of his prime WWF run and not a decade later when he was absolutely fucked and his ankle was the size of a watermelon. I barely watch wrestling now but I find myself going back to Superstar Graham promotes regularly - they're brilliant, this massive jacked guy dressed like he's taken a tumble in a thrift shop and cutting promos like Muhammed Ali.

    The matches barely matter but he was decent until the 80's. Always appreciated that he'd play the chickenshit heel, getting beaten in tests of strength etc. by the likes of Dusty Rhodes and Mil Mascaras when he had more muscle in one arm than they did in their whole body. Proper wrestling.


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